Hi. My name is...Patrick

Posted by ForeverTwoWheels 1 year, 7 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
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I'm very happy to have landed in the Gulch...

Good Morning/Evening everyone. I am a man that was raised on principles and morality. I have grown through my successes and failures.

Sure of the path for myself and family but on unstable ground as to the direction of our once great nation.

Realize that this has happened before as it is the nature of man but hope for all to find the kernel of liberty in oneself and look to grow that tree for the community.

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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 5 months ago
    Welcome to all...come engage with us on the HOT Side if you want to learn real history, observe what's really happening and at the same time see how amazingly close Atlas Shrugged came to predicting the times inwhich we live now.

    Oh, and enjoy a few therapeutic laughs with TGIFfunnies© and IN THE MEME TYME © on the house...
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