TGIFfridays 12/30/22 EDITION: Things Ain't Like They Used to Be...

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 7 months ago to Humor
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These days, even our slippers are laughing at us and our sneaks singing opera?...That's Crazy!

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  • Posted by $ Commander 1 year, 6 months ago
    If you don't feel fine,
    be the first in line.
    Honey you're so sweet,
    take the Jab for me.

    If you just say NO!
    off to jail you go.
    Tied by hands and feet,
    you'll get the Jab from me.

    Now we can go walking. Now we can get talking,
    as long as were mask-ed.

    Now you get the boost
    or get kicked from the roost.
    Get the Jab for free.
    Virtue signal for me.

    Take a chance, take a chance, take a chance on me
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    • Posted by $ 1 year, 6 months ago
      Sad... first on your block to be berried in a box from multiple jabs
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      • Posted by $ Commander 1 year, 6 months ago
        Worse yet. I was with extended family yesterday. Two Uncles overheard exchanging recent diagnosis of aphasia, beginning within the last year. Both jabbed and boosted. One Aunt, usually calm, organized ... obsessive compulsive to a degree I've never seen before.
        They cannot correlate, are not aware of, their respective shifts in behavior/physiology. I did not talk of this with my mom yet. I think she noticed to some degree.

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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 1 year, 6 months ago
    King Crimson was awesome. "21st Century Schizoid Man" and "I Talked to the Wind" from the Court of the Crimson King were so cool. Greg Lake sung for them back then!

    Love the One Nightstand!
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    • Posted by $ DriveTrain 1 year, 6 months ago
      Yeah, Crim rules. Though their frequently malevolent sense-of-life can be annoying, the musicianship from those guys is off the charts.

      My older bros had a couple of their LPs laying around in the '70s but as a preteen I was too busy with Heep, Wishbone Ash and Three Dog Night. It wasn't until I caught them in spring of '82 on that short-lived SNL ripoff "Fridays" on ABC and I heard what Adrian Belew was making that Strat sound like that I had the jaw-drop experience and zoned in like radar. Him, Fripp's precision and use of polyrhythms, and of course T-Lev's Stick playing completely and permanently altered my approach to guitar and to music in general.

      And then there are Fripp's unruly offspring, those guys in California Guitar Trio. Just don't get me started...
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      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 1 year, 6 months ago
        Yes, like Yes, Jethro Tull, ELP and the other Prog Rock guys. They are my favorites. Real music. real talent. Not just three chords, bass line the bottom note, and a back beat!
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  • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 7 months ago
    +1 Great ones!
    The essay:
    I would have said King Charles lll and his accomplishment of setting up and Enabling Klaus Schwab (a NAZI remnant)WEF and his Great Reset being adopted by governments around the world , his leadership in the green new deal , his normalization of pee doh feel. his ability to pretend he is a figure head and actually dictate humanities self destruction by dictating over so called elected officials.His support for the spy industry and five eyes, His great job at promoting the WHO and his blending English people through diversity to be a minority in their own land.
    He also gets 12% of every dead Brits estate on death. His fathers desire to come back as a deadly virus couldn’t hurt the family business.
    See the enemy. He is not just some inbred stupid geek , well he is but they have fooled the world into thinking they don’t rule anymore.
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  • Posted by JakeOrilley 1 year, 6 months ago
    Thanks OGC! Great collection as always....The last two - the cars, the music - I never had the hair!! .... and I miss the country I grew up in also!! A lot of hard work over all those years, but we were one country. And excellent advise - no snow angels in a dog park...
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  • Posted by katrinam41 1 year, 6 months ago
    Great bunch as usual, with a bitter-sweet after-taste for a well remembered wonderful childhood. We DID have the best cars, until Obastard pulled his clunker deal and destroyed the used car (classic car, no computers) market. The shoes were all great :).
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