Brown: Is Progressivism the new Communism?

Posted by UncommonSense 11 years, 3 months ago to Politics
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Do not let your eyes gloss over whenever someone tells you they are "progressive". It's just a new coat of Green paint over the old Red paint. It's still ideological garbage underneath.

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  • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 3 months ago
    I've never had anyone tell me they were a progressive before... probably the first thing out of my mouth would be, "Really?" (staring closely at their upper lip).."Where's your little mustache??"
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  • Posted by gblaze47 11 years, 3 months ago
    Do a Google search for 'critical theory' for the latest rendition of marxist theory. This is where progressiveness come from.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 3 months ago
      Will do, thanks. FYI, "sustainability" is also another key-word used to mask communism. Sustainability falls under Plank 7 of the 10 planks of communism. What's more frightening, is just how much our gov't has adopted many of the planks over the past 100 years.

      This is why so many people are disenfranchised: not because capitalism has failed, but because communism has infected the capitalist engine and because it's been slowly integrated into our gov't and culture, gives the appearance that it's capitalism that's failing. When really, it's the corrosive effects of communism we are seeing.
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  • Posted by BlueNova 11 years, 3 months ago
    Progressivism is socialism is extreme left. Communism is extreme right. When extreme left meets extreme right, they become one with the same objective, absolute power.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 3 months ago
      Communism is not extreme right. If you can envision a fishbone diagram, then follow the signs from Left to Right.

      At the extreme end of Left you have Absolute tyranny, the End State of Communism. This is North Korea, The old Soviet Union (1924-1955 ~The Stalin Era) and Cuba, though Cuba is starting to loosen up. Then you have Communism, Again, Soviet Union (1918-1924, then 1956-1991) What do these two have in common? DEATH to 'the common man', 'the worker' and during the course of the 20th Century, roughly 100 million people died. Great system huh? Continuing in the direction toward right, we have Socialism or what I call communism-lite, this system works great, until you run out of other people's money (Margret Thatcher, 1978) and this is among the reasons why Europe is financially crumbling, people have run out of money and thus, the socialist governments are out of ideas and lies. Socialism was also the core ideology behind the Nazi regime (On a side note, I really hate it when morons refer to conservatives as Nazi's, many people are not taught by our leftist public school system that "NAZI" is actually an acronym: National Socialist German Workers Party. DUH! Socialism people! Not conservative at all!) Anyways, after Socialism you now have Fascism. Italy's Mussolini during WWII comes to mind here. What is Fascism you ask? Roughly, it's the very tight relationship between Government and private corporations in that, the lines of who does what and who makes the decisions are often blurred. You're witnessing this as of 2009 thanks to Ovomit and his policies. Which companies you ask? The automotive industries, (GM and Chrysler) and the banking industry (BoA, Goldman Sachs, etc)

      At this point, we're almost at the middle of the political spectrum, after Fascism, we arrive at liberalism, i.e., the so-called "moderate" democrat. Now, I'm not an expert here, but to my best recollection, think of this as the old Democrat guard, really old, like Thomas Jefferson old. Todays, Democrats are NOTHING like the dems of the old. In fact, I challenge you to tell me the difference between today's dems and the communist party, USA. In My Opinion, the old "moderate" Democrat stance politically is where today's GOP is planted. (no thanks!)

      At this point, you cross past the mid-point of the diagram and now you come to Libertarians. These folks are are the Ron Paul types (Paul-Bots, =) ). These folks seek more personal liberty than the moderate democrat types, with less government intervention. That is the key here: the further right you go, the LESS government involvement we get in personal affairs. From Libertarians you could argue "Neo Conservatives" are found. These folks have (IMO) a greater appreciation for the Constitution than the Libertarians and want more freedom from government restrictions. After that, congratulations! You are in the Conservative Camp. Yes, this is where you'll find the Barry Goldwater and the Ronald Reagan types. (Personally, I LOVE THIS CROWD). We absolutely love the Constitution and those who really understand it and apply it. We DO NOT get caught up in the axles over a PERSON, like the dems do, "cult of personality" with Clinton and now Ovomit, but rather we admire ANYONE who "gets it" and can best support and enforce the Constitution. This means small government. What do you mean by that? Well, here's a few examples: If I were in charge (NO, I DON'T WANT TO BE) I would begin a phased-out approach to the following useless gov't agencies: The EPA, The Dept. of Education, The National Education Association, The Dept of Energy, The National Labor Relations Board, The DHS...just a name a few. This would shrink the gov't, and thus, SAVE THE TAXPAYERS $$. Now, that's change I can believe in. Yes, obviously, easier said than done.

      After Conservatism, you arrive at Anarchy. What's that? NO GOVERNMENT. Anything goes. And again, NOT GOOD. To recap: Extreme Left: Tyranny. Extreme Right: Anarchy. Neither are good for anybody. This may not be 100% correct, but I do believe this hits the 80% range of facts.
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      • Posted by khalling 11 years, 3 months ago
        well thanks for that. can you draw it up and take a picture and post it so I can have a cheat sheet? :>
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        • Posted by 11 years, 3 months ago
          Hmmm. Yes, I may have to do that. I was drawing from my best recollection (10 years ago) during my final push for my BS degree (not Bull Shiite) about a discussion over the political spectrum in a class that had nothing to do with politics! Now, talk about meandering!

          What was cool about the conversation was that, due to time constraints and the fact we had to get back on the real subject being taught, it was explained in a very efficient manner and it was over in like 15 minutes. The funny thing is, I don't remember what the class was.
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