Worst trade ever.Babe Ruth for a Musical or Griner…..

Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 7 months ago to History
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Babe Ruth for a Musical
20 OF 20
The Terms

Boston Red Sox trade future baseball god Babe Ruth for $100,000 and a $300,000 loan to finance the No, No, Nanette musical.

Why It's Awful

Quite simply the worst deal in the history of sports.

Red Sox owner Harry Frazee dealt Ruth to the archival New York Yankees and watched them dominate in the World Series for the next 20 years while his own team won absolutely nothing.

How could anything be worse?

Prisoner Brittany Griner for convicted arms dealer Viktor Bout ….

The funny thing is Prince Mohammed Bin Salman also know as MBS negotiated the Deal, apparently unbeknownst to the fraud in chief BuyDem and his foreign lesbian midget lying press Secretary.Evidenced that just days before Bydem was asked about contacting Putin and he said ……
WASHINGTON, Dec 1 (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden said he has no immediate plans to contact Vladimir Putin but is prepared to speak with the Russian president if he shows an interest in ending the war in Ukraine, and only in consultation with NATO allies.

"I have no immediate plans to contact Mr Putin," Biden said at a White House news conference after talks with French counterpart Emmanuel Macron.

"I'm prepared to speak with Mr. Putin, if in fact there is an interest in him deciding he's looking for a way to end the war. He hasn't done that yet."
The landmark prison swap that freed WNBA star Brittney Griner from a Russian gulag Thursday was brokered by none other than the notorious Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, it was revealed Thursday.

The role of the crown prince, widely known as MBS, in the sensitive negotiations was outlined in a joint statement released by the foreign ministries of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

The White House on Thursday disputed a joint statement issued by the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia that said the countries were involved in mediations efforts related to Brittney Griner’s release from detainment in Russia.

To put a little color to this PR disaster for Bydems.
Dec 6 (Reuters) - A federal judge in Washington on Tuesday dismissed a lawsuit filed by the fiance of slain journalist Jamal Khashoggi against Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
I will add coincidentally Jamal was nephew to the notorious international weapons dealer Adnan Khashoggi….Adnan Khashoggi: the 'whoremonger' whose arms deals funded a playboy life of decadence and 'pleasure wives'
Despite a fortune amassed through involvement in the some of the biggest arms deals of the 20th Century, Adnan Khashoggi died peacefully at the age of nearly 82
Adam Lusher
Tuesday 29 October 2019 16:13

My take is Biden knew nothing of this trade.
He had to accept it and deny MBS’s involvement.
Why? Because ,how would the US people like this trade being done by a foreign leader trading a
Small time drug user for a weapons merchant of death. MBS snubbed Bydem when he went to Saudi to ask for more production of oil. Then MBS cut production. Bydem screamed about MBS and the urinalist/spy who met his fate dealing in death , if not one generation removed.
MBS just shoved a LGBTQ anti American freak into Bydem where the Sun don’t shine.

Anyone can plainly see this is a PR nightmare worst trade ever!

By the way with his beard she looks like a he to me.

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