Ukraine: Coming Russian Counteroffensive - US 101st Airborne Now A Few Miles From Ukraine - US Lies About Putin and Nuke Use

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 7 months ago to Politics
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"Colonel (Ret.) Douglas Macgregor, who wrote a recent commentary about the war. Macgregor points out that Russia is preparing for a full-scale counterattack to roll-back recent Ukrainian gains near the Donbas and Kherson.

The Russians have been consolidating their positions. resupplying, mobilizing troops, and preparing for winter warfare at which they excel. It’s just a matter of waiting for the ground to freeze so trucks and armor can maneuver without getting bogged down.

The attack could come as early as November or December at the latest. Yet, that is not Macgregor’s main concern.

Is the 101st Airborne Division Being Used as Bait?
His fear is that the U.S. will double down in the face of this attack and deploy U.S. troops to the battle. The Pentagon recently deployed units of the 101st Airborne Division to Romania, just miles from its border with Ukraine.

Airborne forces are generally light infantry that lack the firepower of, say, armored units or mechanized infantry.

But if these forces did get directly involved in the fighting, heavier reinforcements would be on the way. From there, it could be a short step to nuclear war with Russia.

To some, that might sound unrealistic or even paranoid. They’ll say it’s just scare-mongering. But this is a legitimate possibility, and there’s a real chance of it happening. The fact is, we’ve been on the path of escalation with Russia since 2008 and the tempo of escalation has accelerated since the war began in February.

All experts on nuclear warfighting agree that if a nuclear war begins, it will be the result of escalation to the point that one side feels it is cornered and has no choice but to use nukes. That point is getting closer by the day.

Macgregor calls on Congress to stop the White House, but he’s not optimistic that’ll happen."

DC Dems and Neocons are INSANE T-RA-I-T-O-R-S.
String them up before they destroy the world.

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 1 year, 7 months ago
    I have a very high degree of confidence in Biden to get us into a nuclear WWIII. If anybody would do it, it's this guy. Just this morning, after watching the movie "Bean" last night, my kids said the person who most reminds them of Bean is Biden. Can't disagree...
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  • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 7 months ago
    Fear porn. Our troops are not deployed in Ukraine,
    they would be if BuyDem was in controll but he isn’t. Putin has zero interest in Nuclear war.
    Good bye Money laundermat good bye biolabs!
    FuQ , Soros the Clintons, Obama BuyDem’s Pelosi’s Rotteney Schittface and Klobuchar.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 7 months ago
      Per the article, " The Pentagon recently deployed units of the 101st Airborne Division to Romania, just miles from its border with Ukraine."
      Another verifying source:
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      • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 7 months ago
        Romania is a NATO country.
        US sending troops to a NATO country is not engaging US troops in a war with Russia as much as they all would like. Thus is just another provocation like blowing up Nord Stream ll. The Deep State is cornered but not defanged.
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        • Posted by 1 year, 7 months ago
          And the article does not say they are deployed in Ukraine.
          They could have been deployed to any NATO country that had no border with Ukraine. The fact is they were deployed a few miles from Ukraine and that is what the article says.
          I agree with Colonel (Ret.) Douglas Macgregor that it is not a coincidence that they were deployed just a few miles from Ukraine.
          Do you think they were not deployed with full approval of the current administration?
          Please enlighten us.
          We search for truth. ;^)
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          • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 7 months ago
            Yes , I believe the deployment to Romania had the full approval. As far as I can tell Russia has not had military operations in Romania. My theory is that Trump using his constitutional authority Devolved the govt to the military’s control . He did this in Jan 2021 when it was clear that foreign and infiltrated enemies were stealing the US Government from we the people. I know many many people who have not read a paragraph of this incredibly researched theory …… debunk it.
            BuyDem and the list of traitors have been salivating to start a war with Russia (Putin). Most of the deep state controlled western leaders including Klaus , Soros , and King Charles are all beating the war drum. What stopped them thus far? Obama had no problemo going to blow up Libya or Syria. The Devolution theory is developed from all of Trumps Executive Orders , the theory does lack the PEADS.
            These are likely what the FBIDEN was searching for at Mar a largo.

            The enlightenment that I may or may not have , that you purport to seek has been posted by me with links multiple times. I’ll keep my mouth shut on this topic on this forum in the future. I’ve been wrong about the satanic Luciferian Globalist Peed oh file Cabal, I guess all along, with no evidence ……according to the cabal.
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            • Posted by 1 year, 7 months ago
              How does the hypothesis of Trump's control of the military explain the reports of billions in arms being shipped to Ukraine? Are those reports untrue?
              Could Ukraine have survived against Russia so long without them? Even Russia reports US weapons being used against them.
              Still seeking truth.
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              • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 7 months ago
                I never said Trump was in charge of the military.
                He is not in charge. These folks are. Let’s look at who each member of the Executive Committee would have been at the time of this executive order. This Executive Committee will be implementing the Strategy with a goal of ensuring “the continuity of operations, continuity of government, and enduring constitutional government.” These are the brains behind devolution, and consist of some very important names.

                Members of the Executive Committee

                Secretary of Defense: Christopher Miller

                Secretary of Homeland Security: Chad Wolf

                Director of National Intelligence: John Ratcliffe

                Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (APNSA) - Also known as National Security Advisor: Robert O’Brien

                Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations: Tony Ornato

                Director of the Office of Management and Budget: Russell Vought

                Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy: Kevin Droegemeir - Kevin would only attend when issues concerning science and technology, including communications technology are on the agenda. I’m including him here because he plays a major role in the execution of the FMR EO and therefore plays a major role in devolution.
                This means that the FMR Executive Committee would be the group responsible for not only developing a plan of continuity but also facilitating the execution of that plan of continuity. It allows the Executive Committee to establish subordinate groups responsible for operating and implementing that continuity plan in support of the FMR Executive Committee. Finally, it allows them the flexibility to create their own “interagency framework” to assess and essentially re-prioritize the NEFs based on the continuity environment.

                General Paul Nakasone is the head of both the NSA and the U.S. Cyber Command (this point will come up again later).
                It discusses Russia meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election by breaching multiple political organizations, although at that time it was considered as “operating under the threshold level of war” because during the 2016 election, “election systems” were not yet in the category of critical infrastructure.
                Nakasone said a cyberattack from another government on U.S. critical infrastructure would cross the threshold into war, “and we would certainly respond.” In 2017, they classified “election systems” as critical infrastructure.
                This is a bombshell. General Nakasone is essentially saying that since “election systems” are now classified as critical infrastructure, a cyberattack on election systems moving forward would cross the threshold into war. Reminder that the entire Devolution theory is based on the United States being at war, allowing Trump to exercise specific war powers:
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                • Posted by 1 year, 7 months ago
                  Apologies for my nearly complete misunderstanding.
                  However, that leaves my question of why would the white hats in charge of government want to allow US forces to repeatedly poke the bear. That would appear to me to mean the control of government is not a success.
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                  • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 7 months ago
                    We are at war. Every battle is not won. The irregular warfare is occurring and it can be ignored but the consequences can not be. Protective measures have been put into place and we will win.
                    FFA you have great Questions! The Devolution series is research using every Executive order Trump signed. It is exhaustive and would answer many Q uestions as well as bring new Questions to bear. It is 25 parts . Part 13 gets into the continuity of govt issues.
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            • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 7 months ago
              The Enlightenment is often associated with its political revolutions and ideals, especially the French Revolution of 1789. The energy created and expressed by the intellectual foment of Enlightenment thinkers contributes to the growing wave of social unrest in France in the eighteenth century. The social unrest comes to a head in the violent political upheaval which sweeps away the traditionally and hierarchically structured
              ancien régime(the monarchy, the privileges of the nobility, the political power of the Catholic Church).
              The French revolutionaries meant to establish in place of the ancien régime a new reason-based order instituting the Enlightenment ideals of liberty and equality.…enlightenment with the process of undertaking to think for oneself, to employ and rely on one’s own intellectual capacities in determining what to believe and how to act.
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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 7 months ago
    i am expecting a nuke war if the dems cannot cheat enough to take the election
    as punishment for We the People
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 1 year, 7 months ago
      Yeah...good point. If the votes are actually counted and fraud kept to a reasonable amount it's likely going to be a midterm bloodbath for the Dems. They won't be happy.
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      • Posted by 1 year, 7 months ago
        And then the GOP will use the Dem POTUS as their excuse for continuing to pass unconstitutional laws and allowing the stolen 2020 election to stand unchallenged - just as they did during the Clinton presidency.
        The GOP has no excuse. They are the other half of the enemy of the People.
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        • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 7 months ago
          nothing will fix the 2020 at this point
          i wish that was not the case

          it will take violence to remove biden the usurper or lead to violence if he is impeached

          that is just how the democrats roll..... violence

          obama was allowed to stay in office when he could not hold that office
          no democrat voted to impeach clinton
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          • Posted by 1 year, 7 months ago
            If the GOP controls both houses and have any balls at all (which they do not) they can force an
            independent investigation of the election and publicize every bit of evidence. It could take some
            time, but the con-gress can overturn every executive order and repeal every bill he signed.
            But they won't do anything because they are part of the problem.
            They represent the Deep State, not the People.
            The GOP held both houses under Clinton and they did nothing.
            The GOP held both houses under Trump and they did nothing.
            I do agree that it will take more than voting to set things right, and that is my point.
            Voting for the GOP never accomplishes anything because they
            are allied with the Dems against the People.
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