Tulsi Gabbard. Is she or isn’t she a patriot?

Posted by Dobrien 2 years ago to Education
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Don’t forget she is a grad of Klaus Schwabs WEF.
If she actually renounces the leftest agenda, good for her. But she absolutely does not deserve to be trusted.

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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years ago
    She’s WEF.....so..... I’m going with “controlled” opposition. Somebody in Biden’s handler cadre got a little uppity and Daddy Klaus is reminding them who runs barter town.
    There’s far too many egos in play for THEM to all be in lock step all the time. This is a shot across the bow that the propaganda can be turned on them at any time.

    One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
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  • Posted by JohnRandALL 2 years ago
    I do not trust her. She is saying all the right words, almost too perfect. Maybe she has converted and seen the light, but I am not sure yet. Certainly could be controlled opposition. Troublesome past (voted for Biden), and some of her ideas I don't agree with, like national legalization of marijuana (oops I mean "cannabis"). Recreational "cannabis" is ruining Colorado. In general, I would unfortunately say her actions speak louder than her words.
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    • Posted by Rex_Little 2 years ago
      *Recreational cannabis is ruining Colorado". . . can you explain how it's doing that? As a long-time advocate of full drug legalization, I'm skeptical.
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      • Posted by mhubb 2 years ago
        legal drugs?
        you are clearly insane

        if you cannot see the damage that drug use does to people or families, nothing we can will change your small mind
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        • Posted by Rex_Little 2 years ago
          Oh, I'm well aware of the damage--my stepson's meth use messed up his life and cost his mom and me thousands of dollars. Meth being illegal made it worse, not better.

          Alcohol use causes quite a bit of damage--would you make that illegal? Seems to me that was tried once; didn't work out so well.
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    • Posted by NealS 2 years ago
      Me too - "Recreational "cannabis" is ruining Colorado" . . . I also ask, can you explain how it doing that? As a long time opponent of drug legalization, I'm skeptical too.
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  • Posted by jack1776 2 years ago
    Agree with all comments thus far but one must ask, how come it took her so long? What ideology was she holding on to? None now, I get it but why did she wait so long? The Democrats have always been the party of the stupid or corrupt. Either way, I’m leery…
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    • Posted by 2 years ago
      I agree Jack, the timing is suspicious to me. Because the shitbag puppet masters see the threat the great awakening is to them. They know the intense wokeness is not popular with many Dems
      who still have some semblance of rationality left.
      Plus they are looking to pull the “ I am tired of Trump and all the controversy around him” crowd.
      This woman is obviously polished and sharp if you compare her to the current resident or the the camel hoe as VP. But compared to a Kayleigh M or Sarah Huckabie ,or Kari Lake or Lauren Bobbert forget about it. Tulsi’s actions on the congressional records drown out her words to me.
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    • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years ago
      It took so long because her political capital has been exhausted. This is her one last political donation to the WEF cause. She’s only allowed to say it because it fits some kind of agenda. Look at RFK and other “former” democrats who are speaking out. They get ZERO air time. I think Tulsi has always been a contingency plan.
      Hell I’ll make a prediction WEF probably wants the GOP side of the UniParty to win this November. Too many frogs have noticed that the water is getting hot. Need to turn the burner down to a simmer for a bit. Or it will all boil over and they’ll have half cooked frogs jumping out of the pot and ruining the Feng Shui of the kitchen.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 2 years ago
        That is a rational argument, M_K.
        The GOP is just a slightly more moderate wing controlled by the WEF/Deep State.
        It's time for the GOP to betray the People again, to remove that last bit of unwarranted hope.
        Then when the only choice offered is serfdom or starvation they believe the state will prevail.
        The WEF and Deep State deserve to be impaled on the national mall for treason, and, ironically, to have their remains eaten by looting parasitical vultures.
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    • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years ago
      Well, maybe not always. Always is a long, long time. My Conservative parents were both Democrats. my father was a Union man (although I knew he didn't trust the Union). My mother never trusted anyone but she respected FDR and she went to school with Lyndon Johnson (she liked him but she didn't trust him). It's complicated really. I don't know which way the wind is blowing in this era. I'm just watching and waiting.
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      • Posted by jack1776 2 years ago
        Okay, my adult life, I'm 50 ish and yes, there were good democrats in the 60's, still wouldn't have agreed with them but they were not stupid or corrupt. Sorry for the absolute... Tendency for a lazy writer while making a point, I'm not perfect and no insult intended.
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      • Posted by 2 years ago
        My Grandfather was a color guard for Woodrow Wilson a precursor to the Secret Service. He was invited to lunch with the President in Versailles when they were there for the signing of the treaty.
        He and Gramma acted and lived a rational and by todays measures a very conservative life. They supported FDR and even travelled to DC for his first inauguration. Clearly in my mind they were nogginwashed 100 years ago.
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  • Posted by FelixORiley 2 years ago
    Anyone and I mean anyone that does not respect the absolute property rights of each and every single US citizen, is not a Patriot as depicted by the authors of the Constitution.
    Anyone that assumes that the State should have any involvement in personal decisions (other than common law standards) is a "statist". No, I am not a Libertarian. But a student of Objectivism. (I do not have a Ph.D. though). With that as my standard, does Gabbard fit into the realm of personal property rights? Thus, is she a "Patriot"?
    How much Statist poison do you add to your "water" glass before you refuse to drink it?
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  • Posted by mhubb 2 years ago
    she was a democrat far, far too long
    no trust

    if it is between her and a democrat, i'll vote for her
    otherwise, nope, not gonna do it

    she needs to earn our trust, if possible
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 2 years ago
    Only her hair dresser knows for sure...
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    • Posted by Tavolino 2 years ago
      Cautiously optimistic, very cautiously. She hasn't had a deep interview re specific issues from her past. She appears to support MAGA candidates, but no one has asked her yet, or her thoughts of Trump or DeSantis. To deny her the ability to "rationally" see then light would be wrong, especially on this site. But again, proceed with caution.
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      • Posted by 2 years ago
        If she has called out the Dems as ruled by a deep state cabal , and she has left out the RINOs who are also controlled. Nonetheless if that renunciation
        Q ualifies her as worthy to lead in Con_gress than I should be Q ualified as master of the world.
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  • Posted by mhubb 2 years ago
    for all the mistakes that JFK did
    that he did not love this Nation would never come to mind

    the same cannot be said of any democrat after 1970

    it cannot be said for a great number of them before 1970 also
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 2 years ago
    I said it many times before, having the audacity to say you’re a D these days (at least two decades) in what is supposed to be a representative government is an indication of mental defect or pure myopic ambition. At best she will walk the walk and talk the talk until get orders come from her benefactor(s). RINO
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  • Posted by $ DriveTrain 2 years ago
    No, I wouldn't trust her any farther than I can spit either, and that's just the baseline of trust. As anything approaching a standard-bearer for anything positive in politics I consider her null-to-negative.

    Memories of her statements in the 2019 Democrat debates are hazy, but something I do remember clearly is her cultist's commitment to the "green" religion. The Infogalactic page on her (always, always look there first, not Hoaxipedia, though the results are often a carbon-copy anyway,) shows her ideology to be predominantly Regressive, with some weird forays into semi-Republican positions tossed into the mix (as a member of the Honolulu City Council she worked to defend food-truck operators against city regulations; she broke with hard-Left Democrats on radical Islam, etc.)

    At the bottom line we are talking about someone who campaigned for Bernard Sanders because she thinks Hillary Clinton is not hardcore-collectivist enough.

    There's a good overview of her - additionally useful because its writer is from the collectivist camp at Vox, so it can't be considered a Republican polemic - here:

    As long as she does not run for any office as a "Republican," her defection from the Democrat-Socialist Party is a net gain for Republicans as a surface, press-release-level propaganda victory. But the absolute last thing either the Republican Party or the cause of reason, individualism, capitalism and human rights needs is yet another mixed-premises hard-Left-leaning politician weaseling her way into elected office as a "Republican." So... "as long as she does not run for office as a 'Republican,'" we can enjoy the momentary egg on the face of Democrats. But that's about as far as her defection goes, from where I sit.
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  • Posted by starguy 2 years ago
    Calling out the Democrats is one thing; but she is an acolyte of Klaus and the WEF, and that's a big problem.
    I will remain skeptical, of Tulsi.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years ago
    Me dino was thinking (with some ongoing doubts) I maybe had Tulsi figured out for perhaps having deep family Democrat family roots but was nevertheless trying to change the Marxist Jackass Party from the inside until throwing in the towel.
    But seeing her smiling face and a raised thumb posing with Antifa thugs in that photograph just does not compute.
    That's the same criminal scum who tried to murder Rittenhouse for the fanatical partisan crime of carrying a fire extinguisher.
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    • Posted by 2 years ago
      Jon Podesta is a pee doh file. His emails that were supposedly hacked by …. Wait for it….. Russians.
      The disgusting shit in those emails were so bad that it cost the evil Hag The election.Seems to me the finger has bee n pointed at the Russians about this but what about investigating the abhorant behavior that the emails exposed.
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  • Posted by $ herndonrd 2 years ago
    I remember when Ben NH Campbell changed parties. I was often on the same flight with him from Denver to Dulles, even after he left office, and talked with him dozens of times. I always had the feeling that he became a "Republican" but not a Conservative (too hard to get the Teamster out I guess). On the other hand, if you've read Clarence Thomas' book "My Grandfather's Son" he was a far lefty before seeing the light and now is probably the most conservative on the court. I'll wait to see what ACTIONS she takes but won't be supporting electing her to anything anytime soon.
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  • Posted by JohnRandALL 2 years ago
    Auto accidents are way up, associated with marijuana use. The homeless problem has skyrocketed since the community I drive through to get home approved recreational marijuana. The homeless camps are gathered near the recreational marijuana stores. And where there are homeless, there is more crime, trash, etc. More pedestrians (homeless) being hit by cars, because they just stagger around all hours of the day and night. I am ok with medical marijuana, but not recreational. Recreational marijuana also attracts tourists to this area from other states, and they are shall we say, not the cream of society.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 2 years ago
    This question ultimately comes down this: do you believe that people can change? It really is that simple. Can people be persuaded to put mind over feelings - logic over lust?

    I believe that people can change. Now that doesn't mean that Gabbard has earned my trust. Changing and trusting those who change are completely different things. She's still at best a moderate. But I'll take a moderate over the far-leftists which constitute 90%+ of the Democratic Party right now. I'd much rather have someone who is willing to have a conversation about making a better future for everyone rather than just power-hungry elitists who threaten the economy, my children, and freedom in general.

    I say give her a chance.
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  • -4
    Posted by chriwatkins 2 years ago
    I honestly can't figure where your heads are at if you question Tulsi Gabbards patriotism.
    You are obviously not paying much attention to the interviews she's been giving on Fox lately let alone the fact that she actually served in the military, s
    unlike you Couch potatoes who collectively possess the IQ of a gnat, her views are well reasoned and certainly take a great deal of courage to stand against the mainstream .
    I'd really love to hang out and chat but I've gotta do the work thing in the morning.
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    • Posted by $ DriveTrain 2 years ago
      First off, going on an objectivist web forum and insulting people's intelligence because they disagree with you is a pretty glaring nonstarter.

      Secondly, mere military service is not a guarantee of anything beyond a strategic career-enhancement choice. She has taken an unusual stand against her Democrat-Socialist comrades in adopting a hard line against Islamic terrorism, but given the bulk of her clearly-stated ideological positions (including a bizarre affinity for Syria's Assad,) that "hawkish" stand has to be taken as an isolated divergence from the whole.

      So in answer to the lead post's question: If we want to take the term "patriotism" beyond a shallow jingoism and consider it in the context of its full meaning:
      A politician with a brain that's 10% apparent commitment to military service and 90% adherence to policies which - whether she grasps the fact or not - represent a full-on assault on human rights, cannot be labeled as a "patriot."
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    • Posted by mhubb 2 years ago
      words are cheap
      she was a democrat, may still be

      all democrats are liars and traitors

      to vote democrat you have to be
      insane or a parasite or a traitor
      or some combo
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    • Posted by mccannon01 2 years ago
      The meaning of the word "patriot" here is a supporter of Free America as opposed to a socialist serfdom style government. No one here is questioning her military service. Her RECENT words and her voting record as an elected representative of the Neo Communist (Democrat) party are contradictory. This is what this discussion is about. Is she actually going conservative or is she simply putting on a mask? If she returns to office will she wear a conservative hat and vote Democrat anyway, like RINOs do? Only time will tell who the New TG really is.

      Edit add: FYI it takes a decent IQ to recognize contradictions and question them, so you can keep the condescending insults to yourself.
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    • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 12 months ago
      It doesn’t really take much courage to stand against the mainstream. Just principles.
      And military service alone does not mean you’re one of the “good guys”. General Milley for example.
      The rest of your comment just made me giggle.
      Please elucidate more on my gnat like IQ level.
      It amuses me.
      I would have to inquire if you simply move through life blindly accepting the truth as it is presented to you? Never considering the motivations, and political angles in this case, of those doing the presenting. When behavior just “doesn’t make sense” that’s when you start digging. Because EVERYTHING makes sense to someone at any given time.
      Tulsi could have quietly retired and lived the good life in Hawaii of all places. Suddenly she decides to throw rocks into a hornets nest. To what end? I seriously find it hard to believe she suddenly had an attack of conscience. And why now? I’d like to see some more collateral spilled please. And name names. Otherwise I call grift.
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