PayPal - Just like twitter

Posted by jack1776 1 year, 9 months ago to Technology
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Given the woke news from PayPal, I have a rarely used account and I decided to close it. Funny how when I click on the close account link under settings, the response is

"Before you close your account..."

"Sorry, there's a problem. If you keep seeing this, please contact customer service" with a link to customer service...

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  • Posted by 1 year, 9 months ago
    I’ve been saying a long time that we are in the majority, it's just that we have been made to believe that is not true. This technology / government / ESG thing will fail… They have to resort to fake accounts to bolster their numbers...

    We will stop using these systems and they will collapse. We will start are own parallel economy, initially with cash and later with real money.
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  • Posted by 1 year, 9 months ago
    Message to support:
    I'd like to close my account, but the system will not allow me to close the account because I have a pending payment from crypto-coin for $12.00. I don't know what this is or care, I was not expecting a 12.00 payment and I don't want it. Please close my account anyways, you can keep the $12.00, hope it helps your bottom line...
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    • Posted by FelixORiley 1 year, 9 months ago
      Hmm, maybe this is PayPal laundering money. They have "friends" who send dirty money to people that abandon their accounts. The money reverts to PayPal. I'm not serious about this conspiracy theory :^)
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  • Posted by 1 year, 9 months ago
    Funny and desperate... They are giving me $12.00 on crypto-coin and I never have done anything with this before... This is why I can't close my account...

    They want me to accept the money, link my bank account again and submit it to my account. LOL, no... They can keep the $12.00 dollars...
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  • Posted by LearningListening 1 year, 9 months ago
    Had same issue when I went through process of closing my account. Was directed to a "chat" where I was asked why I was closing account and told them it was due to their illegal policy of taking funds. I got the long response about how this was a mistake. Told them they evidently were engaged in misinformation, and that their lawyers really blew this. Another business that is trying to exert control rather than just doing what they are established to do. Expect to see multiple shareholder lawsuits coming out of this.
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