Nord Stream pipeline was sabotaged – new speculation

Posted by jack1776 2 years ago to Politics
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I was considering who benefits from this situation the most and then it hit me… Ukraine government.

Russia believes the United Stages did it, they must respond, and NATO is triggered, benefit – Ukraine
UK believes Russia did it, triggers NATO as an attack on a NATO member, benefit – Ukraine
US believes Russia did it, triggers NATO as an attack on a NATO member, benefit – Ukraine

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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years ago
    I will give you one more reason.

    If Germany were to change their mind, then they have to use the EXISTING Ukrainian Source of Fuel, Ukraine Benefits.

    Funny how this happened just after protests erupted suggesting they turn on the pipeline.

    Blaming Russia is just stupid. Last time I checked... They have the button that CLOSES THE DOOR on their end.
    Much cheaper to use, and easier to to revert back to letting it flow...
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  • Posted by 2 years ago
    I don’t even know if the Ukraine has the means to accomplish something like this. Would require skills and equipment not normally possessed by a small nation state.
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