I am so distressed today I don't know what to do. Just returned from the doctor's office with my lovely daughter in law. She was handed a death sentence if she doesn't get immediate medical attention. They think she has cancer invading her kidney. She hasn't got the right insurance to handle this diagnosis. I am really having a bad day. We pay for medical care for illegal immigrants but won't help our own citizens. N
Just saw this. A cancer trial has reportedly become the first in the world to completely remove the disease in every patient, according to a study published Sunday in the New England Journal of Medicine. They began using monoclonal antibodies. This is great news! -from the Epoch Times
The cure is the obvious next step for Big Pharma since their "vaccines" just created a few billion new patients. I hope it will help your daughter in law.
Hello Dobrien: It had to happen someday. Is this really it? If so, this is news that should be written on the sky. Seen nothing in the media. But a report in the New England Journal of Medicine has to be taken very, very seriously. What is the link?
Truly hope you find a solution to getting your daughter in law the medical attention she needs. There must be some way to get help and get around the roadblocks from health insurance red tape. A lot of smart people on this forum that may have some clues that help.
So evidently, little-man's syndrome is very real...
War has been the state of man for its entire existence with very few substitutes. The will of some to dominate others has been the source of human misery throughout generations. I don't foresee anything but divine intervention which will cure us of this malady, so the best defense is to learn of our enemy (Sun Tzu) that in so doing the war is won before it is ever fought. Thanks Dobrien for helping us learn of the enemy!
Those memes say it all. The Prussian ideal is alive and well in this country, and soon there will be enough confused, mentally neutered cattle to ensure the take-over that we all know is coming. Keep your powder dry, keep a clear eye, watch for rising smoke, where there's fire there's woke.
I hope it will help your daughter in law.
Edit: Better link less ads: https://share.smartnews.com/c7KUo
I am looking forward to reading your novel and writing a report on it. Need a few more hours in the day.:)
War has been the state of man for its entire existence with very few substitutes. The will of some to dominate others has been the source of human misery throughout generations. I don't foresee anything but divine intervention which will cure us of this malady, so the best defense is to learn of our enemy (Sun Tzu) that in so doing the war is won before it is ever fought. Thanks Dobrien for helping us learn of the enemy!