Closed boy scout camp in Central Wisconsin

Posted by gcarl615 2 years, 4 months ago to Classifieds
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There is a closed boy scout camp o
In Wildhorse wi.for sale. About 320 acres with buildings and right on lake Napowan.perfect for retreat. If someone has the money (not me)could be a galts gulch

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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 2 years, 4 months ago
    How close is the Boy Scout camp to Starnesville? I'd like to check out the ruins of the Twentieth Century Motor Company.
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    • Posted by 2 years, 4 months ago
      There are a couple of towns that bring to mind Starnsville within 20 miles of Wildrose. Lawrence lake is one and Harrisvile is the other. My personal choice is Lawrence lake. There is a old brewery that is also a dam and hydro electric plant right along the road. The"town" just gets older and my rundown by the day.
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    • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 4 months ago
      No Starnesville...however....45 minutes from me.

      "Atlas Shrugged Statue

      I work for The Atlas Society. When I first learned about this Atlas Shrugged statue, I researched more and found out that it was funded [in part] by Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI). I contacted him to talk about the story of the statue and his political career, which resulted in this interview.
      [Laurie Rice, 07/30/2015]

      In Laurie's 2013 interview (and elsewhere), Senator Johnson publicly declared his objections to Obamacare and his love for Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged." But when the mighty Atlas statue hoists one globe too many and pops a double hernia, who's going to pay his medical bills -- the Senator? (The answer may be "yes" if Johnson has signed up for long-term statue care)."

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  • Posted by jimslag 2 years, 4 months ago
    Actually it is not to far from where I grew up. About 50 miles or so away from Stevens Point. Yes I was a Pointer, actually a SPASH Panther. It was a small, small town when I lived there, left in 1976. No reason to go back there for me, to much snow and most of my family is gone.
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    • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 4 months ago
      You have been gone a while. Forgot it was Stevens Pernt. LOL
      I've family in Plover.
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      • Posted by jimslag 2 years, 4 months ago
        HI Commander, I left during High School. I did 2-1/.2 years at SPASH and finished up at Littleton High in Colorado. My parents divorced and I moved out here to be with my mom. Anyway, i still have lots of friends back there, even though I did not graduate from back there, they still invite me to the reunions. Most of my family that is left back there lives in Plover. I thought about going back a couple of times but now it looks like I will be in Florida, no snow and no taxes, best of both worlds and yes, I lived there before, I went to Navy Nuclear Power School when it was in Orlando, retired Navy Nuclear Trained Electronics Technician (ET).
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  • Posted by 2 years, 4 months ago
    I am sorry but I don't know the realtor involved. It is Camp Nampowan. I an sure any realtor in wildrose is familiar. I spent some wonderful summers there in the 60s
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 2 years, 4 months ago
    Do you have a price? There are a couple of other Gulchers from Wisconsin. Do you have a link to an ad?
    https://www.napowan.org/ is the former web site.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 2 years, 4 months ago
      Such envisioned social organizations are not all hunky dory. They require just as much control by rules, fees, and other costs as did little religious enclaves.
      Just buy a large farm and invite like minded visitors. Then you would have peace of mind when they leave.
      My Gulch, in Walworth County WI, is my home, even though the village board can go nuts with spending and coming down hard on toeing the line on water and sewer. One woman would not hook up her cottage that she seldom used to them. She refused so was fined $10,000 which she would not pay. She was then jailed for two weeks and she still would no cooperate. That resulted in her cottage being demolished by order of the village board.
      A Gulch will not protect from idiots. They will continue with more rules. It sometimes appears that some are looking for a religious retreat rather than freedom.
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      • Posted by $ jdg 2 years, 4 months ago
        A Gulch project could protect from idiots, but only if it has the kinds of protection given in the book: (1) concealment from discovery by outsiders, and (2) everyone there was personally invited by John, who was an expert judge of character.

        We don't have his hiding gadget for (1), but there are ways to do it.

        I don't see a camp as enough, though. We'd want houses even if they have to be off the grid.
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        • Posted by lrshultis 2 years, 4 months ago
          Note that they immediately were ready to leave the Gulch when the government had fallen leaving a destroyed country. Since a Gulch would require giving up most of ones standard of living, it would be like living in a commune with strict rules because every human is a different individual who might stray in the acceptable beliefs just as those who have different understandings of Objectivism. I, for one, would not be able to stand the close knit community just as I have avoided, except on rare occasions, my neighbors.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 2 years, 4 months ago
    At least a campground can be used by a great many Gulchers without the worry of too much city hall. There must be places around that are close to perfect for our needs. Permanent housing at this point would not be necessary, just a place to get away for a few weeks with like-minded neighbors. A well-deserved rest for a week or two every few months would be wonderful, as well as keeping off the radar. Who can condemn a body for camping?
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