FYI on LA Unified School District

Posted by BCRinFremont 2 years, 7 months ago to Culture
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The LAUSD site that vaccinated the 13 year old with a bribe of free pizza is named…..

Barack Obama Global Prep Academy…

Of course it is….

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 years, 7 months ago
    Gov. Jerry Brown signed a law that allowed schools to medically do whatever a student, starting at 12 years old, is willing to let them do without parental consent. California there's no recourse on this - which is probably why they picked California for this stunt. And, even better, vaccine manufacturers have been protected from all liability in case a vaccine causes injury thanks to a 1986 federal law (and again in the Patriot Act).

    "America's chickens...are coming home to roost..." - Reverent Wright...haha....
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