Big dozen memes #2

Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 9 months ago to Pics
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Of note The Prime Minister of destruction in the UK with none other than Ghislane Maxwell. Here is my surprised look 👀.
Headboard with her global climate change photo op. A photo -op Botched by they way, as she was dazzled by the fact the plug in didn’t make the same sound as gas being filled up.
The 2 fudge pack ers.
The Class and beauty of the First Lady.

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  • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 9 months ago
    After viewing yucky Meme #1 and Meme #2, me dino proceeded to Meme #3 and busted out laughing.
    Reminds me of reading that the unexpected is at the root of all humor.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 2 years, 9 months ago
    The MSD Letter is my favorite. I do favor the simple closing "FU" as it perty much sums up what I would like to say to a good many individuals.
    How many drowned in New Zealand of Covid...?
    The green monster on the floor and the mistaken priorities -- all the better with the framed image of a lit stick of dynamite.
    Thank You Dobrien. A nice way to start my day ;)
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  • Posted by katrinam41 2 years, 9 months ago
    What a magnificent sculpture! Compare the current first Lady with the last first Lady and there is no comparison. I miss Melania's effortless style and grace. Great collection, Dobrien, and I am sharing. With cats, that critter on the bedroom floor is a real possibility. Thanks!
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 9 months ago
    I was unaware of this Manchester, NH going on. Manchester is just 40 minute from me, and the home of one of my favorite breweries/bars.

    Completely awesome!
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  • Posted by Lucky 2 years, 9 months ago
    All good.
    'Trust the Science?' this is brilliant as riposte.
    'Life is too short ... ' Impose some justice anyway.

    .. and.. First Lady -
    This is leadership, not just representing our interests, but showing the standards to which we aspire.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 9 months ago
      Is the 'first lady's' photo taken in a building
      that used taxpayer funds in a wasteful, frivolous manner?
      If the pols want to live like kings, they must use only money
      they have earned in productive work instead of stealing from
      working people.
      The US is 20 trillion in debt because of con-gress' frivolous,
      wasteful, unconstitutional spending.
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      • Posted by Ben_C 2 years, 9 months ago
        Actually closer to 30 trillion in debt. Cloward - Piven strategy to trash the country. .
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        • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 9 months ago
          Me dino learned about those Cloward and Piven Marxist traitors way back when Glen Beck had his Fox News TV show. Before his advertisers became fully intimidated, that is.
          Golly gee, my spell checker just red-lined Cloward and Piven. Just goes to show how well that threat against our republic has been covered up.
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      • Posted by 2 years, 9 months ago
        I agree with your premise and also give the Trumps a pass on this. He donated his entire salary as the 45th.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 9 months ago
          Trump could afford to live in luxury and usually paid his own way.
          The resources that are wasted on our 'public servants' is as if they were royalty.
          It is a travesty. I'd rather have no one running the government than the current situation.
          Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
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          • Posted by Lucky 2 years, 9 months ago
            .. no one running the government*
            Careful what you wish for!
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            • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 9 months ago
              "No one" is meant to infer that there is no central federal government as we now experience it.
              It depends on what results from anarchy and that relies on a rational, moral people controlling local and state governments.
              Freedom isn't free or without ongoing maintenance.
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