Will I need a vaccine passport to vote ??

Posted by $ BobCat 3 years, 2 months ago to The Gulch: General
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Thinking out loud again. If the left demands voting without an ID, then why do they demand vax papers to shop, eat, drink, attend a social venue, attend school/college, participate in employment, etc etc etc.?
If vaxx passports become a reality, then presumably one would need a vax passport to also vote in person?
Oh silly me, of course not. Voting will be done by harvester pickup, mail drops, collection boxes, etc.
Sorry, but I answerved my own question.

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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 3 years, 2 months ago
    Truthfully, I've resigned myself to die on the vine if I get sick, even with something minor that needs medical attention. I have zero confidence that once I was admitted to the hospital I would be vaxxed either coming in or before being discharge to go home. I'm also fairly sure that simply seeing a doctor in office will raise the question of vaxx and could be a barrier.
    I've never been anything other than a "if its not broke don't fix it" kind of guy so regular check-ups have never been a thing form me. Now, short of being unconscious and being delivered to the hospital I won't go. If by chance I do go and get vaxxed, I want the names of all those doctors, nurses, and administration who pushed that shit on me possible. In this way, I know who I need to hunt down - an eye for an eye (in this this case a jab for a jab (mine will be less sharp and pointy).

    As for voting, I scarcely think it matters anymore. If it requires a vaxx or requires not being present to fill out the ballot and to personally submit it without a vaxx, I simply won't vote. Its not like I'm being represented anymore anyway.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 2 months ago
      "As for voting, I scarcely think it matters anymore... Its not like I'm being represented anymore anyway." I'm thinking the same thing, but haven't decided to not bother voting yet.
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      • Posted by JohnWesley 3 years, 2 months ago
        When I voted by Dominion Machine in 2020, I told the poll workers that I did not expect my vote to count in DeKalb County [, GA, but nothing was keeping me from voting. It is hard for me to believe that Warnock and Ossoff won because Republicans stayed home. Go to the polls people. As in 2016, our numbers must overpower the corruption.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 2 months ago
          I've been thinking about what you say here and have decided to vote. You say "our numbers must overpower corruption", but along with that our numbers can make corruption visible by forcing the cheaters to create bigger spikes of fake votes as in what I believe happened in the wee hours of the morning in November 2020. The bigger our numbers are, the bigger those spikes have to be.
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          • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 7 months ago
            Yes. I would wet my pants laughing if they counted the votes for the Presidential Election and they came up with 480 million votes. 80 million Republican and 400 million Democrat. They have a good gig going now with the mailing votes. They have a buffer now of about 150 million votes to stuff ballot boxes with before things start to look fishy. It could be in 10 years that the "whole country" is voting!
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      • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 7 months ago
        I feel nervous when I vote. Is it being counted, does it matter, am I being pegged by the government for future extermination? People are nervous or uptight, don't want to smile and talk, afraid of confrontation. I feel like it doesn't matter. I can't quit yet. Not yet.
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    • Posted by bubah1mau 3 years, 2 months ago
      Unless there's a massive counterfeiting AND selective distribution of vax cards or "vaxports" to likely Dem voters, such a requirement would cost Dems at least half of the black vote and a lot of other Dem votes--those that don't want to bother with IDs. Why complicate things?

      I can't believe Dem leaders want any passport or proof-of-vax voting qualification system with Dems trying desperately to disconnect any ID requirement from voting. Easier to just find an "emergency" pretext for massive, no-ID mail-in voting--just like 2020.
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      • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 7 months ago
        But the New World Order does want a way to corral us all by the neck into the meat grinder. A national ID card could kill three citizens with one byte. Voter ID control, Vaccine control, Privacy control. The Deep Dems just might like to be able to ask everyone for their papers. "Your papers, are not in order."
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 2 months ago
    It would not surprise me if that was as a way to vote with a Dominion machine~~you, know, just to show Deplorables who their Comrade Bosses really are.
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  • Posted by bubah1mau 3 years, 2 months ago
    BobCat, you seem to agree with Alex Jones, that Biden/Dems/MSM/CDC will cook up a national lockdown around election time to ensure massive mail-in voting--no ID verification requirements--using Delta-spread as pretext.

    If there's an armed rising of patriots against the lockdown and free-for-all voting mandates, Biden will declare martial law--giving him authority to suspend the election and impose nation-wide semiauto confiscation (Dems #1 agenda item).

    I wonder where that will leave Rinos and fence-sitters.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 2 months ago
    ...nobody said anything when they only came for the children over the past 20 years. I found that interesting. I'd always joke they aren't force vaxxing those who vote. Haha... The worm has turned now.
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  • Posted by chad 3 years, 2 months ago
    You won't be allowed out of your home, on the highway, or in any significant groups if you remain unvaxxed. So Voting won't be possible, unless you decide to vote for the socialist democrats then mail in as many as you like!
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  • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 2 months ago
    I know where you are going with that, lmao. Reality is for 20% they need a sledge Hammer not facts to decide the “truth”. The Forensic Audits and state legislative election laws are being conducted and enacted.
    Replacing the frauds in office is the top priority. Devolution has likely been enacted. Trump knew the 2020 election was going to be stolen. He set up a massive sting operation to 1. Catch the cheats 2. To show everyone how they do it and to have it fixed. This was not just another 4 year election this is to drain the swamp. When everyone sees the extent of the fraud it is game over. The military will step in and remove the criminals.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 2 months ago
    They wouldn't dare! Then we could demand they have a vax to run for office or to count votes or the be a poll watcher. It would be endless. We could insist all children even infants be vaxed and they are not going to agree to this.
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