Appology: So Much to Read and So Little Time to do so and the Thing I like Most about the Gulch.

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 3 years, 2 months ago to The Gulch: General
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Thanks to all for all the Great Articles and for sharing vital information.
If we missed your piece, please forgive, there is so much here.

I think I speak for us all when I say: Frequently, If we have not the time to read or are already familiar with the article, most of us, Time willing, will give you a thumbs up if not a comment, so don't be discouraged...

It struck me this Morning that the thing I love the most about the Gulch is the Plethora of Flying Metaphors in our copy book headings and comments. So many bright and creative people here...it's Awesome.

I personally thank all for your participation...

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  • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 2 months ago
    Great poems! Thanks for sharing!

    Just a minor question: these were great poems, but did the author mean to use "ether" when they used "either" in the third and fourth poems?
    Also, the author should have used "affected" rather than "effected" in the second poem as they are referring to an outcome.
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 2 months ago
      Yes, I made those memes around 10 years ago and only recently brought them back out...missed those mistakes all these years...as you may not know, it's not easy to fix that once you click the pict when finished...don't have copies of those photos. Maybe someday I'll redo them with new photos.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 3 years, 2 months ago
    No apology necessary. The Gulch is my go to place for wisdom and insight. The synergy is incredible. And, I absolutely look forward to the weekly memes.Keep up the good work OUC!
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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 2 months ago
    No apology necessary, we all have the same problem: Information overload and not enough time to sort it all out. The Gulch does a lot of sorting, for sure, and you are most helpful in that regard, OUC!

    Oh, not to be picky, but the "either" in two of the images probably should be "ether".
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  • Posted by $ 3 years, 2 months ago
    Metaphors are so vital for obtaining and maintaining Human Consciousness, without them, we might all still be sheeple...
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    • Posted by lrshultis 3 years, 2 months ago
      You might find this book on metaphor interesting at


      I have a problem with metaphor being used in science and philosophy. To me metaphor is a slippery slope sliding into using some of the fallacies of 'stolen concepts', 'frozen abstractions', and 'floating abstractions'.

      "The Choices Our Culture Offers

      " We have given an account of the way in which truth is based on understanding. We have argued that truth is always relative to a conceptual system, that any human conceptual system is mostly metaphorical in nature, and that, therefore, there is no fully objective, unconditional, or absolute truth. To many people raised in the culture of science or in other subcultures where absolute truth is taken for granted, this will be seen as a surrender to subjectivity and arbitrariness—to the Humpty-Dumpty notion that something means "just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less." For the same reason, those who identify with the Romantic tradition may see any victory over objectivism as a triumph of imagination over science—a triumph of the view that each individual makes his own reality, free of any constraints."

      That objectivism is the general concept as opposed to concept of subjectivism.
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      • Posted by $ 3 years, 2 months ago
        Interesting. I think western philosophy is closer to objective natural truths than others...I think that is where our Forefathers were coming from.
        Memes are not necessarily about Universal truths, yet mostly about an observable truth that a society can share and relate to.

        subjectivism is really only valuable to the one viewing a subject. Ex. I dislike the color fire engine red...that is true. But it is not a Universal truth that could be applied to all situations, to all things or humans.

        Thanks, I'll check out the book.
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