Why so few?

Posted by minesayn 9 years, 11 months ago to Movies
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Why so few movie houses showing the movie? I live in northern Ohio and the closest theater available is Columbus. The first two movies there was a theater showing it near Cleveland. Forty-five minute drive is rational; two and a half hour trip is not.

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  • Posted by 9 years, 11 months ago
    Thanks, I will.

    I saw both of the first two movies in the Cleveland area (different theaters), but I know I want to see it. I didn't contribute to the Kickstarter campaign for any other selfish reason than I wanted to see it made. I have thought that it would be an awesome movie since I was 18. I've waited almost 40 years for this.
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    • Posted by $ winterwind 9 years, 11 months ago
      See, your Kickstarter contribution is exactly what they hate, and your reason makes them hate the book, the author, the movies, you....that you would contribute money to something YOU wanted to see and didn't care about what "the experts" thought terrifies them. You're not supposed to think for yourself and decide what's good, you're supposed to ask "them" and see what they want you to see. A movie which shows man as heroic, successful, vital - good - is what will help pave the way, eventually, to their destruction.
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  • Posted by $ winterwind 9 years, 11 months ago
    ask them. I'm serious - there was a form on the main atlasshruggedmovie site, I think, that you could send in to theatres DEMANDING that they run the movie.
    They don't want to show [what it seems to them] a movie in which no one is interested.
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    • Posted by $ winterwind 9 years, 11 months ago
      P.S. Also, they hate us and everything we stand for. A = A and it always will, and they despise that, and work as hard as they can to make it not be true, and where they have power, they block it so that those of us who already know will get discouraged [analyze that word: dis-courage] and those who might learn something won't have a chance to.
      Remember, there IS real evil in the world.
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