Tennessee prepares "Welfare Check" for children 0-18

Posted by Katrina41 4 years, 6 months ago to Government
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Ronald Reagan famously said that the scariest words in the English language are, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." Most Americans dread the day some government agents show up on their doorstep, bringing with them chaos, legal bills, false accusations—and worse, family separation.

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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 4 years, 5 months ago
    A German woman, who survived Nazi leader Adolf Hitler’s tyrannical reign, lived in a refugee camp, and fled to America, has noticed that liberals love to compare President Donald Trump to Hitler. However, when asked about the similarities between the two, she had just 7 words that completely shocked leftists.
    Inga Andrews (left), who survived Adolf Hitler’ regime, has a harsh message for liberal protesters comparing President Donald Trump to the Nazi leader.
    Before Inga Andrews escaped Hitler’s “final solution,” the Holocaust, she and her mother were forced to survive the catastrophic events brought about by the Nazi party’s socialism and racial hatred. For decades, her harrowing experience has been locked away in her mind’s eye, however, it was recently awakened when angry liberals began combatting Trump’s travel ban and other executive orders with easily repeatable slogans that equate Trump to Hitler.
    Now, Andrews feels a duty not only to dismiss the dramatic propaganda that compares the two leaders but also to point out who the really represents everything that encompasses Hitler and his Nazi militants.
    When the Independent Journal Review asked Andrews about her thoughts on leftists saying that Trump is a dictator much like Hitler, she not only refuted this mistruth with personal experience, she explained that “it’s the destruction of freedom of speech” from the liberal protesters that resembles Hitler and Nazi-Germany.
    “What is going on in this country is giving me chills. Trump is not like Hitler. Just because a leader wants order doesn’t mean they’re like a dictator,” Andrews told IJR. “What reminds me more of Hitler than anything else isn’t Trump, it’s the destruction of freedom of speech on the college campuses — the agendas fueled by the professors. That’s how Hitler started, he pulled in the youth to miseducate them, to brainwash them, it’s happening today.”
    Andrews added that she recognizes the liberal bias in the school system, especially on college campuses, and says that it’s breeding the same intolerance and fascism that gave rise to Hitler in the 1930s. In addition, Andrews has actually lived through a travel ban even stricter than Trump’s when her mother married an American. Still, she believes that liberals should have a respect for these measures as our national security depends on them.
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    “It took six years to clear her to be able to be married,” she said. “Then when you married an American, because we were the enemy, you had to wait. We had to go from Heidelberg to another city where a camp was. They vetted us in both places. There were all these German brides with their children and families who had to be vetted again for three of four days before they could get on the ship. So we had a vetting process like what we are going through now because you have to have this to make the country safe.”
    As for the liberal protesters, Andrews says that because of their emotionally-driven activism, they have abandon logic and reason. She remembers the desperation Democratic Socialism caused, including times when she only had “maple leaves and grass to survive,” something she says these leftist millennials have never had to endure. In short, equating Trump to Hitler is more of an insult to her and the millions who suffered and died during Hitler’s reign.
    “Professors shouldn’t be telling their students to go after freedom of speech,” she said. “They should be telling them that this is the greatest country in the world…I see what is happening here reflecting some of the things we saw in Germany, and it’s terrifying. It’s sad. But it’s not because of Trump. It’s because of poor education. Trump is not like Hitler. The theory that he is is propaganda. Yes, I lived through some of Nazi Germany, but all you have to do is read some books about that period to see how wrong that theory is.”
    Andrews added a harsh but much-needed message to the liberals who are protesting against Trump and believing that bullying and violence will get them what they want.
    “America needs to grow up. The young people who are rioting and destroying property, who have no respect for elders and freedom of speech, I was so proud to become a citizen of this country,” she said.
    Andrews knows from personal experience that America is an exceptional country because of the constitutional rights liberals often protest against. She easily identifies the parallels between the liberal movement in America and that of Nazi-Germany.
    We have fascists labeling themselves “anti-fascists,” the intolerant blaming those with opposing views for intolerance, and modern-day Nazis calling Trump and his voters Nazis. You can take the Democrats out of Socialist Germany but you can’t take the socialism out of the Democratic Party.
    This was posted on FB by an author friend of mine.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 4 years, 6 months ago
    Well they might get away with this if the children are on Medicaid but I don't like the sound of it! When I had my Pediatric Asthma Clinic, a government rep called on me and wanted to know if I kept my records by ethnicity. I informed her I did not. I treated sick people, not ethnicities.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 4 years, 6 months ago
    Ah yes, the bureaucracy forming another clone and naming it "Well Being Liaison". I figure it would need union representation with lavish (compared to the working taxpayers forced to pay for it) benefits packages that will drive up the debt even more. I'm surprised California doesn't already do this.
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  • Posted by $ Commander 4 years, 6 months ago
    The folks in Tenn took a dislike to intrusion. It's been withdrawn for present.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 6 months ago
      "The Department of Education did not respond to requests for comment."
      Yes, that's transparency at the Dept of Ed.

      It appears that the Governor has gone astray. Hopefully the people of Tennessee have given him directions and he will listen.
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      • Posted by $ Commander 4 years, 6 months ago
        Perhaps we should change the context of DOE.
        Dept of Propaganda
        Dept of Subversion....pushing...
        Dept of Intrusion
        This stuff goes right to the edge without crossing the line of Subversion "legally"
        BLM / ANTIFA pushes to the edge of Sedition without crossing "legally"

        There has to be a lot of coaching in the context of "legality" for anything like this to proceed.
        Thinking further, if coaching is identified, this would show "intent".....loosely. I'm going to reach out to a young, sharp smarta** little lawyer I know. She loves this kind of postulate.
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