Boris Johnson Does It for Conservatives

Posted by $ Suzanne43 4 years, 7 months ago to Politics
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This is a great day for Conservatives world wide.
And BTW, do you think that Boris Johnson and Donald Trump have the same barber?

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  • Posted by Lucky 4 years, 7 months ago
    Boris Johnson a Conservative, and advocate of the free market? Hardly.
    A climate scare believer, who will spend even more on the UK public health scheme.
    He could be classed with the moderate socialistic Labour Party of a generation ago. He would be in the group offering more government and more handouts but with 'responsibility' in contrast to Labour who want to fix everything instantly by spending money that does not exist.
    On the other hand the election result is great news, it squelches the Labour Party, and shows that Boris has a mandate to get the UK out of the EU.
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