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  • Posted by flanap 9 years, 9 months ago
    The solution isn't the police departments getting on the social ingratiation band wagon with the public. They have a job to protect and to serve. I would rather them be patrolling and enforcing laws and helping within their purview vs this stuff.

    Kids should be taught to respect the law and its enforcers. This kind of acquiescence by police departments teaches the wrong message.

    But, since more and more families either do not have fathers, or do not regard them as anything more than sperm and money contributors, what do you expect?
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    • Posted by 9 years, 9 months ago
      The public needs to trust the cops, and the cops need to be trusted so that they get info from the populace. These types of activities build that type of trust.
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      • Posted by Snoogoo 9 years, 9 months ago
        I voted for both of you because I think everyone can agree that both are true. I've never met a bad cop, a cop saved my dad's life many years ago. A vast majority are very good hard working people. Somehow I don't think that the cop in the Ferguson case was a closet racist out looking to kill someone. The problem is that everyone gets so emotional before they bother to know any facts that they start acting irrational. I understand the parents and friends of the kid getting emotional, but to start a national hate fest towards cops just doesn't make sense. I don't think police brutality is a nationwide issue because there are no facts to back it up, just one or two anecdotal cases where nothing indicates a racist motivation.
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        • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years, 9 months ago
          None of us where there at the shooting.

          However...I can't help but notice how race is used to cloud the bigger issue. The young man could have been purple and the officer pink. Doesn't matter to me. I want to know if this was a bad government official just gunning down an unnarmed citizen. And, we'll never know now. Because, it all hinges on skin color. We haven't learned a damn thing...
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        • Posted by iroseland 9 years, 9 months ago
          First things first, being a cop or a police officer does not in and of its self make a person a good person or a bad one. That is determined by what you do, that's where things get pretty bad pretty fast. While this shooting has most certainly started a national hat fest.. We should take a look not just at this one thing that has happened but take a look a what has been happening. We have police that have loudly proclaimed on camera that they don't think its their job to follow the constitution. We have road block fishing expeditions, we have TSA feeling up us and our loved ones while stealing our wallets. We live in a world where wrong address no knock raids have become normal, and we are apparently expected to accept that there will be some acceptable civilian losses during those raids. Meanwhile un-medicated or poorly medicated schizophrenics are shot. Speaking of medication, don't dare have low blood sugar problems around modern law enforcement.. Their somewhat consistent response to this medical emergency is a beat down, tazing, perhaps being shot and out here in Seattle at least being thrown into the drunk tank, to die. Speaking of Seattle, last year 23% of the gun deaths were people getting shot by police. Which is kind of scary considering the part where Seattle's violent crimes per 100,000 rate is lower than a lot of the rest of the country. So, we now need to be asking ourselves.. Is this kids death just causing some hate? Or has this kid turned into the straw that is breaking the camels back? If the police/law enforcement wants to be thought of as the good guys they need to start acting like they are the good guys. This means a few things. For instance when a superior office orders you to do something that you know to be wrong, you as an office do not comply. If one of your fellow officers breaks the law, you arrest them since they are now criminals. If you are asked to turn a blind eye its actually time to turn on the camera. Being the good guy is difficult, it means being morally consistent. This may occasionally make things difficult, heck doing the right thing may actually be dangerous. But guess what, we have given the police a monopoly on the use of force under the understanding that they would be very careful using it. So yea.. Actually if a cop wants to interact and get to know the people in his patrol area that's a good thing.. It will be particularly useful later as he will then know who specifically it is that he is flash banging, and will know the name of the dog he just shot.
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  • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 9 months ago
    I think this cop interrupted something he should have stayed out of just because HE felt like dancing and thought he saw an opportunity to show off uninvited. The kids seemed uncomfortable.
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