Happy National Philosophers Day 11-21-19

Posted by Katrina41 4 years, 8 months ago to Humor
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This one's for you, allosaur

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  • Posted by $ allosaur 4 years, 8 months ago
    I, His Excellency (or should I write "My Excellency?" Who cares?) Me Eminence Dino Philosoraptor Allosaurus Esquire II BS gives belated thanks for your National Philosophers Day dedication unto me pristine prehistoric personage. Me am honored.
    Yeah, me dino just now wandered into "New" for a look about only to discover a profile of my glaring intellect.
    Or maybe I just spotted a food item scurrying through my Jurassic World Paddock. Who can say? I'm not.
    By the way, welcome to The Gulch.
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