Way to go, Idaho!

Posted by $ blarman 5 years ago to Government
12 comments | Share | Flag

Can we please get something like this instituted at the Federal level? With the current gridlock in Congress, it would mean that nearly everything the Federal Government was in charge of would go bye-bye. Be still my beating heart...
SOURCE URL: https://www.dailysignal.com/2019/06/04/idahos-spring-cleaning-for-regulations-an-idea-worth-replicating/?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWm1FNE16UXlNek5qTlRJeiIsInQiOiJDTERxWGRLWDBtbDd0M1dMeXlIKzFmdm1jOVdVWm1oNjJiTlBaWlpSOERaelljNVZLekI2c3oyUzJFRDZiV0d5bit3UVVmbmtLajd6YjRNbG5vOFpQemdUYXlMMjJGU3ROVUozaHJMQnczdFJNTEZJdXhzM09qb1lzd3pvQnFUVCJ9

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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 5 years ago
    Does anyone that needs to know, what 8000 rules no longer apply?..or was that all of state rules.

    I am fond of saying: Man made rules punish the many, because of a few, in favor of a few or to aggrandize the men that made the rules.
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    • Posted by $ 5 years ago
      The process is that the Governor typically sends a bill to the Idaho Legislature asking for specific items to be re-authorized. If he leaves anything out, someone from the Legislature has to champion its inclusion for re-authorization. If no one champions it, it's gone. Automatic twilight provisioning.

      Can you imagine how Congress would be forced to work together and work on actual legislation rather than witch hunts if a provision like this were to go into play? It would also mean that Congress wouldn't be able to afford to wait until the last second to pass budgeting bills because the President could just veto them - and everything goes bye-bye! (Wouldn't that be awesome!?!)

      Love your saying BTW!
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  • Posted by freedomforall 5 years ago
    Excellent, blarman!
    I favor federal application of this to all the cabinet posts (and all the departments and employees under them) that aren't authorized by name in the constitution.
    Liberty can live again!
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    • Posted by mminnick 5 years ago
      As I'm sure you are aware, there are no departments specifically named in the Constitution.
      Congress has authorized 15 Cabinet level branches tfor whom they have the authority to "Advise and Consent" on appointments to head. Not sure it would serve any good purpose to have them re-appointed every year. If they are not there, the President would assume the office as Chief executive.
      This taken with the power to adjourn and call Congress into session (never used as far as I can tell) makes for a very slippery slope for the Republic.
      Just my craxy off the wall thoughts..
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