US Mental Health declining

Posted by $ blarman 4 years, 11 months ago to Culture
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So what has changed? What factors have been introduced (or have been removed) which move the needle?

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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 4 years, 11 months ago
    The children of the Boomers and those who came after I collectively call the "Bubble Wrap" kids. Because parents and teachers have been so concerned with promoting safety and protecting children from stress, they are not prepared to face reality.

    Awards for participation that are an attempt to avoid any child being labeled a loser have given the BW kids the false impression that effort isn't necessary to get everything they want. When reality then slaps them in the face, showing them you get what you deserve, proportional to the effort, they don't have the mental tools to handle it.

    The other factors noted in the study certainly play a part, but when you do everything possible to create several generations of helpless victims, you shouldn't be surprised by results that reflect you're a dumbass for doing so.
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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 4 years, 11 months ago
    Dissolution of the family
    2. Encouragement of mental illness by telling people with Homosexual or gender dysphoric tendencies that is is ok to indulge in them
    3. Rewarding the above indulgences
    4. mass media exposing people to dream lifestyles that make them feel like they will never acheve what appears to be the lot of everyone else.
    5. Rewarding apparent mental illness and acting out at a very young age. Creating a situation where people learn to manifest mentally ill behaviors as a means to get ahead.
    6. Helicopter parents
    7. Excuses for all failures and as a result no one ever learns from them.
    8. Trophies for everyone from a young age.
    9. drugging children, especially boys, for normal behavior.
    10. Allowing children to be closeted inside playing fantasy video games rather than running around outside running energy off and participating in the real actual world. [the result of this encourages #9]
    11. Trying to make boys in to girls and failing to understand that the two are not the same. The result of which relates to problems 2, 3, 5 and 9.
    12. I could go on....but I think you get the idea.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 4 years, 11 months ago
      Great list. #9 is far too often the wrong alternative to an appropriately timed and carefully applied boot in the ass, which would now land a child in foster care and a parent in prison - of course drugs would be immediately prescribed to the child to overcome the boot trauma and the parent would be required to attend sensitivity brain washing sessions for years.
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    • Posted by $ Stormi 4 years, 11 months ago
      List pretty well sums up what started when outcome based ed swept the US, and before it Europe. Clinton's Gov's school for the gifted drove a wedge between parents and students, resulting in suicide. Early on Columbine began the there is no right or wrong deal. Psychotropic drugs were encouraged. Values clarification, and all listed in above list dacame part of revamping the child to fit one world order. Children were handed self esteem, but did not ern self respect they needed. Generations have now been fed an unreal picture of life in some dystopia, and crash when reality does not give them all they were told they deserved - not what they earned. Europe and US has created a society of unstable snowflakes, unable to cope, so they turn to substances to dull the pain. They should have been told, life is tough, get ready for it, you can deal with it.
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  • Posted by GaryL 4 years, 11 months ago
    I am sure to get flamed for this but I know what taught me and my brother while growing up was a swift slap from our father when we failed to follow the program. By our early teens he never had to touch us again because "the LOOK" said it all. I remember as a young boy these words, "Quit that crying or I'll give you something to cry about". Temper tantrums were quelled in the very early stages and sad to say but they had to be beat into both of us just so the message was delivered loud and clear. Today I have nephews and grands who could use a good flogging on a regular basis.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 4 years, 11 months ago
      No flames from me! Are we somehow brothers that got separated along the road? My dad was an ex-WWII-marine and your statement "By our early teens he never had to touch us again because "the LOOK" said it all" is sooooooo true! There was mutual respect and discipline without cruelty of any kind. My brothers and I were pretty much allowed to run wild in experiencing the world as long as we didn't bring harm or get into trouble. The woods, swamps, streams, and streets were our playground and we could use dads tools to learn how to build or repair almost anything we wanted as long as he didn't have to dip into his wallet to cover our screw ups. [Side note story: One time he really got mad was when I rescued an electric alarm clock out of somebody's trash and though I could fix it. After putting it back together I paid no mind to the crappy cord and when I plugged it in it showered sparks and caught mom's living room rug on fire and I heard "HEY BOY!!! WHAT THE HELL!! YOU TRYING TO BURN MY GOD DAMNED HOUSE DOWN!?" The fire didn't catch on but it wasn't a great day, either.]
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      • Posted by GaryL 4 years, 11 months ago
        Back then me and my brother always thought of dad's scorn as fear and it sure did instill fear in us when we screwed up. Now as senior adults we both think of it as respect. Mother was never wrong simply because she was mother! We never tested dad for wrong or right simply because that would have been a losing battle for sure. He was a WW2 Navy Vet with a long fuse but very explosive if we lit it. My brother, 2 years older pushed a few buttons once and got a crash course on how to repair drywall. I can't honestly say cruel but certainly stern and right in our faces. We did however need it at a certain point and are better for it today.
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    • Posted by $ 4 years, 11 months ago
      That's how it was with my dad and I'm glad because it taught me to be more respectful and thoughtful knowing what would await. Discipline is helping someone to understand that the reason for rules is not to prevent you from doing something fun, but to keep you from facing the consequences for stupidity. Far too many children (and I include people who are physically adults but mentally children) in today's age expect to be able to do whatever they want and not face any consequences.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 4 years, 11 months ago
    Good post Blair.
    Cognitive dissonance has its consequences.
    When repeated false information is accepted and reality is ignored it results in a distorted twisted perversion of reality. This is what magik is all about. Evil is very consistent.
    Example : Trump manufactures crisis on the border,(he is trying to stop illegal crossings ) Trump is a xenophobe .(he has married two foreign born women)Trump is putting kids in cages at the border(use photo from Obama era detainment).Trumps detainment centers for illegal
    Invaders are concentration camps.(Media complicit in mockingbird fashion airing these asinine statements) . This conflicting information
    Creates an unease or dis ease in the brain.
    Drinking or other drug use is used to cover up this uncomfortable contradiction.
    This also leads to severe factoid intolerance.
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  • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 4 years, 11 months ago
    Yes, by any material measurement life is improving. But our media is filled with predictions of imminent climate disaster and kids are flooded with indoctrination that the world is going to become unlivable. Sadly many of them believe it.

    And then there's Trump Derangement Syndrome...
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 4 years, 11 months ago
    One of my favorite Poe quote can easily be adjusted to show the show the fragile state of the contemporary snowflake generation. Unprepared by design, they cringe at realities unrelenting harshness.

    "The eye, like a shattered mirror, multiplies the images of sorrow"

    "The mind, like a shattered mirror, multiplies my terrors"
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    • Posted by Solver 4 years, 11 months ago
      How about more objectively, a damaged mind, like a shattered mirror, can multiply my terrors.

      Begging the question, who or what damages minds?
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      • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 4 years, 11 months ago
        The snowflakes minds aren't damaged. The State, via leftist leadership, has deliberately conditioned them to be fragile. This isn't a mental condition as its is a lack of mental and emotional conditioning.

        My 2 bits.
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      • Posted by $ 4 years, 11 months ago
        I think both internal and external factors can affect one's mind. Internal factors may include a failure to take responsibility for one's own actions, failure to grow a positive work ethic, failure to actively pursue truth, how one handles disappointment, etc. External factors may include failure of parents to instill proper values, any kind of abuse (mental, physical, emotional, sexual), mind-altering substances, etc.
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        • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 4 years, 11 months ago
          Blarman, the fail to assume responsibility for ones life and one's doing is entirely on the individual, however it is taught by the educational system by telling children that other know whats best for them and that they should seek out assistance rather then try to resolve things themselves. My old article "The Bully box" is a perfect example.
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          • Posted by $ 4 years, 11 months ago
            I think it is on the individual when they become mature enough to assume such a responsibility. It is on parents and educators prior to that point.
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            • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 4 years, 11 months ago
              My two children recently received the Bachelors degrees from Arizona universities. The main speaker at my daughter (BS Biology, ASU) commencement, a big wig, gave his speak before the procession handing out the token degree's. I found it telling that he said the institutions greatest accomplishment was teaching its graduates how to learn. Yes, learn. Not to think creatively or how to analyze information to discern fact from fiction, meaningl from trivial, useful from rubbish, how to learn.

              Reflecting on this, teaching someone how to learn simply means opening their brains to full it with whatever you choose so they can believe it and regurgitate it later. aka give man a fish...

              (my son received his BS is Education and is working to certify as a teacher in Arizona)

              The point I'm making and I'm not disagreeing with you, is that they only know how to think if they are taught, prodded, made to do so.
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              • Posted by term2 4 years, 11 months ago
                Exactly ! Teaching to them is simply pounding certain things into the brains of the students. People already know how to learn. What this idiot was saying is that they were proud that the students simply accepted what they were taught
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  • Posted by mminnick 4 years, 11 months ago
    The progressive left has worked for years to decrease the value of life from unborn infant to senior citizen and everyone in-between.
    They so warped the sense of self-woprth that manyyour people have almost zero self-worth and any setback will push then over. The manner in which the older population is viewed also makes it easy for them to slide over the edge as well.
    It is a shame but our society no longer values age and the accumulated wisbom of the older generation. A sad commentary on the USA and Western societies as a whole..
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 4 years, 11 months ago
    Medicare/Medicaid..alias: obobo careless system covers NOTHING! They say they do but they don't and soak the crap out of you.
    Had to sign up when I started SS, otherwise you couldn't even get into the hospital if you needed to...think I am going to register as an illegal alien!
    If you want your procedure you can keep your procedure... as long as you pay for it yourself!
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  • Posted by Solver 4 years, 11 months ago
    Well, in Postmodern society, if you truly believed you were Abraham Lincoln, the year was 1862, and you were President of the United States, you would be considered as sane and equal in every way as the next useful society worker.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 4 years, 11 months ago
    I must live in a 'lollypop' world! Young and old are courteous, in their cars, opening doors (post office, grocery store), and stopping to give someone obviously in distress assistance. Our streets are a mess, the water is undrinkable, and the robot throws our trash containers in the street. But who cares? We voice our opinions twice monthly at City Council and School Board/College District meetings (and they do listen). A letter to the editor gets special attention.
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