Google & Facebook fed ad dollars to child porn discovery apps

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 5 years, 5 months ago to Ask the Gulch
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Maybe, if they had payed more attention to these apps and where the apps take people, Instead of banning factual posts, videos, articles and real journalistic sites, they may have avoided this problem.

Incompetent, Distracted, Stupid or complicit...?

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  • Posted by $ Stormi 5 years, 5 months ago
    Maybe they spend to much time doing searches on Google, which hides pedophilia. Want to know about the active Congressional pedophile ringe, use any search engine except Google, they don't know it exists, or are being payed to aletr the search results. There is also YouTube, which continued to run the video of "Rape the Baby" complete with a call from the singer to maeke it happen more often! These folks appeal to the Clintons, part of the problem, and other like the rich self-indulgent perverts that are willing to make deals with them. It is not ignorance, it is looking the other way.
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  • Posted by ZenRoy 5 years, 5 months ago
    I find it interesting that Apple App store does not seem to have the same problem.

    to post an app on Facebook or Google requires basically no review process. Very simple and quick.

    To get an app out on iTunes apps its a major choir with many huddles to jump before you get your app posted.

    the care taken up front probably stops much of this from being on the Apple iPhone, although they are so much more expensive that when I upgrade my phone the next time I will likely switch.
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  • Posted by exceller 5 years, 5 months ago
    Here is a feedback on Zuckerberg's "tone deaf" declaration of how he "handled" FB's problems:

    The guy is typical of the lefty elite: they have absolutely no idea of what is going on in life. You see this globally, not only in the US. Throughout Europe the left is being demolished country after country and they have no idea as to the reason.

    Brussels is still pushing the migrant issue even though it was the reason for defeat for several political "leaders".

    Well, they say don't help the enemy when it is on a suicidal mission. Mercifully they remove themselves from existence. The trouble is they take a lot of people with them.
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