Sexual assault claim against Kavanaugh

Posted by exceller 5 years, 9 months ago to Politics
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This is a WaPo article and as such has strong lefty bias.

My concern is 1) where is the "sexual assault" in being held down, even if it was true which it was not:
2) Why this woman never mentioned this even to her manipulated husband?

She is a democrat, with a long history of donating to the left and recently to Sanders.

She apparently can't hold on to a job long enough but maybe will have her day in the sun with this "allegation".

Do we have to put up with this crap over and over? This is not the first time it happened starting with Bork.


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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 5 years, 9 months ago
    Here are 2 articles. link:

    Below are excerpts of both that seem to make good points:

    "It’s disturbing that these uncorroborated allegations from more than 35 years ago, during high school, would surface on the eve of a committee vote after Democrats sat on them since July. If Ranking Member Feinstein and other Committee Democrats took this claim seriously, they should have brought it to the full Committee’s attention much earlier. Instead, they said nothing during two joint phone calls with the nominee in August, four days of lengthy public hearings, a closed session for all committee members with the nominee where sensitive topics can be discussed and in more than 1,300 written questions. Sixty-five senators met individually with Judge Kavanaugh during a nearly two-month period before the hearing began, yet Feinstein didn’t share this with her colleagues ahead of many of those discussions."
    It raises a lot of questions about Democrats’ tactics and motives to bring this to the rest of the committee’s attention only now rather than during these many steps along the way. Senator Feinstein should publicly release the letter she received back in July so that everyone can know what she’s known for weeks."

    "Judge Kavanaugh’s background has been thoroughly vetted by the FBI on six different occasions throughout his decades of public service, and no such allegation ever surfaced. Furthermore Judge Kavanaugh and others alleged to have been involved have unequivocally denied these claims from their high school days. The Committee has received letter after letter from those who’ve known judge Kavanaugh personally and professionally, including 65 women who’ve known him since high school, speaking to his impeccable character and respect for others, especially women.

    article 2, The therapist’s notes confirm that Ford talked about an alleged attack during the time at issue. However, they do not include Kavanaugh’s name.

    Working against Ford’s claim is her admission that she didn’t tell anyone about the alleged attack at the time. In fact, she apparently never mentioned it to anyone until 2012.

    In addition, Ford claims there were two boys present when the alleged attack occurred. The therapist’s notes say there were four. In addition, as Allahpundit points out, Ford claims this was an attempted rape in which her life was in danger. Yet, she also says Mark Judge kept jumping on the pile she and Kavanaugh formed, making the alleged event sound more like a prank than a genuine sexual assault.

    The timing of this allegation and the manner in which it was raised should also create suspicions. In this regard, it’s fair to note that Ford is a registered Democrat and a past contributor to some Democratic candidates. In addition, I’m told she signed a letter denouncing President Trump’s border policy.
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  • Posted by 5 years, 9 months ago
    The woman claims "Kavanaugh and another friend corralled her to a bedroom where Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed and groped her, adding that she feared he might kill her."

    Kill her? Make up your mind you slime: did he want to sexually assault you or to kill you?

    This is unbelievable.
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  • Posted by $ gharkness 5 years, 9 months ago
    "pinned her to the bed on her back and groped her over her clothes." In other comments, he was "falling-down drunk." (UPDATING to say I just now am reading coaldigger's remarks about many men being guilty and many women not all that traumatized, and I agree 100% and the rest of what you said, too)

    Give me a frickin' break. A 17-year-old guy who is "falling-down drunk" is easily handled. And by her own account she made it into the bathroom (but nobody heard her yell. That's because she DIDN'T - I'd be willing to bet money). And I bet these guys weren't the only ones falling-down drunk.

    IF this happened - and I am far from convinced, it's nothing - literally NOTHING! I was raised in the sixties and I occasionally ran across an over-testosteroned boy who couldn't/wouldn't keep his hands to himself. Unless I was ALSO falling-down drunk, it was an easy problem to overcome. Yes, even if there was more than one of them. And never once did I have to go to "therapy" over being groped.

    As it happens, last year was my 50th HS Anniversary. I ran into one of those "over-testosterone'd" boys who had given me a bit of trouble, for a few minutes. Turns out, he's a SITTING JUDGE, though certainly not at Supreme level. He was as thrilled to see me as I was to see him and we acted like the adults we are and all was "forgotten." So. I will never forget, but I can assure you I'd never cause him one moment's trouble.

    Nowadays, though, it's all about me and how I have been wronged. I'm a victim! Wahhhhhhhh. God I hate some people. Really.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 9 months ago
    This is complete crap. She only "remembered" it in 2012 when she talked about it with her "therapist"? Hmmm... What happened in 2012? Oh, yeah. That was when Mitt Romney was running for President against Barack Obama and there was a likely Supreme Court pick to happen between 2012 and 2016. And who was on Romney's short list?

    Brett Kavanaugh.

    I'd love to countersue this woman for defamation. She's a Democratic operative and has been for years. I don't believe a word of this.
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  • Posted by coaldigger 5 years, 9 months ago
    There is nothing new about any of this in American politics. Colonial newspapers ran anonymous op-eds all the time. They reported Hamilton's affair with a married prostitute, Jefferson's slave mistress, alleged Washington's affairs with his good friend's wife, Sally Fairfax. Even the Federalist Papers were written under assumed bylines. It's that damn 1st amendment that is so annoying but without it we would not be free.

    Obsessing and handwringing aside, I think we need to view all allegations considering the motivations and facts and make up our own minds. I suspect most of us do that but distrust the ability of others to do the same. We need to trust people more. Many men are guilty of groping someone in high school and I am not sure that they are all that upset with Kavanaugh, guilty or not. Many women had to fend off someone in their youth and were not traumatized all that much. I am not approving the violation of someone's right to be protected from rude behavior but if an incident of mischief where no one was hurt is a disqualifier from serving in a responsible position 35 years after the fact, we will have very few candidates to choose from. Who can prove their innocence when a random person from your past 35 years ago accuses you of being a jerk?
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  • Posted by 5 years, 8 months ago
    Apparently Ford's attorneys are still demanding "conditions" to be met before she appears in front of the Committee.

    The arrogance of it is palpable: to hell with her conditions. Either she appears or she doesn't.

    She has nothing credible to say so there is no reason for the Republicans to meet her hysterical demands.

    VOTE on Kavanaugh!
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  • Posted by 5 years, 9 months ago
    Someone said yesterday as a prediction that the woman would testify after an FBI "investigations" and he has proven correct.

    The left is all out in this, come hell or high water. Schumer is jumping in the fray along with old bag Feinstein.

    This cannot be more transparent than it is: the left pulls all the plugs to delay the vote.

    Grassley should go ahead with it.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 5 years, 9 months ago
    Is this gl all there.? She also claims years later some other guy raped her, which came out in analysis. She failed to mention the Judge's mom sat on a case involving this woman's parents, and ruled against them. Revenge, maybe?
    All I know is at nine, I went to my dad becasue an teen boy was hitting on me. He said he could handle it, but would prefer I did, if I thought I could. H advised me, I got rid of the creep, and learned a life lesson that served me in my teen years.When I found myself in a similar situation at 15, I was sober, the guy drunk, I knew how to handle it. Did this then girl go to this party in a bathing suit drunk or high, and why is teen looking to get lucky the same as sexual abuse. We don't know if she took him in the bedroom, or he forced her, or who he was, since she did not know how she got there, or where it was or when.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 5 years, 9 months ago
    Strange, at about the same age, I found myself in a similar situation, he was drunk, I was sober. I handled it and never looked back. No analysis needed. My dad taught me at 9 to handle myself, when a 12 year old boy tried repeatedly to kiss me and touch me. Dad said he could stop it, but that so could , and did I think I could. That was it, I put him in his place. Was this woman really so dumb that she got high or drunk, went to a party, she knows not where, in a bathing suit, and does not know how she got there? Why should we think she even knows who or what happened. Oh, anaysis, which cn bring up some pretty aulty memories. She did not mention, the Judges mother sat on a case for the girl's parents and ruled AGAINST them. Revenge maybe? She also recalled druing analysis that she years later, had been raped by another man. Not sure this gal is all therre.
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  • Posted by 5 years, 9 months ago
    Dems are looking for witnesses to present and verify Ford's accusation on Monday's hearing.

    Willing to bet that there will be witnesses showing up (miraculously) who were nonexistent for 35+ years?
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  • Posted by wmiranda 5 years, 9 months ago
    It could be also, she was drunk as a skunk too, doesn't remember who the boys were, she pulled him on top. This story is so "Democrat Playbook", I could go on and on. The clincher for this story being fiction is when Allred, Bloom or Creepy Porn Lawyer taking the case with Soros money.
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    • Posted by 5 years, 9 months ago
      Yes, very likely.

      She said as much that she did not come forward with the story b/c she was afraid of what her parents will say/do. She was probably afraid not about the alleged assault ((what is to afraid of if it was not her fault?) but that she was drinking and probably drunk.
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  • Posted by MinorLiberator 5 years, 9 months ago
    Last minute, contrived, false accusation to make a mockery of due process and delegitimize a qualified candidate. An attempt to set up another televised “high tech lynching” a la Thomas vs. Hill.

    And with Democrats this is new, how? This “accuser” is the equivalent of a “00” agent, with a license to kill someone’s reputation. And I’m sure “only following orders”.

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  • Posted by term2 5 years, 9 months ago
    Women are pricing themselves out of the market. The threat of "sexual assault allegations" is just too high nowadays to consider getting close to a woman. Never know when 35 years later, she will crawl out of a corner and destroy your career
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  • Posted by 5 years, 9 months ago
    Apparently the woman has not reacted to calls to testify:

    “We have reached out to her in the last 36 hours three or four times by email and we have not heard from them, and it kind of raises the question, do they want to come to the public hearing or not?” Grassley said on The Hugh Hewitt Show."

    Well, she must be very sure of her accusation.
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