Morons want "safer guns"

Posted by lagged 5 years, 8 months ago to News
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Gun companies probably need to take themselves private to reduce this idiocy.

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  • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 8 months ago
    These people are NOT morons. They are the enemy of individual liberty and they are smart and very dangerous.
    They have been in control of the US Treasury for 100 years.
    I am not surprised that the Wall St bankster scum (who slyly manipulate government to steal from investors) want to eliminate the ability of investors to retaliate with force since it is obvious that the voice of the people has been silenced for a century.
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    • Posted by term2 5 years, 8 months ago
      I agree. Its a war out there and we need to take sides.

      The liberals were probably behind this shareholder thing, and used the excuse that if the companies show they are "taking action", it will forestall government action against them. Of course, appeasing the enemy never works, and the government IS the enemy that the second amendment was designed to protect us from.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 5 years, 8 months ago
    The "smart" guns tested so far do not pass the credibility test. No law enforcement agency has adopted them, even though it supposedly reduces the chance an officer's weapon can be used against him/her. Most are either fingerprint recognition or magnet release systems. Like the fingerprint opening gun safes, the guns don't always "recognize" their owners print, and can remain locked in a crisis situation. The magnet systems that rely on the operator wearing a ring can also fail, simply because the ring is not perfectly aligned for the gun to recognize the code.

    Multiple mechanical safeties are more reliable, like the Colt 1911 45, with a thumb safety and grip safety that requires a proper hold before it can fire. There's one "Saturday night special" (don't remember the name) that comes in either 22 or 25 caliber that comes with two separate safety switches, and if the shooter forgets the proper settings the gun can refuse to fire at the worst possible time.

    The one foolproof safety system is the key lock adopted by Taurus and several other companies, but because it requires a key to unlock it, is only useful to insure a child can't operate the gun. It is not the kind of safety mechanism you want for a self protection weapon.

    The best kind of safety is education and training, which seems to be beyond the understanding of so many gun control advocates. I have to wonder how these people make it through any real crisis, so delicate are they. I remember the NYT reporter, who swore that firing a rifle (once, on a range) gave him PTSD.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 5 years, 8 months ago
    How about frying pans that don't fry, automobiles that don't go faster than 25 mph. which was the average trot of horses. Or perhaps TV sets that only show the BBC?
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    • Posted by Lucky 5 years, 8 months ago
      Ideas are the most dangerous of all, see-
      Fahrenheit 451, a sci fi story where government decided that books were upsetting and harmful so they burned all books.
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  • Posted by KevinSchwinkendorf 5 years, 8 months ago
    This reminds me of Joycelyn Elders (Bill Clinton's once-upon-a-time Surgeon General, who once said that "we need Safer Guns and Safer Bullets!" Okay, the exact quote was "safer weapons and safer bullets," but that's beside the point. I got a very "safe" gun that shot "safe" bullets from my mom and dad when I was around 4 years old. It was a Mattel "Shootin' Shell" toy rifle that shot little plastic bullets out of spring-loaded cartridge cases. Muzzle velocity was maybe 20 ft/sec (I could see the bullets fly from one end of the living room to the other). If I had shot my mom in the face with it, it would not have hurt her (but it definitely would have annoyed her!) Now, this kind of gun works well for a 4-year-old pretending to be Marshall Dillon (from "Gunsmoke"), or pretending to hunt deer in the living room. It does NOT work if you are a 35-year-old husband and father and you're trying to stop someone who just broke into your home and is threatening your family. In this case, you need something a little "less safe" (for the home invader). The first thing that comes to mind is a 30-30 Winchester firing a 170-grain bullet at a muzzle velocity of 2,000 ft/sec (concealment isn't important in a home defense situation).
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  • Posted by term2 5 years, 8 months ago
    Perhaps these groups want guns that dont work- thats certainly safer. Maybe they want a delay of a day or so after pulling the trigger that the gun is available to work. Maybe they just want the gun mfrs to just go out of business, period. Or maybe they want all guns in the hands of citizens to be confiscated.
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  • Posted by voodoo59 5 years, 8 months ago
    I still believe that an argument can be made that these leftist scumbags are harming the value of the stock. The none in charge of this scam has nuanced her political hostage taking since the Ruger mess to try and account for this. These shit heads (sorry,I can't think of anything else) are a threat to these companies businesses any way you slice it. Their phony statistics have been debunked and their fear-mongering (gun violence epidemic ) needs to be challenged consistently. I would parade a group of people who used their weapons in self defense in front of the self-righteous nones and ask them how that would have worked out with a "safe gun". End of report-
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  • Posted by Herb7734 5 years, 8 months ago
    Safe guns?
    How about knives that don't cut, Wind-up power tools, cars that won't go faster than 25 mph, Amusement parks that only have carousels.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 5 years, 8 months ago
    They are looking at this Gun thing all wrong. These groups should be supporting Law Enforcement. Also, the criminal laws both federal and state. They don't understand it's the person using the tool (The firearm). It's the society that is out of whack, the Leftist don't want to hear that it's not the Gun that is the problem. They don't want to hear that more has to be done with Mental Health, prosecution of criminals, and financial support for Law Enforcement. I would like to see mandatory firearms training to obtain Conceal Carry Permit.
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