Planet Earth Wobbles As It Spins, and Now Scientists Know Why

Posted by $ nickursis 5 years, 8 months ago to Science
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Just when you think Kavanaugh had sucked up all the blame in the world....we are back....

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    Posted by DrZarkov99 5 years, 8 months ago
    Bullcrap! I taught gravitational potential theory, and you get this kind of nonsense when you ignore the effects of multibody gravitational effects and the constant mass distortion of the Earth by tectonic movement. There's a reason why the gravitational model of the Earth in orbital mechanics calculations has to be constantly updated. The Earth has always had a wobble in its spin, and it changes due to the factors I mentioned above.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 5 years, 8 months ago
      What are the "multibody" gravitational effects that were ignored? Is the "Bullcrap!" just because they tried using a model to discriminate and qualify between the various mass distributions which do cause the changing wobble of the Earth's rotation? It seemed that they just needed some mathematical research project to make up for not being able to do some important research along with some kind of implication that humans are important for that wobble and therefore some kind of change in climate. They must publish or perish.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 5 years, 8 months ago
        The problem is that you can only model a two body gravitational interaction directly. No one has developed a solution for the N-body interaction that involves the effects of the sun, moon, and all the other planetary bodies combined, so it's measured indirectly with the collection of real data with a mathematical formula, as Legendre polynomials (think Fourier transform in three dimensions), adjusting a series of polynomials that describe estimated effects by changing the constants associated with each term to weight the observed effects. The same has to be applied for the Earth mass to account for shift in mass due to constant tectonic effects. The change in weight of the ice mass has an effect, but it's not alone in causing changes in the Earth's spin. To deal with it as though it's the only thing is a huge error.
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        • Posted by lrshultis 5 years, 8 months ago
          Did I read the article wrong? It did not say anything about ice mass changes being the only dynamic changes for changes in Earth wobble.
          As for the N body problem, there are a few closed solutions to the 3-body equations. Most dynamic models are not analytic, so one must use something like perturbation methods for solutions which fit reality.
          There is no model of real world that does not require real data for solution. A model does not just spit out a real world solution without data, therefor the need to fit variables to reality. If the model is analytic, closed solutions can be found but to give real results, there still must be real data measurements for each case applied to reality.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 5 years, 8 months ago
      I read that the massive earthquake inJapan shifted the tilt of our Planet.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 5 years, 8 months ago
        Correct. Tectonic movement is the dominant force that causes shifts in mass affecting spin, tilt, and wobble.
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        • Posted by $ 5 years, 8 months ago
          Interestingly enough, the relationship of deep earthquakes and shallows seems well proven by insitu data, Dutchsinse has been calling it out for about 10 years and being bashed by mainstream science. There have been a lot of them going in the last few years as we head into GSM, perhaps that is a contributor in some way.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 8 months ago
    As long as we are speculating with no evidence, why not consider this. There is more mass in the northern hemisphere due to there being more land mass there than the southern hemisphere. That already causes a normal natural wobble due to physics. Any melting of ice and retreat of glaciers in the arctic region and Greenland (which has been happening since long before human industrialization) is just correcting the existing wobble.
    Let's put blame where it belongs. Looting politicians and "scientists" are causing panic without use of proper scientific method to analyze the evidence in order to steal funds from honest hard working people.
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    • Posted by jpellone 5 years, 8 months ago
      I am not a Scientist but I am a logical thinker. I agree with the mass in the northern hemisphere seems to be greater but I would like to add another variable.

      I think the wobble is decreasing because the Earth is trying to balance itself. An example could be a fluid damper on an engine. As it rotates, weights move around inside the fluid to balance the engine. Now the Earth is trying to do the same thing but the way it is doing it is by North America moving west and Asia is moving east. I believe that is why the Earth has the Ring of Fire.

      There are much smarter people on here than I when it comes to how it all works but I just think about things in the simplest ways to make them make sense. How close am I???
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      • Posted by DeangalvinFL 5 years, 8 months ago
        If you are an inquisitive logical thinker, then you are a Scientist.
        Being a correct Scientist is the difficult part.
        One has to have your theories and then test them out against the reality around us.
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    • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 5 years, 8 months ago
      Was reading something more reasonable this weekend stating that we don't actually wobble on a day to day basis but our weighted spin axis does change, but notably, our so called Poles and equator were arbitrarily created to some ideal. Observations in reality are quite different. Even our orbit around the sun is not a circle nor is it stable, it changes.

      Once you realize that the sun and our solar system is not still, that the planets have these eccentric orbits because we revolve around a star that is orbiting the milky way at some 433K miles per hour. (have seen several different figure there)

      It's not picture perfect like we were taught.
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      • Posted by $ 5 years, 8 months ago
        And, much like the changes in scientific understanding of the earths movements, and overall evolution of the view of it, everything is fluid, we never get to real "final" definitions of a lot of things, and that is what causes a lot of conflict, people who "believe" based on faith that "it is this way and has always been" and the people who understand what I knew yesterday, is not what I know today, and surely will not be what I know tomorrow.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 5 years, 8 months ago
        The precession and the precessional code was known by the ancient civilizations they knew of the earths wobble and how it caused the constellations to replace each other every 2160 years. The "code" is ingrained in many megaliths.
        "Some 433k miles over hour" is interesting , maybe it's 432. Like many interesting correlations with natural life and how our solar system is geometrically modeled the same might be said about the universe.
        The universal music of sacred geometry
        According to Brian T. Collins, a musician and researcher, the standard pitch (A=440 Hz) does not harmonize on any level that corresponds to cosmic movement, rhythm, or natural vibration. The greatest musicians, such as Mozart and Verdi, based their music on the natural vibration of A=432. It’s true that it is only 8 vibrations per second different from the standard tuning, but this small difference seems to be remarkable to our human consciousness.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 5 years, 8 months ago
    Some say the earth began to wobble during the invention or rock n' roll but me dino contends this phenomenon originally occurred with a loosening up event during the swing craze of the big band era, Later on Chubby Checker coming out with his big hit did not help with its unscrewing process as evidenced by the following link~
    And to think me dino not only lived through that but participated. For shame! For shame!
    Me dino lives in shame for sharing the blame should the earth just up and flip over some fine day.
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  • Posted by BiggestShoelaces 5 years, 8 months ago
    Of course, the melting ice that allowed man to habitat the land that was flatten by glaciers and continues to melt today as the ice age slowly ends is the fault of man today. /sarcasm
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  • Posted by chad 5 years, 8 months ago
    Let's just get everyone on the planet to move to the right to compensate for our evil misdeeds in using the resources available to improve our lives.
    I used to teach survival at a local university, although fun and challenging to figure out how to survive and get back home living at the level of subsistence and what you can accomplish on any given day would not be fun for an extended period of time and you quickly realize that even if you are skilled a simple change in short term weather can decimate the tribe.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 5 years, 8 months ago
    Does this mean the goofy Congressman who worried shifting population to one end of his island, meant it was going to tip over, has weather to consider too? Everything has to be about controlling climate by controlling hunmans, I get it.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 5 years, 8 months ago
    What?! They're not going to blame it all on industrialists (and their customers) this time?--Oh, well, if they run out of other scapegoats, they can always call in the other scapegoat that has always been blamed for centuries--the Jews.
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