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  • Posted by $ 5 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    It was not at all clear that your comment was a quote from another comment. You did nothing to set it off. See my comment below, which clearly demarks the texts.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 5 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    All I did was reprint someone's comment as I stated above,
    The article is biased and written by a sufferer of TDS.
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  • Posted by $ 5 years, 10 months ago
    From the Task & Purpose website. Task & Purpose launched in 2014 to provide authentic and unfiltered perspectives on military and veterans issues in the post-9/11 era.

    From T&P
    The “Obama Speech” — I’m Over It
    By LAUREN KATZENBERG on May 29, 2014

    The latest entry in this genre, President Obama’s recent commencement address at West Point, displays soaring but empty rhetoric, banalities, as well as unrealistic and unexplained goals:

    [The President said:] "And beyond these narrow rationales, I believe we have a real stake — abiding self-interest — in making sure our children and our grandchildren grow up in a world where schoolgirls are not kidnapped; where individuals aren’t slaughtered because of tribe or faith or political belief. I believe that a world of greater freedom and tolerance is not only a moral imperative; it also helps keep us safe."

    Katzenberg commented: "He might as well have said we have a real stake in making sure unicorns prance around with butterflies under double rainbows because ‘Murica."

    Lauren Katzenberg is the editor of New York Times' At War channel. She is also cofounder of Task & Purpose and served as managing editor from 2014 until 2018. Prior to launching Task & Purpose, Lauren lived in Namibia on a wildlife sanctuary for injured and orphans animals and spent two years in Afghanistan working with local filmmakers and journalists.

    Trump’s Strike On Syria Shows How Obama’s Policy Failed
    By BRIAN ADAM JONES on April 7, 2017

    Brian Adam Jones is the Co-Founder and Editor-at-Large of Task & Purpose. From November 2013 until February 2017, Brian was Task & Purpose’s founding Editor-in-Chief. Over the past three years, Brian and his team built Task & Purpose from conception into a respected and recognized platform with over 4 million monthly pageviews.

    Brian is a political partner with the Truman National Security Project, and serves as the co-director for the organization’s New York chapter. He is pursuing his Bachelor ’s degree in political science at Columbia University on his G.I. Bill, and completed his degree in the 2016 Fall semester.

    He previously served as the president of the U.S. Military Veterans of Columbia University, the largest student veteran organization in the Ivy League. For his work with student veterans, Brian was named the 2016 Student Veteran of the Year by Student Veterans of America at the organization’s national conference in Orlando, Florida.

    Brian began his career as an enlisted Combat Correspondent in the United States Marine Corps. He was named the Marine Corps Print Journalist of the Year in 2010 and 2011. His awards and decorations include the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, the Good Conduct Medal, and the Afghan Campaign Medal.

    As a 22-year-old Marine Corporal, Brian was the senior staff writer on a four-man team conducting public affairs work for aviation operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan.

    Brian was named one of 25 veterans poised to make an impact in 2015 by We Are The Mighty, and was selected as a journalism fellow at the 2015 Aspen Ideas Festival in Aspen, Colorado. He was named one of the top 100 influential personalities on veterans issues by Hillvets. Brian’s work has appeared in or been cited by Business Insider, the Washington Post, Bloomberg, the New York Times, CBS News, and MSNBC.

    The opinions stated in his work are his alone.

    That last is attached to all of their articles. They publish the fact-based analysis and opinions.

    From their "About Us" page:
    "National security touches on just about every aspect of American society, but too often, those who are most responsible for that security get stereotyped, ignored, or misrepresented by the media. We aim to give voice to the service members, veterans, and military families who know better than anyone else the impact the Global War on Terror has made on our country. We fulfill that mission through unapologetic investigative reporting, story-telling, and analysis of cultural issues and current affairs."
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  • Posted by $ 5 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Again, Task and Purpose was founded in 2014, so criticism of President Obama was thin. However, in 2017, they did publish this article by co-founder and editor, Brian Adam Jones:
    Trump’s Strike On Syria Shows How Obama’s Policy Failed
    By BRIAN ADAM JONES on April 7, 2017

    You jump to questionable conclusions because you do not have the facts.
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  • Posted by $ 5 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Task & Purpose is not a "he"; it is a publication with an active board of a dozen editors and over 300 contributors. It was founded in 2014.

    T&P did publish an opinion of one of their founders, Lauren Katzenberg, which was highly critical of President Obama's 2014 West Point commencement address.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 5 years, 10 months ago
    What a Piece of Click Baited Crap.
    Did you learn ANYTHING about a large number of Generals who are eagerly awaiting retirement.

    Did he cover the Obama Purge.

    But he pseudo quotes Maggie Habberman with "Trump just wants people to stop looking into is PAST CRIMES".
    Love the ASSUMPTION that there are crimes... Funny, EVEN if he had "Colluded" with Russia, that's not a CRIME.

    This is why I have tuned out of the news, turned off my cable TV.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 5 years, 10 months ago
    This comment is accurate from task and purpose.

    Oh how I love the direction that T&P has gone.... straight down the shitter, thus TP. I don't remember this kind of witch hunt while Obummer was in office.
    I truly wish POTUS Trump was black or other than white for PC purposes. That way you liberal knob gobblers would potentially leave well enough alone. Here we are though, Trump is a racist because he is white and he hates everyone. BTW that is lib speak for I like to whine while having no clue what I am talking about and my assless chaps are causing a heat rash.

    This was a great source some time ago for former military to get "news" and be entertained.... now it has become a pool party that liberals have pissed in after too many O Doul's .

    How about you try to write and article on how any of us are wrong for owning guns and enjoying our
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