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  • Posted by 11 years, 4 months ago
    The Assault Rock has, so far, fetched 19 bids and is up to 61.00, with one day left in the auction. Why the HELL didn't I think of this? The questions and answers are worth a read through....there is a very long list now. This guy must be busy just answering them all.
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  • Posted by khalling 11 years, 4 months ago
    did you put this on ebay?
    remember the story The Lottery? you can kill someone if the whole town agrees to throw one these at you
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    • Posted by 11 years, 4 months ago
      No, I didn't list this....wish I had thought of it though.
      The sewing machine? lol
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      • Posted by khalling 11 years, 4 months ago
        it is heartening that someone posted that. how did you find it?
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        • Posted by 11 years, 4 months ago
          Here are all of the questions and answers so far:

          Hi, we're holding a Friends of NRA banquet in April. Is there any chance we could get Tactical Assault Rock to our event?
          drizzt203 : That may be possible. You could either win the auction or since it's for the NRA I could probably send you a different assault rock.
          Thank You for having the courage to post this devistating weapons system. I hear that a lad named David was able to defend his school against a giant with one of these. I will be bidding. Thank you
          drizzt203 : I can not say that I am courageous, just doing my job. David on the other hand sure had some rocks.
          I'm a bit short on cash flow because of the economy,would you consider old used 79 Shovelhead Harley parts in trade?? Guaranteed rusted in the USA!! Also may have a few 68 Camaro or 70-72 Chev Truck
          drizzt203 : I am sorry but I can not accept trades at this time as all proceeds are going to the NRA-ILA.
          D you plan on making a multicam or flat dark earth version for use overseas and are these the same ones that the seal team 6 are currently testing?
          drizzt203 : This model is very similar to the one used by all special forces you have heard about, even the ones you haven't heard about. We are currently working on new surface finishes and camo patterns.
          What caliber and grain is this assault rock? Too funny, thanks!
          drizzt203 : This assault rock is a 7500 grain 4.5ACP.
          Hello I was wondering if you had 30 of these and a high capaicity assualt rock Banana clip? I know the banana clips are impossable to find now but I only have about 100 of them on hand. Thanks
          drizzt203 : I currently have banana clips back ordered six years.
          Hey, Is the A-Rock available in a larger caliber? I am a pretty big guy and if the grip isn't just right I am not sure I can be accurate at a sufficient range? Thanks.
          drizzt203 : We will be coming out with assault rocks in larger calipers.
          Would I require one for importation to the UK? I only ask because customs once impounded a very nasty looking pair of nail clippers I had on my key ring.
          drizzt203 : I do not believe that any rocks can be shipped to or owned in the UK.
          If you paint a "go faster" stripe down the side of it, does it make it go further and faster when you throw it. As if it does i think this make all the difference in a tactical situation.
          drizzt203 : This assault rock will accept go faster stripes and it will make it go faster and further. No other assault rock on the market can do that.
          Do you sell a rack for mounting the AR in the back window of my pick up truck?
          drizzt203 : I do not currently carry a truck rack for assault rocks. You should be careful displaying your assault rocks as you may be more likely to get tickets in some areas.
          Because the rock is black, will it give me the extra oomph I need to protect myself and my family from criminals who will be ignoring any gun bans placed on the lawful citizens?
          drizzt203 : It will indeed give you extra oomph. Once an assault rock is black it basically will be like using a much larger caliber rock with the ability to throw it faster, you will also look much cooler.
          I am
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