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  • Posted by 6 years ago
    The WSJ has a detailed article about the spy installed by the FBI to infiltrate the Trump campaign. The NYT claims he was not a spy. See for yourself.

    "The Federal Bureau of Investigation really did task an “informant” to insinuate himself with Trump campaign advisers in 2016."

    "Incredibly, Democrats and their media friends are painting Mr. Nunes as the villain for daring even to ask about all this. Mark Warner, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, is making the rounds warning that “the first thing any new” committee member “learns is the critical importance of protecting sources and methods.”

    "But the stakes here go beyond Mr. Trump’s political future. The public deserves to know who tasked the informant to seek out Trump campaign officials, what his orders were, what the justification was for doing so, and who was aware of it. Was the knowledge limited to the FBI, or did it run into the Obama White House?

    As important, what are the standards for the future? Could a Trump FBI task agents to look into the foreign ties of advisers to the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign in 2020? Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein need to clear the air by sharing what they and the FBI know with the House. This is bigger than blowing a source whose identity Justice leakers have already blown. This is about public trust in the FBI and Justice."

    It is too late for the public trust for the government. The most disturbing fact as I see it is that it is out in the open and they are still getting away with it.
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    • Posted by Steven-Wells 6 years ago
      Key question: What did Obama know, and when did he stop knowing it?
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      • Posted by 6 years ago
        Yes. It is surprising no one is asking that question.

        For 8 years he has been behind the most corrupt and dictatorial government. Many of his actions will be difficult to trace back to him. As always happens, people know what the boss wants and they act accordingly even without direct order from him, knowing full well what he wants.

        His troops are still there. Rosenstein and Wray are still carrying out Obama's "legacy".

        Is Sessions the "insurance policy" the FBI love birds were referring to?

        There is still too much corruption. We keep waiting for it to be uncovered and remedied. The "swamp" still outnumbers those who want to clean it up.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 6 years ago
      "It is too late for the public trust for the government. "
      If they repeal all gun control laws, all drug laws, repeal the federal reserve act, repeal all laws and close all departments and branches of government that are constitutionally justified via the "interstate commerce" clause or the "necessary and proper" clause, make it explicit that the 2nd, 9th and 10th amendments are superior to all federal powers except those powers explicitly stated in the original constitution and the 14, 15, and 19th amendments, pass a law that limits federal elected service to one term of 4 years, pass a law that limits campaign contributions to $100 for each human being eligible to vote and residing in the district of the office contested, pass a law limiting annual federal spending to $500 per capita or less, pass a law eliminating retirement pay for elected public servants, replace the 16th amendment with an amendment stating that taxation on incomes is theft and punishable with death.
      Then they would restore my trust until they open their mouths and start lying and stealing again.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years ago
      To read that the one and only oowee NEW YORK TIMES claims that FBI spy is not a spy caused me dino to laugh out loud long and hard.
      Of course that late for once great pathetic libtarded rag would make such a claim.
      Me dino hereby recommends a mascot for the oowee NYT. It's name is Pinocchio.
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  • Posted by term2 6 years ago
    I think there are spies all over trying to make various people, campaigns, and companies look bad to the benefit of competitors. The left should just admit it, and the government employees fired.

    My god, imagine the uproar if trump had a soy in hillary’s Camp !!!’ But for Hillary to have done it should just be covered up
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 6 years ago
    A political party wanting to convince the populace of the dangers of a large government should make a video of the past quarter century of what NOT to do.
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