Fernando Puron, Mexican politician, seen killed on surveillance video

Posted by $ nickursis 5 years, 11 months ago to Culture
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This is so indicative of the fall of civilization, and social order, and why the wall is so desperately needed. Not to keep out the illegal immigrants, but to keep the criminals and gangs that have taken over the country from getting here. Imagine if 112 political candidates in the US had been killed by "persons unknown"?
SOURCE URL: https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/09/americas/mexico-politician-fernando-puron-killed/index.html

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  • Posted by $ allosaur 5 years, 11 months ago
    During 1973 while touring the Southwest just to see it, my brother and I crossed the Mexican border into Mexicali, drove through some nice Mexican mountain country and returned to the USA when we reached Tijuana all in one afternoon.
    Why? Because that Mexican highway was there to be found on a road map..
    More importantly, it was 1973.
    Now I would not want to even go anywhere near the Mexican border.
    In my email this morning, I deleted something about vacationing in "beautiful Mexico."
    Me dino said aloud, "Who would be stupid enough to do that?"
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    • Posted by $ 5 years, 11 months ago
      The last couple years have proven that the "vacation resorts" have turned into killing grounds. The fact Mexico is unable to do anything only shows that these gangs have essentially taken over the country and politics. When a couple of your biggest revenue makers (legal ones) go belly up, and you cannot do anything, it means you really don't need then, or, you really don't care.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 5 years, 11 months ago
        Vacation resorts that aren't all that far away are all over the Caribbean.
        Why some Americans prefer Mexico as a fun place to go falls short of using any common sense as far as me dino can reason.
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        • Posted by $ gharkness 5 years, 11 months ago
          We like to cruise. A lot. And because it's not too far away, we cruise in the Caribbean. The ports for a western Caribbean cruise always - ALWAYS - include Cozumel, and sometimes at least one other Mexican port.

          We never get off the ship at any destination in Mexico. And we don't get off the ship in Jamaica, either. It would be a total bummer, though, if the ship itself weren't the "destination" for us.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 11 months ago
            Do you have a cruising blog? I'd like to hear more about your travels ;^)
            A friend has a diving resort that he and his wife built in Guanaja, Honduras. It's a safe stop if you are down that way.
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            • Posted by $ gharkness 5 years, 11 months ago
              Oh dear. I hope they get to keep that resort. My brother owned a dive resort in Roatan, and did well, until the local honchos decided they wanted it more than he did...they ginned up some charges and threw him in the local jail, where he stayed until his kids were smuggled out of the country in the middle of the night via puddle-jumper aircraft. Then, his wife was able to bribe the guards and get him out for another midnight flight, never to return.

              In answer to your question, I don't have a blog, simply because cruising for me is kind of like going down to a local campground, renting a camper, and staying in it for a week. We have the additional advantage of not having to clean up after ourselves and the view is better. We avoid the typical cruise 'activities,' never go near the pool or the casino. Mainly we just stay on our balcony as much as possible. I am sure it would bore most people to tears, but I find it useful to help me enjoy my self-imposed work projects.
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              • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 11 months ago
                I lived in Roatan for about 6 months some years ago. I was looking for some property to develop, but I didn't like what I saw, so I went elsewhere. Every country has government thieves. Some use the law to steal from honest productive people.
                When I read you say "cruising" I jumped to the conclusion that you were an independent boater who cruises in his boat or a bare boat rental. I understand now that you meant you enjoy cruising on a cruise ship. My mistake;^)
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                • Posted by $ gharkness 5 years, 11 months ago
                  Not a problem. The one time we actually left the ship at Roatan, we avoided a guided tour and walked from the port to town (we were looking for an internet cafe). We notice a horrible stench and couldn't figure out where it was coming from, until we noticed the guy a few dozens of yards ahead of us who had experienced diarrhea and had not bothered to clean up (we were at the water, so he could have if he had chosen.) None of the locals seemed to think it was at all unusual or off-putting.

                  Haha, you stated "Every country has government thieves. Some use the law to steal from honest productive people." Well, of course! They get more from the honest productive people than they will ever get from the layabouts who have nothing!
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 5 years, 11 months ago
            I don't cruise but have no desire to go anywhere near the Mexican border. Believe I recently read something negative about Jamaica. Didn't really stick in my old dino memory banks because, like I just wrote, I don't cruise.
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            • Posted by $ gharkness 5 years, 11 months ago
              Gotcha. Kind of like people like me who proudly say "I don't watch TV." Well, since I have no idea what is on it, I am not really making an informed decision, but I don't care enough to find out! Apparently there are many that feel the same way about cruising, and that's fine, too. And if the only thing I knew about cruising was what I gleaned from newspaper and internet stories, I'd not be doing it either.

              The ONE good thing about cruising is that unless you get seasick, there's something there for you, and it doesn't necessarily involve hairy-chest contests, art auctions, smoky casinos or basically anything but enjoying the ride. But whatever your reasons, that's fine. You get to pick!
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              • Posted by $ allosaur 5 years, 11 months ago
                I went deep sea fishing on a boat that held about 70 people at Panama City, FL.. Got seasick. Managed to hold what was in my stomach by twice going to the center of the boat where the rocking felt less severe.
                No more deep sea fishing for me dino. Cruises? Don't think so.
                I've also seen photos that show how crowded those ships can get. And I've read contagion on a cruise news horror stories.
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                • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 11 months ago
                  When I was a boy all my uncles repeatedly went fishing off the coast of NC together in one boat. My uncle from NYC went every time because he wanted to be a part of the group even though he was the only one who was seasick. Years later his son (my cousin) came to visit me in LA and we went sailing with a friend. Although it was a calm day, my cousin was seasick. Perhaps it's genetic?
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                  • Posted by $ 5 years, 11 months ago
                    As a submariner, we didn't get much time up top, but when we did, ooh boy. We surfaced off Hawaii in a Trident (16,000 tones) and the boat was being rocked in 12 foot seas, for 36 hours back to port, and 90% of the crew were sick. I was standing watch in Sonar, as I was the only one not throwing up. All night long....
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                  • Posted by $ allosaur 5 years, 11 months ago
                    I've seen photographs of where my ancestors farmed deep inside Sweden. Maybe they were Norsemen who couldn't go "I'm gonna be sick" Viking.
                    There's a scene in The 13th Warrior where the hero rides in a little Viking boat on gigantic swells.
                    I'd probably want to throw myself overboard just to put myself out of my misery.
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                • Posted by $ gharkness 5 years, 11 months ago
                  Like I said, if you only know what you read/heard. I have been on 26 cruises - #27 and #28 are scheduled not nearly soon enough :-) and I have never been in a crowded situation and never gotten sick. Actually I've never been on a cruise in which the general population got sick (talking norovirus or the things that you hear about in the horror stories). We have had some very interesting cruises, one where we had to leave our cabin at midnight because they were doing a heli rescue (injured crewman) and couldn't land on the ship (21 foot seas) so the heli had to hover right over our cabin. That was a hoot, but only because everything went perfectly. It could have been disastrous.

                  We have been on a cruise where the captain was asking the pax for blood donors due to a seriously ill cruiser. We were too far from land for a heli rescue, so the donations saved his/her life. Been on a cruise recently where a crew member committed suicide. That was not a great cruise. Was cruising when 9/11 happened, and the entire cruise was pretty much shut down, even though we still went through the motions. Been on a cruise where a pax was removed from the ship because someone had tweeted in a fake account that he had a biological weapon with him. Of course, he didn't.

                  Those are just a few of the interesting occurrences. Also, the issue of crowding goes entirely away when you are talking spending most of your time on your own balcony, eating at a table for two and not going to all the crap stuff they have to entertain the masses.

                  If I could afford it, I'd sail on ships that were very limited in size and population, but I don't have that kind of money. So we have to make our own cruise out of what we can afford. It works for us, but neither of us tends to get seasick.

                  Being prone to seasickness would end it forever. Totally don't blame you.
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                  • Posted by $ 5 years, 11 months ago
                    Smithsonian was showing some "Great Cruise Liners" series late at night for a while and there are some really awesome ships in some out of the way routes like Germany to France and England, or Denmark, and one French boat that goes around Indonesia and Australia. Beautiful ships.
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            • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 11 months ago
              Jamaican tourist destinations are as safe as any US big city. You have to be aware of your surroundings and not take risks that you wouldn't take at home. Keep valuables in the hotel's safe.
              Criminals are everywhere. Don't make yourself an obvious target. If you go into a third world ghetto you are taking a risk regardless of what country it is in.
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              • Posted by $ gharkness 5 years, 11 months ago
                Nonsense. We went just outside the boundaries of the enclosed port area once in Jamaica, and it was seconds, literally, before we were inundated with "offers" of "tours." We may be a little slow, but we aren't stupid.

                Of course the rest goes without saying. I am aware of my surroundings when I am at home in bed, so certainly any time I am away from home I am situationally aware. That takes nothing away from the fact that we do not get off the ship in Jamaica, period, end of story. You, however, are welcome to walk around in Jamaica all you want.
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                • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 11 months ago
                  My reply was to allosaur's comment of a media negative report about Jamaica, not your earlier comment.
                  It appears our experiences are different.
                  Your experience does not make my experience "nonsense." Nor does anything I wrote infer that you are slow or stupid.
                  BTW, when I read you say "cruising" I jumped to the conclusion that you were an independent boater who cruises in his boat or a bare boat rental. I understand now that you meant you enjoy cruising on a cruise ship. My mistake;^) I can see how the cruise ship passengers can be targeted by locals. The schedule is known and easy for locals to be on hand when your ship comes into port. I don't go on cruise ships; just not my thing.
                  I have found the Jamaicans that I met there very friendly - in tourist areas as I stated.
                  However, I had an experience similar to your Jamaican experience when I was near the Forum in Rome at mid-day. We were walking with other tourists, surrounded by kids begging and one kid stuck his hand in my pocket. I grabbed his arm and twisted. He ran away with the others. Probably they came back in 15 minutes to try again. The cops do nothing.
                  I was walking with my uncle along the beach in Rio about 5pm when a bunch of teen boys surrounded us. We moved back to back. Against my advice my uncle was wearing a gold necklace. One kid jumped in grabbed the necklace and they all ran.
                  It can happen anywhere.
                  I have lost a lot more to the federal government's IRS thugs.
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                  • Posted by $ gharkness 5 years, 11 months ago
                    freedomforall: Gotcha, and apologies for the mutual misunderstanding. (I wasn't saying your EXPERIENCE was invalid - I was saying that it is nonsense that Jamaican tourist destinations are as safe as any US big city. But on reflection, perhaps you are right. Not that Jamaica is better, but that the US is worse, than we tend to think). Yes, it can happen anywhere, so I avoid as much as possible places where it will. In addition, my husband and I are late sixties, which means we appear to be easy targets - whether we actually are or not. We prefer not to attract the attention of those who would take advantage. The reason you have lost more to the IRS than to Jamaicans is that you have (presumably) spent more time in the US than in Jamaica. Go down there and hang around for a while, and that might change, but not necessarily, given that the IRS comes for you no matter where you are.

                    These replies of necessity leave out TONS of background from which we form our opinions, on the part of all of us. My background is of being widely-traveled as a child. I visited Jamaica in 1962 when it was a beautiful country (it's still beautiful) and not as full of thugs as it is now. Nothing I see there now can possibly compare with what I remember, so I avoid it, especially since that's not my reason for cruising.

                    I owe my very existence to the fact that my Mother was not allowed to return to the Mexico she loved and lived in (she was American) during WWII, because the ration board wouldn't allow her to buy tires for her car for her return trip. Hence she stayed in Texas and met my father, and along I came. But once supplies eased, she never missed an opportunity to take me and my brothers back to Mexico for extended visits. What I see now are cheap knick-knacks and overly-forward sellers trying to get my attention. One trip through that on a cruise was enough for me.

                    Okay, enough biography for now. I just wanted to show that I am not necessarily looking at Mexico from the same set of eyes that most American visitors do. But despite the fact that I loved it and it treated me well, things have changed there a whole lot, and I have no interest in setting foot in there again.

                    And I could only wish to be an independent cruiser!! Not gonna happen, but I love the water, so I do the best I can.
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