Center for Disease Control (CDC) Diverted $3 Million to Liberal Group for Democrat Campaigns

Posted by freedomforall 6 years ago to Politics
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"The Community Coalition also funds all sorts of other Democratic initiatives, including everything from the George Soros-backed “Black Lives Matter” movement to anti-gentrification initiatives – all of which are are listed on the group’s “CoCo In the News” webpage.

“Can someone please explain to me what any of these issues have to do with tackling health?” asks Bassilian, noting that it was actually a friend of his who started Community Coalition, much to his surprise."

“The Democratic Party isn’t winning in California because their ideas are better, or they’re more compassionate than conservatives. It’s because they monopolized the racket,” says Bassilian.

“Your tax money is only being used in a neverending [sic] racket to fund the rent-seeking, ever-growing state which just leeches off us. Until we break the political monopoly in this state, the swamp will snare us all like so many fossils in the La Brea Tarpits.”

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  • Posted by voodoo59 6 years ago
    The CDC is a PAC for the miserable Democrats and always has been. The most frustrating thing is- how do they always get away with this? Who is supposed to police these bureaucratic criminals? Look at the current situation at the EPA. If Pruitt makes it out alive, it's going to be a miracle. How many tax dollars have flowed through that part of the swamp to the leftists?
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