Santa Fe school shooting: America’s gun problem, explained in 5 facts

Posted by $ nickursis 6 years ago to Culture
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Now this is a classic, fake news article on guns and gun violence, take some statistics out of context (the US has more gun deaths than Sweden, Germany or Finland, uh, because they have strict gun control laws) and leave out the real data needed for an argument, like, oh, say knife attacks (if you don't have a damn gun, you use a damn knife, hatchet, samurai sword, whatever is at hand). Now, you pontificate on how it is the GUNS that cause all this, not the morons pulling the triggers, not the disturb kids who have been bullied to the point if they didn't have a gun, they would use one of the alternatives, the mental cases wandering around who do not take their med, the fact we have so many mental cases, after 30 years of "enlightened" education and oodles of reforms. Then you manipulate more data and arguments always supporting YOUR little fantasy, and POOF!, its all true and you have a herd of simple minded idiots voting to ban anything that uses a bullet. Talk to the Australian woman and children murdered by GUNS in a heavily REGULATED COUNTRY, who were killed last week, and you will find out: When someone wants to kill you, no damn gun laws are going to stop them. Or just pull the statistics from Chicago or Wash DC, shining examples of the total, utterly complete failure of the whole "take your guns away" fallacy.
SOURCE URL: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/2/21/17028930/gun-violence-us-statistics-charts

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