FDA finds glyphosate weedkiller residues in nearly all grocery foods, but has spent years hiding test results from the public

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years ago to News
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Big Brother is looking out for you...NOT!
The KEY point here is all this exposure is Cumulative!..meaning if you start out eating one food with 6.5ppm (1.5ppm over allowable limits-wonder who figured that one out) and the other 2 foods have it too! you have tripled your exposure. Now, times that 3 times a day...365.?? days a year. It would seem, we could now plant YOU in the fields and no self respecting weed would go near you!

"The FDA insists that though it has discovered glyphosate residues on so many of the foods tested, these levels are low and are therefore not cause for concern. As such, they feel it is not in the public’s best interest to make their findings known."

"Tracey Woodruff, a professor at the University of California San Francisco’s School of Medicine, disagrees."

"“People care about what contaminants are in their food. If there is scientific information about these residues in the food, the FDA should release it,” she told The Guardian. “It helps people make informed decisions. Taxpayers paid for the government to do this work, they should get to see the information.”"

"Linda Birnbaum, toxicologist and director of the U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), warns that even low-level exposure to glyphosate can be very dangerous because we are exposed to many different sources of this chemical and its effects are cumulative."

"Many natural health advocates have spoken out about the FDA’s cover-up of its test findings and the fact that it took 40 years for them to start testing for glyphosate residue in the first place. (Related: Discover where glyphosate might be lurking at Glyphosate.news.)"

"These types of findings reinforce the need for us all to take responsibility for our own health and limit our exposure to glyphosate by purchasing or growing our own organic, pesticide-free fresh produce.""
SOURCE URL: https://www.newstarget.com/2018-05-04-fda-finds-glyphosate-weedkiller-residues-in-nearly-all-grocery-foods.html

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