Brokaw is a Shmuck

Posted by $ Abaco 6 years, 1 month ago to News
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Not surprised one bit. His explanation smells, too. Lately, I have marveled at how the most staunch leftists are being exposed in this post-Weinstein period. This is interesting to me too because I've noticed Brokaw being featured in little mini-editorials in talk radio over the past year, each blurb seeming more leftist than the last. I thought, "He's really slipping over the edge...". I used to enjoy his reporting back when I had hope that the evening news was somewhat founded in truth. I hope this story is all false. gut says it's not.

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  • Posted by $ gharkness 6 years, 1 month ago
    Brokaw could be the absolute worst snake in the grass (and he probably is - I certainly don't like him), but this business of virtually hanging a person without a trial is extremely dangerous.

    If it was okay for these women to wait 20-something years to come forward, we can wait a few years longer for actual justice to be done (arraignment if there is enough evidence for that (which is doubtful), trial, and punishment if adjudged guilty).

    This #Metoo thing is one of the worst, if not THE worst, thing to happen to American justice in recent memory. Given the current state of it being the "correct" thing to "believe" these accusations with absolutely no corroboration, innocent men - and there are plenty of innocent men - have literally no way to protect themselves. Any man who has ever made a woman mad or jealous is at risk. To all the men reading this: not only are you at risk, especially if you are in any way successful and can be knocked down from your successful achievements and/or stripped of your assets, all your male children are at risk!

    This needs to be stopped. As a woman, I don't see myself becoming a shining beacon in the Men's Rights Movement, because, while I am very sympathetic, I don't want to intrude, but if ever men needed to be paying attention and getting a resistance going, now is the time.
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    • Posted by $ jdg 6 years, 1 month ago
      I go farther than that. Even for actual rape (and none has been suggested here), there needs to be a statute of limitations short enough that the accused can find witnesses or alibis and defend himself. Otherwise he is being railroaded.

      If a victim can't make up her mind to press charges within a few days, I tend not to believe she is a victim anyway.

      Besides, nearly all of these charges aren't about real rape anyway. They're about cases where two drunk people had sex, or two drunk people were making out and one surprised the other with his hands, or a woman did it but now regrets it for some outside reason. The term "sexual assault" is often used to make cases like the making-out example seem serious when they really aren't.

      I think it's time we expect people to behave like adults if they insist on having the rights of adults.
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      • Posted by $ gharkness 6 years, 1 month ago
        Could not have said it better myself. The only point that would concern me is that even past the statute of limitations for prosecution, these morally corrupt women are still making their accusations...and because people would rather react hysterically rather than pause to think for even a moment, the accusation alone is enough to ruin their livelihoods (and their relationships with their families) in the current political climate.
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    • Posted by Exitstageright 6 years, 1 month ago
      I certainly agree gharkness. While I don't condone males agressive actions towards females, this MeTooMovement sickens me, especially after years and years after the "alleged" transgression occurs. Most of the young men I know, especially in the teaching profession, are scared to death of being accused. And at the same time society condones and actually pushes females to walk around half naked with their push ups, thongs, and twerking the boys. I mean, there is just so much a young testerone heavy lad can take.
      Like I told my twin girls, now grown with daughters of their own, "If you don't want your critters played with, don't take em to the zoo".
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 1 month ago
    No, I don't give a flip about any NBC Tom Brokaw.
    But there is a downside to the MeToo movement.
    It is now trendy to believe the accuser.
    Me dino does not know if Brokaw is guilty or not.
    It's this in the vogue besmirching I'm leery of.
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    • Posted by wiggys 6 years, 1 month ago
      He is guilty!
      My question with all of this is why are all of the women in all of these cases choosing to step to the plate after so many years; is it to get money or 15 minutes of fame? And does anyone really care? from my perspective they too are the equivalent of a schmuck!
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      • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 6 years, 1 month ago
        The reason they waited all these years was BECAUSE of money. They had their careers to think about, after all. Now that their careers are beginning to wind down, they need a new boost...kinda like that science experiment/former Olympian, Bruce Jenner.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 1 month ago
        LOL! In a case that Gloria Allred handled, me dino believes Bill Cosby is guilty.
        Trouble is, this lends Allred credibility when she again trots out Trump accusers when the POTUS is up for reelection. Recall reading some of those bimbos were paid thousands of bucks on the first go-round.
        Saw right through it when Allred first pulled this dirty trick against Herman Cain, an Obama challenger whose same skin pigment that scared the hell out of the Jackass Party.
        Recall Cain having a frail-looking little wife who obviously couldn't take that kind of crap.
        Melania? That's a totally different kind of woman, who knew just what she was getting into with a flawed but very rich tycoon--even if it's tabloid true that she didn't expect to be the First Lady.
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    • Posted by LibertyBelle 6 years, 1 month ago
      I am not prepared to say whether he is guilty or not. If she wants to charge him and take him to court, and if this is done, let her try to prove it. Or would it be legal? Is there a statute of limitations about it?--I do not at all condone aggression toward women. Mostly, I keep myself safe by staying away from men, that is, staying out of their cars (by going on dates). Good way to be safe--also to be an old maid by not getting to know men very well. It would be better to go to some place alone, where they have country dancing, and meet people that way. But best to start that when young; they aren't many places like that around.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 1 month ago
        Me dino has a daughter and me dino recommends~
        Live life and have fun, but me dino recommends concealed carry after learning how to shoot.
        Having a small device that shoots pepper spray may be even quicker to get to.
        Be cautious about food or drink served to you. Especially alcohol drinks.
        You don't need to be where hits on a joint is being passed around. Time to go and any way you can.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 6 years, 1 month ago
    The latest hoo-hah involving Tom Brokaw is just one more irrelevance in the long list of the "me-too" series.Innocent or guilty, who gives a sh-t? But it does give me the opportunity to discuss one of my favorite expletives, "schmuck." It is taken from the German word for jewels as in "the family jewels" a rather cutesy name for male genitalia.Actually, I don't understand why genitals, either male or female have such a nasty connotation. They are merely body parts that play a major role in human reproduction. Can you imagine using other organs in that manner? such as:
    Brokaw Is A Kidney?
    Something to ponder.
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  • Posted by mia767ca 6 years, 1 month ago
    as an airline pilot for 25 years, i saw women line up in the hotel bars to offer themselves up to the visiting sport team members and others of national recognition....these guys came to expect the line of women available for a "meeting" upstairs in their rooms...
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  • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 1 month ago
    Did he write the responses, or did he hire someone?
    I have never respected him for his work because I have seen the news anchors as nothing more than propaganda mouthpieces for more than 25 years, but I don't feel comfortable assuming he is guilty without a lot more evidence. For some things he may well deserve character assassination, but not on this issue on a lack of evidence.
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  • Posted by NealS 6 years, 1 month ago
    I can relate to Walter Cronkite and Mike Wallace during Vietnam, they and others were mostly all schmucks Reporting then, as it is today, is more reporting a "wish" than any actual "facts".
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