Stone Tools In Kenya Reveal Early Innovations And Culture Of Human Ancestors : Goats and Soda

Posted by $ nickursis 6 years, 2 months ago to Science
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Well, so once again "settled" science is not so "settled" and artifacts say that history is not what was thought,l now, if we can just convince the "man made Climate change" crowd that there are more than one "dominant" theory and data, maybe we could get somewhere....or not...
SOURCE URL: https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2018/03/15/593591796/scientists-are-amazed-by-stone-age-tools-they-dug-up-in-kenya

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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 2 months ago
    Settled science is an oxymoron. Science is a process of learning new things, unsettling how we previous understood the world.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 2 months ago
      I want to see you go win that argument with an Egyptologist. They will tell you the exact history of the Early, Middle and Late kingdoms, who built the Sphinx, and despite evidence to the contrary, how old it is. Settled science is the science the lamestream has coddled and invested itself in.
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      • Posted by lrshultis 6 years, 2 months ago
        Who the hell wants to argue with a scientist. Just a discussion will suffice and if that is not possible go your own ways.
        They tell you what are the best hypotheses from what has been discovered and if there is repeated evidence there may be a theory proposed and tested until anomalies are detected. The is no natural philosophy which will give any more than some very basic knowledge of reality as with Rand's axiomatic concepts and their corollaries and a careful expansion to some general concepts about objective reality. If you want to feel that there is some aspect of reality that need not be questioned because someone tells you that there is nothing more to discover, then you would be wrong in most cases. Knowledge gained from others is valuable only to the extent that it gives one something to contemplate. Most science is close to reality but real care should be taken with some of the crap that Discovery, Science, and History channels place within their science programs, there is some decent science involved. There is opinion in most science reports as the investigators are, if employed, require to give a summary of their understanding of the evidence and new hypotheses about there study areas.
        As for Climate Science, just see what is the political factor and get your own definitions of concepts right.
        There are many concepts which some scientists try to reify such as: energy, space-time, time, etc. which are relationships about matter and not actual exiting things in objective reality. One reads it and sees in science shows where there a particles of energy rather than particles in some relationship to one another which has the ability or capacity to do work or that space-time is some kind of existing stuff causing action or time being an existing stuff which has some existing continuum of time particles rather than just being the measurement of motion relation.
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        • Posted by $ 6 years, 2 months ago
          If I read that right, I amnot arguing the points as I agree with your overall position. My point was that Egyptology was established in the 1800's with a few "influential" people, and has remained static and encased in stone since, the great objections being the fact the Sphinx is far older than they can account for, yet they still insist it came from a pharaoh in the early kingdom, which is patently false, just as the claim of building the pyramids as "death chambers" is also false. No one has found anything in the pyramids, no writings, no decorations, in the supposed "burial vaults" and yet they stick to the claim because to say otherwise destroys their carefully crafted narrative. To them (and the rest of the "science community") it is "settled science" when it is in fact, very open to debate and new findings. Yet they refuse to acknowledge it, and ridicule anyone with data that conflicts with their story.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 2 months ago
    Hats off to these archeologists for not hiding this evidence. As usual what was previously settled science is blown out of the water. Again and again
    Mans history and abilities are proven to be far older. For all the discredited folks who have found anomalies to the main streams human timeline and lost their careers , an apology is overdue . More important would be for those discoveries to get a second look. Michael Cremo's work on "forbidden archeology" would be one place to start. From the article "The new studies also show that by 320,000 years ago this technology was well established in the region, suggesting that human ancestors likely started developing it even earlier, she says.

    "The technology they have is not a crude, early version of the Middle Stone Age. It is the full-blown Middle Stone Age," Lahr says. "They have stone tools that are small, that are prepared and retouched, that are made with technique thought to come hundreds of thousands of years later." Already some troll down voted this post. Why?
    Thanks Nickursis
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    • Posted by lrshultis 6 years, 2 months ago
      Where is this "settled science" claim from for archeology or paleontology or other sciences where politics or like Michael Cremo's beliefs which would have humans contemporary with dinosaurs though possibly birds and one poster to the Gulch seem to be living among modern humans?
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      • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 2 months ago
        Your ability to criticize and not add to topics is prevalent. I will do your work for you this time.

        Hueyatlaco is an archeological site in the Valsequillo Basin near the city of Puebla, Mexico. After excavations in the 1960s, the site became notorious due to geochronologists' analyses that indicated human habitation at Hueyatlaco was dated to ca. 250,000 years before the present.

        These controversial findings are orders of magnitude older than the scientific consensus for habitation of the New World (which generally traces widespread human migration to the New World to 13,000 to 16,000 ybp). The findings at Hueyatlaco have mostly been repudiated by the larger scientific community, and have seen only occasional discussion in the literature.

        Repudiated because the age did not fit. The top USGS volcanologist who did extensive analysis double and triple checking the most accurate dating methods available. Lost her credibility and finished her career in as a employee in a pharmacy.
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        • Posted by $ 6 years, 2 months ago
          "Settled science" is the term the mainstream uses to define what is accepted as "truth". It is ubiquitous in that it is in most schools, and is taught as "fact" not as hypothetical. Dob's example is an excellent sample of what happens to those who are heretical enough to propose alternate concepts based on data and facts. That was the main discussion point of the article, they have now got data showing that humans were around a whole lot earlier than they want to believe, and doing things thousands of years earlier. Go look at Gobekli Tepe as an example of a disruptive discovery, and they are still trying to bend it to fit their narrative.

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  • Posted by Herb7734 6 years, 2 months ago
    Based upon archealogical discoveries of late it looks as if ther's around 100,000 years unaccounted for in the human history. That's a very short time to the earth but a very long time for man.
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