Data from connected cars will be exploited, monetized by car companies; most drivers have absolutely no idea it has already begun

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 2 months ago to Technology
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Your car may be aiding and abetting the collective; further dividing us into smaller and smaller groups.
You might wake one day to be outed on social media as a cheapster for going to the cheapest gas stations or the nearest dollar store...or...the opposite...going to the most expensive places while your on public assistance or social security disability, maybe you stop at a liqueur store before going to work,.,.what's that all about?

Whether your habit's are innocent, normal or will all be used against you, be used because of you and profited by those that couldn't care less.

Are you feeling a bit self conscious right now?

What a wonderful progressive world we live in. (NOT)

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  • Posted by $ 6 years, 2 months ago
    Can you imagine having a state inspection every year; they plug into your car's computer and calculate the fines for every time you went over the speed limit, every stop sign you didn't stop for a full second or stop light you didn't make under yellow...or worse.
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