Another Global Warming Study Casts Doubt On Media's Climate Change Fairy Tale

Posted by $ nickursis 6 years, 6 months ago to Science
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Back to our good friend Global Warming, here is a study claiming to hve addressed some of the issues I have heard members bring up in discussions. And the news is....really not news....But I wouldn't be doing much carbon trading yet...
SOURCE URL: https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/another-global-warming-study-casts-doubt-on-medias-climate-change-fairy-tale/

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  • Posted by Bethesda-gal 6 years, 6 months ago
    Ok, I'm with everyone who has commented here so far, but here's the thing -- if you flipped each of these comments 180 degrees, it would be EXACTLY what the Left says about us. (lies about the science, won't stop, only protecting their territory, etc)
    How does anyone persuade anyone ?
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 6 months ago
      Kinda hard when you are trying to persuade a snowflake raised by parents who were libtard indoctrinated by grandparents with all three generations further indoctrinated by hippy professors and surrounded by friends who held up "NOT MY PRESIDENT!" signs when Trump was elected.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 6 years, 6 months ago
      Great question! The answer of course is personal: are you more interested in preserving what you think to be right than pursuing what IS right regardless the consequences? That is the age-old question which must be answered by everyone about just about any subject up for debate: "Am I more interested in the truth or reality of something than I am how it might appear to others if I change my mind?"
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      • Posted by $ 6 years, 6 months ago
        Blarman, that seems to be the broad brush used in society today, politics has devolved into a "I'm right no matter what" and the party protects them guilty or not, ON BOTH sides. It has spread into education, science, politics, even business. It is almost a physical disease where people have just been infected with the stupidity virus and it seems to effect all higher functions.
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        • Posted by $ blarman 6 years, 6 months ago
          No way. It only happens on the left! ;)

          It's good for anyone who wants to get into a policy matter to re-examine their premises. If you have facts to back up the argument you favor, those facts aren't going to change and you've only prepared yourself for a healthy debate. If you don't have facts (and you're willing to acknowledge that), then you have to make the decision on how you're going to get your facts and how you're going to arrive at your resulting conclusion or whether you are just going to jump in and pick a side before thinking about it!
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      • Posted by Bethesda-gal 6 years, 6 months ago
        I know. And I appreciate your reply. But to each of those who were good enough to reply, the oppositionist (is that a word?) in me keeps thinking "But isn't this exactly what the other side is saying about us too?!"
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        • Posted by $ blarman 6 years, 6 months ago
          If you get stuck on what you think others will think about you for your decision, you create your own jail cell. It is a maze in which you can and will wander for days or months or years with no resolution. That is the paralysis of the Left and why their control over the media is so dastardly.

          We all want to feel validated in our decision-making: to know we did something right. That's part of being human. But it is also dangerous. If you allow the conversation to revolve around how others think about your decision, the real morality becomes irrelevant. That should be the first thing debunked in that sort of conversation.
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          • Posted by Bethesda-gal 6 years, 6 months ago
            Yeah, that is not what I'm hung up on, exactly. I don't (think I) give a rat's patootie what the other side thinks of me because they're mostly (all) nuts. My problem is that they think the exact same thing about us ! So it's like two sides saying across a DMZ "I'm right!" "NO, I"M RIGHT!" ad infinatum. I just don't see the point in that or how it gets resolved. I suspect the REAL issue is far greater than who's right on any one specific issue (climate, poverty, taxes, environment, 'equality', etc) and more about (I think) Leftists want power for power's sake. Some corporatists on the 'right' surely want power too, but they don't put window dressing on it as the Left does.
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    • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 6 months ago
      ADAPT2030, (youtube) shows real time observations around the globe. That might be one way. The other is to get them interested in what else is going on like, the sun, the planets, NASA scientific articles that go against lamestream propaganda: suspicious0bservers.org

      I use the "Huckleberry Finn" method: showing people how amazing, fun and satisfying it is to watch these daily reports, video of events around the world and to try and grasp what is actually is happening in the solar system.
      Eventually, it'll dawn on them.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 6 years, 6 months ago
    Here's the most important find: meta-analysis of UNFCCC and UNIPCC climate models found they all exaggerate. But of course! They have an agenda to protect!
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  • Posted by BrettRocketSci 6 years, 6 months ago
    Nice find! Thanks for sharing here. These facts and science still won't persuade people who are religious about climate change...
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 6 months ago
      Thanks, I am getting sooooo tired of hype trumping facts, and it seems the Dumbocraps just blatantly lie for whatever they want, and just ignore it when caught. Its a disease that is spreading into everything.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years, 6 months ago
    The problem is that the climate (warming, change, disruption, or whatever else the labels become) has become a religion, and anything that casts doubt on the "science" dogma has about as much success of changing believers' minds as expressing doubt about holy scripture of any faith's passionate believers. Dueling models are, frankly, not science, unless backed up by real observed data.

    The sign that this issue has become a secular religion is the fact that there is a willingness to falsify or cherry pick the data to fit the dogma. Watching testimony before Congress by climate change proponents was amazing. When confronted by a knowledgeable representative about the fact the satellite data was not supporting the model predictions, the advocate simply said, "Well, then the satellite data is wrong." The representative followed this up by asking "How about the ocean buoy data?" The advocate then said "We believe that's wrong as well." The representative didn't let up, saying "I notice your data shows preference for urban heat islands, rejecting rural temperature data. Why is that?" Without blinking, the advocate said "The urban stations are better maintained."

    The statement often heard that "97% of all climate scientists attribute climate change to human causation" is itself based on very questionable data. First, the numbers were based on a poll of about 10,000 scientists who studied some aspect of climate. Pretty impressive number, right? However, there are a few problems with that poll. I give the pollsters a partial credit when they weeded out all but the 1,200 or so who wrote papers that were peer reviewed and addressed climate change. Then they had to recognize that only about 290 of those even considered possible causes of climate change, so they sent the poll to those 290. Only 79 of those to whom the poll was sent took the time to respond, and 76 agreed that climate change was almost entirely due to human activity. That was about 96.2%, which they rounded up to 97%. So the reality of the study is that it is based on an insignificant percentage of the world's climate scientists, discrediting it entirely (contrast with the over 34,000 scientists who signed a document refuting the idea that humans cause climate change in any significant amount).

    If you've ever tried to raise questions about a fervent follower's religious scripture, you begin to realize the futility of arguing with climate change faithful. Most of them have no science training, so they rely on those proponents who have such education and/or experience, just like Catholics who depend on their priests to tell them what is right or wrong.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 6 years, 5 months ago
    Lets all move to the Moon, better yet send all the those Global Warming freaks there. No CO2 to worry about no air for them to breathe either, that will blow their minds (maybe for real). Maybe they could convince by climate modelling that all that CO2 can be sent to Mars and warm that planet. Or, send everyone from the UN to Mars.
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  • Posted by walkabout 6 years, 6 months ago
    Until we have quasi comprehensive data regarding temperature in a lot of places and calculate the mean and STANDARD DEVIATION for the last 3 to 10 thousand years we don't know what the "climate" is doing. (Well, changing, but it changes constantly, thus the opportunity and pressure/motivation to change the range of the planet upon which we live.) We can continue to terraform the planet to maximize our survival, adapting and adjusting to the changes that come (droughts, floods, Sun spot activity changes, atmospheric chemical changes, etc. etc.f)
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