Understanding Progressives

Posted by strugatsky 6 years, 6 months ago to Politics
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Today, I had accidentally gone to a meeting of Liberals/Progressives, about 20 of them, on the subject of healthcare. The topic was intentionally advertised so as to conceal its aim and I, in a state of bliss, took the bait. Disappointed at first, I ended up almost enjoying it, for this was not the typical college uneducated crowd of children (per Obamacare, childhood has now been officially defined as 0-26), but a geriatric congregation where some of the patients may have gone to real schools back then. So I stayed. What I learned was quite interesting. The presenter was a retired medical doctor, whose medical expertise I won't question (though he seemingly retired at an earlier age than most), but whose lack of understanding of economics and other subjects which he proclaimed to champion was astounding. It was like listening to a NFL player or a Hollywood star. But most interesting was the reaction of the audience, who approvingly nodded their heads to every unsubstantiated claim. Even a claim that doctor visit deductibles are evil, as, he claimed, that a $5 deductible prevents patients from seeing a doctor – regardless of the fact that these same patients spent that on cigarettes every day. I thought that I was in a middle of circus seals, only these were too weak to clasp. As the level of bull rose above my tolerance level (quickly, actually) and I began to politely challenge with facts, the audience became most uncomfortable and their leader asked me to be quiet (of course, I did not). My main take away was the amazing shallowness of these people – every attempt at analysis, delving even a little deeper, caused them pain and anguish. I have seen this before – from the teenagers going onto 30-something, but these were supposedly adults in their 60's and 70's. Had American education failed us that long ago?

Second takeaway – the Progressives actually believe that the US economy, prior to Obama, was pure capitalism! I was and remain, at a total loss how to confront such a deviation from reality. Can anyone here help?

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  • Posted by ewv 6 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Obama made it very clear what he is as a leftist. "Left" and "right" are not precise terms, but "left" does generally mean collectivist and statist, and that is not "overthinking decadence".

    A big example was Obamacare. It is obvious what it is in the form it was rammed through Congress, as the most they could get at the time, and Obama was caught in a recording saying he intended it as a step to complete government control -- euphemistically called "single payer" since they know better than to use the "S" word now. The overt collectivist premises are all over the Democrats now in a more extreme form of admission than ever and there are many more examples from Obama.
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  • Posted by 6 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    In one segment above, Obama describes his relationship and influence of Frank Marshall Davis, a communist.
    There many more references by Obama himself to Davis' teaching.

    The other segment from his book describes a very angry young man who blames the White Man and colonialism for almost all of the problems in the world, or at least around him. Is that not racism?
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  • Posted by 6 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    You are still not addressing my main point - the intentional falsification of data. You can't ignore this and still consider it "science."
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  • Posted by 6 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I am not a climate scientist. However, as an engineer and a scientist, I do know something of the scientific method and I am capable of reading and understanding data. I am also capable of recognizing fake data. If any of my research was ever to have been based on fantasy data, I would have been laughed out of my field. The intentional falsification of data has been proven by numerous scientists and organizations. It has been admitted by some. This is a multi-trillion dollar industry world-wide; it is based on fake data. This has nothing to do with the results that I "would like to see" - as a scientist, I must reject known, documented falsifications, no matter what the intent might have been. The real facts so far - human industrial activity does cause some impact, but barely measurable compared to the natural causes (in totality, perhaps less than the effects of one volcano eruption, of which there are hundreds going on constantly). As to how the planet compensates for both the natural and human activity - we don't know. Colder or warmer? We don't know. There are factors pushing in both directions, simultaneously. Should it be monitored and studied? Of course. Is there a reason for hysteria? Only if you make money on it, but it has no connection to science.
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  • Posted by 6 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    The Holocaust is a separate subject, of course, but I brought it up not only as an example of the extermination of physically weaker people, but also as an example of extermination of people that have historically insisted on being unarmed and on non-violent response to violence. Amazingly, the majority of Jews today (worldwide) continue to reject armed self-protection. Obviously, the lesson has not been learned.

    Had several hundred thousand Jews in Germany, along with others, been armed (and had the mentality of armed self-defense), it is not entirely clear if the Nazis would have acquired power in the late '20's and early '30's in the first place.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I will listened to parts of it. The parts I've listened to are inconsistent with what you're saying, e.g. that he's a closet communist and racist. It sounds absurd. I understand typically half the people don't support any given president. This seems like purely making stuff up.

    I have not listened to the whole thing, so maybe there's a bombshell hidden in there. It all seems pretty standard.

    It feels to me like there's this whole world of politicians making absurd claims about one another, and I keep listening as if there's some hidden secret to make their claims makes sense. But it seems like there's hyperbole inflation. In addition to blaming random criminal acts on President Trump, for the first time I heard the claim he won't leave office and is planning some kind of coup. I heard that about Bush and Obama. It seems like the Internet has hastened the inflation. I should stop listening to this crap, and if we do get a president staging a coup, I won't know it until it's too late.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    "The dogma promoted on global warming is not science"
    I agree completely. I'm not talking about people who deny the science. I'm talking about the science itself.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    "Human impact" is too vague to be a theory at all. "
    You can certainly calculate the value of things to humans and calculate the impact of things changing. For example, you can compare rents in similar areas that have and do not have some form of pollution. If you're considering doing something that causes that pollution, you can work out the human impact (cost to human beings, whatever we want to call it) of that act. Then you can calculate if the activity still makes sense after you make those people whole for the lost value. It's not vague. Apocalyptic hysterics is a straw man that has nothing whatsoever to do with this discussion.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    "Obama and the left have gone as far as they could with what they could get away with."
    I hear what you're saying, but it does not sound remotely true. I don't believe in "a left" or any of that. I think you're overthinking the motivations of the citizens of a somewhat decadent empire.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    If you lived here you could help us look at their claimed philosophy, evaluate if it makes sense, and then say what to look for to see if they're executing it. Instead I take the philistine approach: At their pre-school, I asked the director what their philosophy was on which direction kids should enter the room, what kind of winter clothes kids should wear, and so on. She looked confused. I told her that's exactly how I thought. If she had said, "we believe kids should enter from the east and leave from the west to be in harmony with mother nature," I would NOT have used that school. They went to a preschool liked that. Everyone seemed chill, maybe a little stoned, but when it comes to dogma, they were hardcore about delivering it with a smile and circumlocutions that sound like "let kids be free to be harmony with nature" but actually mean we control every move they make. I guess that pre-school causes us to set the bar low.
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  • Posted by 6 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I think that you have misunderstood the original comment. The discussion was about the school preventing kids from learning how to deal with bullies - other kids that act as bullies, not government officials or adults with different views. By having "zero tolerance" the schools put kids in straitjackets that prevent them from becoming adults by figuring out by themselves how to deal with problems. Instead, they run for help to their teachers, then professors, then the government.
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  • -1
    Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    "How can any claim be considered a "scientific theory" if it is riddled with documented lies and data falsifications?"
    I hope someone finds new models/evidence, not just because it would be favorable to humankind but also because it's good to learn new things. It could break either way; the new evidence could show human activities are more or less costly than we thought. I love the notion that you're (or someone like you) working in this field with obscure models that turn out to be right. I don't think you're saying you're a climatologist. You're saying you read some politicalized commentary outside your field and convinced yourself there's a conspiracy to suppress a discovery that almost everyone would welcome. I don't get it.
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  • Posted by ewv 6 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Of course there are wars everywhere. There have almost always been wars everywhere. That is not what made civilization, though some of it has been necessary to defend it. It won't go out of "style" until the rights of the individual are recognized everywhere. That won't happen just by physically fighting without people's ideas changing.
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  • Posted by ewv 6 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    The only way to change the course of the nation is through ideas. It is an intellectual battle, not words against fists. Once that is no longer possible, for example by complete elimination of freedom of speech, then there isn't anything left. But that isn't what this mixed society is.

    All the Jews could do in Europe was to get out while they could, as many did in the 1930s when the tyranny was still limited geographically and exits were still open. The victims who were left were not fighting with words, they were huddled in despair wondering what had happened; it was for them too late for words.
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  • Posted by ewv 6 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Punching people in the face as a response to government policies will get you thrown in jail, not reform society. The attempt would accomplish nothing positive. There are no shortcuts to rationality. Denouncing people as "the dumb and irrational masses" justifying manipulation and force is no solution to anything. It isn't even practical as a short term deterrent. The philosophical basis for a culture run amuck is not a bully on a street corner.
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  • Posted by 6 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    It is interesting to note, however, that in the entire 20th Century and so far into the 21st, there has hardly been a year when America was not fighting a war somewhere, for some reason. Seems to me that the use of force has not gone out of style, yet.
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  • Posted by 6 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Our lives are being attacked and destroyed by the Left. In the recent past it had mainly been through words; now it has the force of law (with a gun supporting the law). It is a matter of time when the komissars will enforce their laws directly. This is a slow-ratcheting war. Do you suggest (insists, it seems?) fighting a war exclusively with words and philosophy? The Jews in Europe have already tried that.
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  • Posted by ewv 6 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    North Korea with its nuclear missiles is not a bully in a parking lot. And no, defeating Japan is not another way to say bloodying a bully's nose makes him stop being a bully. You seem to make no distinction between vastly different scales, at the level of nations, or understand the difference between a reform movement and the necessity of fighting WWII or that the course of a nation towards or away from freedom is determined by it dominant ideas about the nature of the individual and government, not physically fighting wars while cheering about 'patriots' and expecting a miracle by no identifiable means.

    This country was made possible by the dominance of Enlightenment ideas of reason and individualism, not the repetition of countless wars over centuries. Without the dominant Enlightenment values an American Revolution against Britain would not have resulted in an improved government. If you tried it today you and five like-minded others would be squashed and that would be the end of you.

    If a nation attacks us we fight back as a nation to put an end to it, requiring in the duration putting up with the deprivation of the loss of civilization with a lot of death and destruction. That is not a temporary physical restraining of a criminal within the context of civilization.

    Cheering about wars in the name of punching someone in the face will not change the internal direction of this country. Have you read Leonard Peikoff's The Ominous Parallels? That will tell you a lot about the nature of the problem and the solution.
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  • Posted by 6 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    This was not a call to punching people in order to make them believe in Objectivism. This was an acknowledgement that bullies need to be repelled by force. Referring to Ayn Rand, she was totally for using force when attacked; she believed in national defense, just as it makes sense to believe and practice personal defense. No one here is advocating starting a "conversation" with fists, but when the other party changes (or initiates) the conversation to physical force, then force must be met with force.
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  • Posted by 6 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Allow me to say that you are being illogical here. You are claiming that Global Warming (by GW we mean detrimental or even catastrophic effect of human activity on the Earth's climate, not just mere natural climate change or human-induced, but infinitesimal and irrelevant changes) is "a scientific theory, i.e. a hypothesis shown to be true." How can any claim be considered a "scientific theory" if it is riddled with documented lies and data falsifications? That in itself disqualifies it from the realm of science and moves into the realm of politics.

    About a year ago there was a good article in the Gulch (can't find it now) explaining how CO2, which is the evil greenhouse gas, absorbs only 10% of radiant energy per mass compared to water vapor, while constituting something on the order of less than 1/2 of 1 percent of vapor, of which only 20 - 30 % are caused by human activity. Basically, you have an elephant in a china shop, but you are concerned with a butterfly turning over the dishes. If you really want to affect climate change, start combating water vapor from the oceans, seas and rivers - declare war on the clouds!
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  • Posted by starznbarz 6 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    "Japan lost the war it started" is that not another way to say "if you bloody a bullies nose, he stops being a bully?" "Dramatic slogans" followed by organized actions are the reason we are able to have this conversation as a free people. I wish no harm to you, but, if you` re ever accosted in a parking lot, convincing your attacker to stop using pleas alone will most likely result in you on the ground -or capitulating and handing over your possessions. Bullies, muggers and dictators respond to actions, not words. N.Korea leadership pops into mind.
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  • Posted by ewv 6 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Yes. They use reason and logic in a superficial sense in how they misuse it, including the 'logic' of Rationalism (along with the usual emotionalism), but fundamentally they reject it in the Aristotelian sense of Ayn Rand.
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  • Posted by ewv 6 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Yes, in a way it is more pronounced because they become hysterical when someone in a prominent position refuses to sanction and pander to them. Very few politicians refuse to take them seriously in that sense.
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  • Posted by term2 6 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Since the left doesn’t use logic and reasoning, the only thing left IS violence
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