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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 8 months ago
    I can't believe how credulous people are. It's saying in the first day of the shutdown President Obama gave a press conference in which he carried on about a religious organization. It makes no sense. He's United Church of Christ, a completely different religion. It would be like me as a UU stopping to talk about all atrocities Jewish people went through.

    Look at some of the quotes:
    "What is simple is me funding the International Museum of Muslim Cultures so that it can stay open during this horrible time in our nation’s history, all thanks to the echo chamber which is called the Tea Party.”

    An echo chamber is when one news outlet cites another, and they begin citing each other to the point that the original primary source is lost or disregarded. This would not make logical sense as a criticism of a grass roots political movement.

    If you're willing to believe this crap, consider how wrong your entire world view could be.
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    • Posted by $ 10 years, 8 months ago
      So wrong that my BOOKS are coming into reality before YOUR eyes. Again, I'll provide you with a copy of each if you actually intend to read them.
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      • Posted by Wonky 10 years, 8 months ago
        Don't do that! I'm proud to have purchased Shadows Live Under Seashells, read it, and enjoyed it! I hope that everyone here would rather pay for the privilege of hearing Elliot's story. I'll be posting a review soon.
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      • Posted by khalling 10 years, 8 months ago
        ? did I miss something?
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        • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 8 months ago
          AJ is an author. His book is a sci-fi story that describes some of his ideas on gov't and society.

          In the first few pages he paints a future world that looks like our world, but large institutions have even more sway and visibility into our daily lives. I agree with what he's saying, but he suggests it's a Democrat/Republican problem. He suggests he started it b/c he was upset with President Obama being elected. I am thrilled Obama is president, BUT the problem is not who is in the office. The problem is how much we let the gov't do for us and to us. Eventually we'll have a rightwing president, and my friends will be back to protesting. I wish we could all protest together on the few things we agree on.
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          • Posted by khalling 10 years, 8 months ago
            you enjoy an Obama presidency?! He is a socialist-about as far from Objectivism as you get
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            • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 8 months ago
              I don't agree with everything about him and I don't follow it as closely as I could, but I think he's good. I don't see him supporting socialism, as I understand it.
              I would rather have a president with clear libertarian leanings. He's one of the best, though, among mainstream choices.
              I shouldn't take this into account, but he just comes off like someone I would know in my daily life. I know a lot of people who go to UCC church, which is similar to my UU church. His wife's an attorney, as my wife is, and he has two kids. In short, he does a good job as a politician making himself seem likable.
              After years of having President Bush, I was thrilled to have Obama. I felt like President Bush wasn't on top of things and was too focused on punishing evil-doers and not focused enough on positive things. I also couldn't related to him at all. He came off on TV as dim-witted, but I doubt he really was b/c you don't get to the top level in any field being stupid.
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              • Posted by khalling 10 years, 8 months ago
                I do not see that his ideology means he is mainstream. His voting record in Congress shows he was the most liberal Senator. The MOST. that is not moderate. He openly associated with radicals, including Bill Ayers who killed!! He has been very cold to Israel, our stated ally,w hile going out of his way to be supportive of Al Queda backed governments and rebels. He has consistently ignored the Constitution and gone around the balance of Power by making executive orders-more than any other President in History. He has passed billions of tax dollars to his cronies, and to WS. He has no close friends, so I don't see how you would feel that he comes off like someone you'd meet at the local coffee shop. He was mired in financial scandals leading up to his first Presidential election. Under his leadership we have the highest jobless rate since the Great Depression.
                Finally, he does not believe small business owners built their own businesses. Only the government can build or create.
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                • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 8 months ago
                  I take each claim at a time. I'm not an expert about policy, so many times it comes down to me just not knowing.
                  "the most liberal Senator." - Probably not a long enough record to be meaningful. I agree with many liberal positions, so this in itself is not a problem for me.
                  "openly associated with radicals" - I'm not that knowledgeable, but I'm sympathetic to anti-war radicals, so this is not a problem for me.
                  "He has been very cold to Israel" - I'm not knowledgeable about what he did to Israel.
                  "supportive of Al Queda backed governments" - We should be very supportive of any democratic movement. Otherwise we look like we only support democratic rule if you agree with us, which means we really don't support democratic rule.
                  "consistently ignored the Constitution and gone around the balance of Power by making executive orders-more than any other President in History." - Yes! It seems like every president strengthens the role of the Executive branch. Obama was going to _change_ all this. The change did not come in this area at all.
                  "passed billions of tax dollars to his cronies" - I'm not aware of this and suspect it's wrong.
                  "He has no close friends, so I don't see how you would feel that he comes off like someone you'd meet at the local coffee shop" - I'm not aware of this and suspect it's wrong. I've never met him in person. I only say he seems likable on TV.
                  "He was mired in financial scandals leading up to his first Presidential election" - I never heard about this.
                  "Under his leadership we have the highest jobless rate since the Great Depression." - I categorically reject the claim about joblessness. The economy is doing great. I reject that Bush or Obama had any significant role in the recession expansion cycle.
                  "he does not believe small business owners built their own businesses" - As a small business owner married to a small business owner and as someone who has watched him speak about this, I categorically reject your claim. I think he believes small business owners built this country.
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                • Posted by $ 10 years, 8 months ago
                  Well summarized.
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                  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 8 months ago
                    and Benghazi, where our Diplomat and 3 others were murdered-while he was running guns through there to Syria-and they blamed it on some 2 bit you tube video. and what about the IRS targeting conservative groups to the point that a study has now shown affected the election of 2012? Oh, finally, race relations have never been more divided in my lifetime since the 60's. Why is that??
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  • Posted by DragonLady 10 years, 8 months ago
    Speaking as a deist, I am strongly opposed to any appearance of the state supporting ANY religion. The fact that O saw fit to make a donation to this mosque, I suppose, is within his rights as a citizen. However, his speaking about it publicly is an entirely different story. It speaks to his willingness to do anything that would "enhance" his standing with any group that he believes will benefit him in one way or another. I'd love to see a video of this speech.
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  • Posted by $ johnrobert2 10 years, 8 months ago
    At last, his true colors are being revealed. One more count in the indictment. He seems to court an impeachment proceeding. Probably because he thinks he can get away with anything with the sycophantic Dem party and MSM to carry his water for him. I'm waiting for the shoe to drop where he openly advocates Islam and Sharia law for us. That's when the fecal matter will impact the oscillating rotary impeller and all hell will be out for breakfast.
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