Hawaii the first US state that to officially evaluate basic income

Posted by $ nickursis 6 years, 11 months ago to Government
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This is disturbing, government addressing a fundamental change in economic structure through "Basic Income". Since government doesn't make any money, but takes it from everyone, isn't that really "redistribution of wealth"? I would suggest training for real jobs, real skills, something that produces value would be better, but then Hawaii would have to fundamentally change and become a producer vice a vacation colony....
SOURCE URL: http://www.businessinsider.com/hawaii-basic-income-bill-2017-6

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  • Posted by term2 6 years, 11 months ago
    This is being proposed in a lot of places, even by facebook's zuckerberg. Its obvious that when you provide a basic income, there is no longer any incentive to ever provide it yoursefl. The more people get the free money, the more who will want to join the program. It will grow exponentially until there is no longer money to fund it. STUPID idea. The problem is that it will take years for the flaws to become apparent, at which point no one will want to take away the benefits from the recipients (look at the fight to keep the freebies from obamacare)
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    • Posted by Mitch 6 years, 11 months ago
      I agree with everything you said with the exception that it will take years; most state budgets are unsustainable now, could you imagine this burden thrown on top of all of the current unfunded entitlements?
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      • Posted by term2 6 years, 11 months ago
        I just meant that it takes awhile for the word to spread about the freebies such tht more and more people sign up for them. its an exponential thing as more and more people collect...
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      • Posted by $ 6 years, 11 months ago
        Kalifornia had their House leader nix free healthcare because it would cost 400 billion the first year, in a state with a 180 billion budget. This would be a lot worse. But the first real step to communism, as the state would then own your butt, if you don't do what they want, they cut you off.
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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 6 years, 11 months ago
    Of course, the implementation of any major UBI program requires a great deal of political will. As Lee wrote, "Planning for the future isn't politically sexy and won't win anyone an election […]. But if we do it properly, we will all be much better off for it in the long run."

    Yeh bullshit....giving away freebees is not "Brave" it is pandering to the mob and will absolutely get you re-elected. This is like these Hollywood elites mouthing off about conservative politicians and acting like they are brave somehow...they aren't. There...up til Trump...has never been blowback.
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  • Posted by scojohnson 6 years, 11 months ago
    Nothing like charging 50% of the people to pay for the other 50% to hang out on the beach and get high all day.

    On a flip side, we probably damn near do this already between Social Security, Gov Retirement, Unemployment, welfare, food stamps, incarceration, Medicaid, CHIP, WIC, heating assistance, Section 8 housing, and Disability payments.

    I just want to throw up at the idea of it. Nothing would take more incentive out of work, or decline civilization faster, than something this stupid.

    My only tepid support would come from - throw away all the other public subsidies, if this looks cheaper, fine. But no stacking or combining and a requirement for "public work", education, etc.. not just sitting on one's ass and exercising that medical 420-card all day.
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    • Posted by STEVEDUNN46 6 years, 11 months ago
      Don't include social security in your list of government hand outs. I and my employer paid into it for 45 years I sure as hell want it back.
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      • Posted by BeenThere 6 years, 11 months ago
        Damn straight!!! And it was a trust fund until the pols & Lyndon Johnson looted it and never looked back..........and my employer was me, so I paid both sides!!!!!!!!! BT
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      • Posted by scojohnson 6 years, 11 months ago
        I'm not calling it a hand-out, although, technically, you are living on the current-day contributions of workers, the system was never 'pre-seeded' with money.

        I'm saying that if someone is getting SS, they don't get a "universal basic income" on top of that, and statistics showing the 50% that don't pay much or any income taxes are usually including a large chunk of Social Security recipients.

        Hawaii probably feels 'enabled' to do something like this, by just soaking the mainland real estate owners that have properties in Hawaii by cranking up the property taxes higher, taxes on tourism, and sales tax.

        We spent about a week in Waikiki last fall, I have to admit, I wasn't really that impressed. The first night we paid around $90 for a very mediocre meal by our normal standards, only edible because we were hungry. And I don't think we really ever had a memorable meal there - if anything, it was some awesome fresh pineapple while cruising the north end of the island in a Mustang convertible I rented. Compared to our RV vacations in Idaho / Utah / Arizona / New Mexico / Colorado - it was a total let-down.

        I felt like a human ATM machine while riding on Hawaiian Airlines.
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        • Posted by BeenThere 6 years, 11 months ago
          "...technically, you are living on the current-day contributions of workers,"

          All insurance works only because more pay in than is paid out.

          "...showing the 50% that don't pay much or any income taxes are usually including a large chunk of Social Security recipients."

          They don't pay much or any because they are retired and, under current tax code, do not have the type of income that is subject to taxes. And, in many cases, the $$ they receive in retirement was taxed before it was squirreled away. BT
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          • Posted by scojohnson 6 years, 11 months ago
            Just because the facts don't fit with someone's sensibilities doesn't make it insulting or an intended offense. It's just the facts.

            Personally, I'm retiring in 6 years at 55, I'll need to rely on our savings and my wife's (civil engineer) pension for 4 1/2 years before I can use my 401k investments, and then about 6 years after that before we qualify for social security, basically, drain out our business' assets as well slowly.

            I intend to use the system too, I'm just pointing out that as a population, we do already do this quite a bit (UBI). I don't agree with it, but I would be surprised if it really costs much more than what we currently do if you total up all the social programs and safety nets.

            I really 'used' the system in my career, I'm no different and not calling the kettle black. I've been a single-person corporation for a long time using the Solo 401k program, which allows $54,000 (tax free) invested a year into a 401k instead of the $18,000 limit the masses have to live within. My wife was a gov employee, we lived on her benefits & medical and instead of buying that stuff for myself, I threw all of the company's profits beyond my salary into my 401k - anything left, pay the fed tax on and keep it in the business accounts to slowly pay me a smaller salary in retirement with - albeit living in a state then with no income tax.

            It was at one time more difficult to find steady employment willing to deal with a corp-to-corp situation instead of an "employee", but ObamaCare fixed that pretty readily for me - getting an executive without having to pay a ton in healthcare, minimum sick leave time, and the pile of PTO that I demand for my big game hunting & travel - worked out great for them.
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          • Posted by scojohnson 6 years, 11 months ago
            I don't disagree, although, you are incorrect about SS being subject to taxation. If other forms of income drive the income above a threshold, it subjects the SS income to taxation as well. My mom actually pays a rather hefty tax rate on her social security (she has a large retirement income, maxed out her contributions for almost 50 years with the sam employer).
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        • Posted by $ 6 years, 11 months ago
          I was there 25 years ago and the experience was the same. We would take the submarine there every 3 or 4 patrols, and each time it was the same expensive thing. They have these "ABC" stores every 5 feet, with water bottles at 5.00 each...it was a mess.. Probably nice at one time, but I would do the Oregon coast first.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 11 months ago
      You left Welfare out of the list. Maybe we ought to start a thread for just a list of all the freebies in the US and see how big it gets...each state has their own collection...
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  • Posted by NealS 6 years, 11 months ago
    These types of programs always astound me. (Free) Basic Income, Free Healthcare, Free Education, even Free dom (Freedom). They all sound really great, but where does the free part come from. Who provides the Free Basic Income? I know of no doctors that provide Free Healthcare, no professor would ever "teach" (or profess) for free, and I know very well about free dom, 43 of my personal comrades “can’t” attest to that, and a lot more can.

    It’s like a lot of things, it just has to get worse before it can gets better, we have to experience it in order to see how the results will affect us individually and/or as a country. Most people still think only about their personal results on all these issues (remember the draft dodgers?). It’s just too bad that we can’t divide the United States into two different entities for a while that the people could choose to participate in. Perhaps a Left Coast and a Right Coast, divided by the Mississippi. Once you make your choice you are committed for at least a decade so it can sink into your thick skull. Somehow liberals experience this but somehow turn it all around later and just blame it on those that were against it in the first place. Then they forget and just do it all over again. Most have no clue and just don’t want to discuss it. Who is more dangerous to this country, ISIS or our liberals? At least ISIS is willing to admit they want to wipe us off the face of the earth.
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    • Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years, 11 months ago
      You still find apologists for Communism who fervently believe that it is the most "fair" form of government. They explain away the enormous failures of the USSR, and Cuba as victims of sabotage by the greedy capitalist societies. There's no fixing stupid.
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      • Posted by $ 6 years, 11 months ago
        Indeed there is not, and when stupid starts becoming common, it just gets worse. Anyone who cannot look at history and see that the USSR was just a facade for your average under educated dictatorship (along with every other example of the "c" gang), is doomed to repeat said history. China is the one exception and it is a very weird exception "capitalism plastered over a dictatorship" that looks pretty and is rotten within.
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        • Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years, 10 months ago
          People should be very worried that China's house of cards has a strong possibility of collapsing. With a 4 million man army and an increasingly restive rural population, the possibility of violent internal conflict is increasing. With recent admonitions to Hong Kong that any statements opposing the politburo will be regarded as criminal, the flare up could start in that former British colony, where the residents were born in a free society.

          There are signs that the Communist party might be considering instigating external conflict in an effort to deflect internal struggle and build a sense of unity. Recent out of the blue clashes between Chinese and Indian border guards could be a sign of testing the waters for a larger engagement there. Vietnam is another likely target, but may be seen as too small to be an existential threat that would inspire patriotism. A conflict with Russia or The United States is seen as suicide, and so less likely.

          A destructive internal conflict in China will not be positive for anyone, since a global consumer market has become dependent on a vast array of Chinese goods. Switching to new suppliers will take time, and could cause the collapse of some major tech companies.
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  • Posted by Mitch 6 years, 11 months ago
    I think this discussion around a UBI by the left is the doorway to the utopian society they all wish for and we all know is impossible. They see the automation wave coming and see it as a way to initiate UBI. How wrong they are, they are setting up these people for a life of serfdom in beholden to the Hawaii government.

    I can’t see how something like this could actually working on the state level, almost all states budgets are an epic horror story where everyone dies in the end. Hawaii can’t print its own money so they have to take it from someone else, show me a Peter willing to be robed to pay Paul? Peter will ether leave or become another Paul. Pauls from other states will just show up and become new Pauls accepting the entitlements for the people of Hawaii.

    The type of automation in information technology is quickly coming to the real world and it can’t be stopped. This will be a disruptive force where the clear majority of the effective employees’ ether can’t or won’t retrain to compete for the few jobs that build and maintain the automation. When your 53K dollar a year job can be replaced with a 100k dollar capital expense that will last 10+ years, you won’t stand much of a chance and neither will the business if it doesn’t replace you with a better model. Negates the benefits for healthcare, vacation, disability insurance and general shit head not showing up for work. No breaks, no vacations no sick leave and as long as its reliable, it’s a win for the business.
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    • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 6 years, 11 months ago
      The "rise of the robots" is one of the reasons I think that a UBI is inevitable. When we reach the point where all the goods we need can be produced with the labor of less than 5% of the population. Some means will have to be found to distribute those goods to the population. We cannot have vast storehouses of goods produced by robotic factories building up while people starve in the street.

      The alternative to the UBI is to require that productive concerns hire people at uneconomic rates. Make it illegal to use automated production equipment and hire people instead.
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      • Posted by Mitch 6 years, 11 months ago
        Both of your scenarios are dystopian disasters, could you imaging a place where people are paid to do nothing and/or the government outlaws innovation. No thanks…

        These are counter intuitive to Objectivism…
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        • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 6 years, 11 months ago
          Up to now automation has replaced repetitive work and people have moved to tasks which are not easily automated. But one can see on the horizon the ability to have a general purpose robot which can cook a meal, clean a hotel room, pick fruit, pick up garbage, mow lawns, frame and drywall a house. In essence anything that 95% of the population can do.

          And they will be far less expensive to employ than people. They will even repair themselves.

          The answer to this problem has always been, "new jobs have always emerged". But that's an observation about relatively limited automation, not a law of nature.

          What solution do you have to this?
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          • Posted by Mitch 6 years, 11 months ago
            I don't....
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            • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 6 years, 11 months ago
              Neither do I. And the only solution I come to is the Universal Basic Income. To a degree I find the idea as repugnant as most.

              Our morality that you must work to eat is based on the truth that it takes the labor of people to make the food and thus you must do your share. But when that isn't true, what is the basis for insisting that people work when there is no labor that they can do at a lower cost than a machine?

              The other thing I wonder is "Who owns the labor of the robots?" Clearly if I build a robot, I own its labor. If it builds another robot, I'm pretty confident that I still own its labor. And if it builds one and it builds one and ... at some point does my labor in building the first one become so diluted as to be insignificant?
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              • Posted by Mitch 6 years, 11 months ago
                Okay, forced sterilization for recipients of the universal basic income.; you go on assistance and you lose the ability to pass your genes along to the next generation, (said with tongue in cheek)
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              • Posted by Mitch 6 years, 11 months ago
                it will not work...it's an abomination of natural law.
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                • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 6 years, 11 months ago
                  Is it? The only natural law is that animals have to find food. That can be easy or hard depending upon it's availability.

                  Since I make my living writing code, I'm quite a bit distant from "natural law". It amuses me to contemplate that somewhere in the midwest there is someone feeding a cow so that I can have a hamburger in exchange for writing a few lines of c code.

                  And, to answer some of your other comments, it would lead to a stratification of humanity where some were productive and the others were not -- unless the robots manage to replace even the most human of our tasks and then no one would be productive.

                  Of course, there would probably be sports. We still watch football even though it would be easy to build a machine that you could give the ball to and no one could stop. There is also the robot wars sport for those who want to go that path.

                  Why sterilize people? What will the robot factories do if there is no one for their goods? And population is already going to peak and start to decline.
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                  • Posted by Mitch 6 years, 11 months ago
                    Funny, I’m a cloud architect… I build the automation that provisions managed environments for customers.

                    When I say, “natural law”, I’m not talking about cows but the natural law of property rights and capitalism. If I own twenty machines making and assembling widget A, I’ve expended money and or effort to produce widget A. What is my driving desire to produce widget A when free money if thrown around and has no value? If Customer B comes along and has money that he personally didn’t expend money or effort in producing, this money is worthless to him as he’ll just get more next week. Capitalism cease to exist; the system breaks down and prices inflate.

                    Someone will always have to design/produce/maintain, even if machines are built to do this. New features must be bootstrapped.
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      • Posted by STEVEDUNN46 6 years, 11 months ago
        Get a job building and servicing robots
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        • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 6 years, 11 months ago
          Why would they hire you when robots do the job better and are cheaper? Clearly even now the construction of robots, like cars and iPhones would be heavily automated. Even now repair of computerized equipment depends heavily on other computerized equipment. The only advantage we have in repairing stuff is hands, eyes and mobility -- all of which are emerging technology.

          To my mind, the key skill is cleaning a hotel room. It requires interacting with unknown situations and dealing with a wide variety of different items in non-standard positions. Once robots can do that then a lot of the routine jobs will be theirs.

          I actually think robots are the only way we are going to be able to care for an aging population (The Japanese think so too). With nursing home care going in excess of 75K a year, the budget to pay for a device which can provide care in your home for another few years is high.
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      • Posted by $ 6 years, 11 months ago
        Or, work in a line of work that does NOT have robots. Robots are only for repetitive tasks that are simple in nature. You can have more complex robots, but the costs skyrocket. I have some simple ones in factory tools that when they break, cost between 50K and 100K to get a rebuilt. Be the guy fixing the robot, designing the product, or overseeing them (you do need to have some people around for when they decide to do crazy stuff, which happens quite often). It goes back to education and owning your own future. Also, what happens when all the skills fade out because robots do the basics an you do manage to go to another planet? Basic farming, mechanical, and electrical skills will be needed again.
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  • Posted by ISank 6 years, 11 months ago
    Let's see the islands have a crumbling infrastructure, 1/2 way thru a costly Honolulu rail program and the more they spend on homelessness, the more the homeless grow. They are the top 1%ers of the homeless though with pets, smartphones, and green bottled beer.
    So yea, there's plenty of money for this program. Our state legislature is a disgrace.
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  • Posted by rbroberg 6 years, 10 months ago
    Hawaii already gives the most welfare dollars per recipient of all the United States. But I believe we agree UBI is a quantum leap to another level of absurdity.
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  • Posted by chad 6 years, 11 months ago
    Obama destroyed my retirement plans, ruined my ability to get health insurance increasing the cost by a factor of 10, fiat currency erodes my ability to purchase necessities and the government threatens me if I choose food over unaffordable health care premiums. Is this a promise to give it all back? The ideas that are given life by people who have no desire to work are amazing. The only thing more amazing are the number of people who then actually talk about them as though the idea were viable!
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  • Posted by bassboat 6 years, 11 months ago
    If they want to pass a law helping people do away with the minimum wage, eliminate 80% of regulations, no state income tax, slash government by 80% and impose the Fair Tax for growth. This would put people's income on steroids.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 6 years, 11 months ago
    The leftists really target the most beautiful places the most, don't they? We often talk about that here in California. One could argue that this is a redistribution of natural beauty.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years, 11 months ago
    The intent is to provide enough income to take some of the pressure off of low income and part time employees. The idea is also intended to replace a number of income supplement and food stamp programs to reduce duplication and cost. Unfortunately, like all other well intended, misguided social engineering efforts, it will be abused, and progressives will demand that the program offer a "living wage."
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 11 months ago
      All that happens is the same thing you see in San Francisco and Seattle, raise the minimum wage and you raise everything else to compensate and/or take advantage of it and you get 300 sq ft apartments for 2000 a month. Happens every time.
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  • Posted by wiggys 6 years, 11 months ago
    once they establish an overall payment to every family that will increase the cost vacationers will have to pay. that will mean less vacationers and once again socialism will rear its ugly head to in this case hurt Hawaii. the Bahamas will become more attractive due to the price and also better diving.
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  • Posted by CarrieAnneJD 6 years, 11 months ago
    I'm generally glad that a state is doing this (so we can see how horrible it's going to be in reality), and I am so glad it's not MY state! Though I'm thinking the "let them try it so there's a cautionary example of the failure" plan is a bad one -- no one seems to care about Illinois, Puerto Rico, or California right now. Hhmmmm.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 6 years, 11 months ago
      That was the original intent of the Constitution: to allow each State to derive policies pursuant to what they want and then to allow everyone to judge the results and decide to implement or not accordingly. That's one of the reasons Federal law should never be the first place to try something, e.g. healthcare.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 11 months ago
      No one is paying attention, as they all self focus on what they will do this weekend. Kalifornians are slowly learning, but they will be too late to stop the Democratic Empire, as it is already rooted there and I doubt it will ever be deposed, and it relies on giving out money it doesn't have.
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  • -1
    Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 11 months ago
    The problems with it are obvious, but I'll point out some good things about it.
    1. Cash payments are easier to shut off than an agency. The agency has its employees lobbying to keep their job. It often builds things rather than buying them, e.g. the VA, to shut it down you have decrease employees and sell/privatize assets.
    2. Hawaii can be a "test laboratory" for this idea, as the founders intended the states and local gov'ts to be. It's a smaller state by population, so fewer people are subjected to this experiment. It's remote, so the results will be less skewed by people moving there just to get the benefits.
    3. It's a naked form of the government taking your money and handing to the poor. If gov't buys healthcare, for example, we can talk about "this nation's healthcare system", without saying aloud whether you're talking about the market of providers and customers, the regulations, or the subsidies. Direct cash payments make it harder to hide what's happening.
    4. The poor may in some cases be surprising more resourceful than a social worker at spending the money. The social worker might be better at keeping people from blowing it all on alcohol and other drugs, but a few broke people will get that money with no strings attached and do something great with it that would not be allowed by maternalistic gov't programs.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 11 months ago
      Those may be arguments in support, but I am not in favor of it, it is still the state stealing money from others to distribute, thus gaining ultimate control and power. Right up there with communism. Remember Lenin sent everyone out to farms to "learn to work together".
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 11 months ago
        Yes. There are huge downside risks too. It could be come a third-rail entitlement like Social Security and Medicare. Just doing it does not guarantee shutting down other gov't programs like food stamps or health insurance rules/subsidies.
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        • Posted by $ 6 years, 11 months ago
          I think that is a real question they have not answered. Keep in mind, this law just authorizes them to form a group to evaluate the possibility, then they would need a more serious group to develop the plan, then a pilot...etc. So, a lot of those issues would need addressing. I am just fundamentally against any program to set a "basic living allowance" for everyone, talk about the ultimate control tool....
          Also, it would stifle the heck out of any effort to get people to take responsibility for their lives and do what they need to do toimprove and climb the ladder, why would anyone ever want to go to school when all they have to do is draw this money and hang out at the beach. Mobs of people on the beach, reduced tourism, reduced money, need to raise taxes and fees to keep the game going...What happens if you actually DO work and earn say, 100K a year, do you NOT get the feebie? If so, why? This will be a royal mess, straight out of several Sci Fi novels I have read....
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