Columbo investigates Scalise

Posted by Temlakos 6 years, 11 months ago to News
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Hello, everybody. Lieutenant Columbo here. Something about this shooting of Steven Scalise bothers me. I mean, who fires fifty or sixty rounds from an AR-15 assault rifle in 10 minutes and hits no one except one high-profile target, two bodyguards, and an aide? You wanna know what I think? The way I see it, Scalise was the target. The other shots were for window dressing--or suppressive fire. James Hodgkinson was a patsy. A patsy for the Republican establishment, George Soros, or maybe even the Clintons--who can say? Anyone want to read the link and chew the fat on this one?
SOURCE URL: http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2017/06/15/accountability/legislative/columbo-investigates-scalise/

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