Californians rebel against gas, car tax hike

Posted by $ nickursis 7 years ago to Government
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This is just another example of how Kalifornia is so dysfunctional. They have elected Dumbocraps to the point they control both houses and the Governor, and it takes a 43% tax hike, and other taxes and fees laid on their heads to start fighting back. Newflash Kalifornia: You lost the war a long time ago and let the enemy take over, you are now fighting a losing cause and battle. Just surrender your entire paycheck and maybe they will leave you alone for a year or 2. This is what Ayn Rand was warning against all along. I just can't buy into "California voters have a history of turning against their lawmakers" , and the real kicker is they have to pass a law that specifically prohibits them from spending any of the money on things it is not intended for. Really? They have to have a law to make them honest?

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  • Posted by GaryL 7 years ago
    There is no place to move to from any of these liberal states. As soon as the transplants get to where ever they go they immediately want their new home state to do the same dumb crap the state they ruined and ran from does. Go ahead, move from NY to a southern state and next thing you know we have to re write the history of the civil war and remove all the statues of anything confederate.
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  • Posted by preimert1 7 years ago
    I can't figure out why with more and more electrically powered vehicles on the roads, Brown keeps picking on gasoline and diesel powered vehicles. They use the same roads but their fuel is not taxed.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 7 years ago
      Old saying: If you are faced with a situation you cannot understand, look for the financial interest.
      For politicians just broaden "financial" to include power and you will find your explanation.
      In 2016 electrics were only 3% of the total new vehicle sales in CA, the highest percentage ever. Would a politician rather control 3% or 97%? BTW the rest of the US the percentage sales of new electric vehicles is 0.3% of total new vehicle sales.
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      • Posted by KevinSchwinkendorf 7 years ago
        Then there is "the rest of the story:" Even "pure electric" vehicles have a "carbon footprint." Just remember, whenever you plug your electric vehicle into an outlet to charge those batteries, where does the electricity come from? "The Grid" of course! We still generate almost half of our electricity from coal, and another 20% from gas-turbine power plants. That adds up to about 70% from fossil fuel. The remainder (30%) is roughly 20% nuclear, 6% hydro (dams, mostly in the Pacific Northwest and the Columbia River), and 4% "other" (which means wind, solar, geothermal, and a small amount of oil-fired plants). So, it TAKES CO2 generation to PRODUCE the electricity that charges up your batteries for your "ALL GREEN" cars. Brilliant! Now, if we had an electrical grid that was 100% powered by nuclear, that would be a different matter. Also, there are transmission and other efficiency factors that translate into an electric vehicle's use of that fossil fuel being less efficient than if it were burned directly in the vehicle. For example, in a coal plant, for every 100 MW-hr of combustion energy released, only 40-45 MW-hr of electricity is fed into the grid. All real energy production methods have associated thermodynamic efficiencies. So, given that an "all electric" vehicle gets its energy from the grid, what "mpg equivalent" is the "break-even" point where its "carbon footprint" is equivalent to an internal combustion engine? I've seen a couple analyses that put that break-even point at about 35-40 mpg. So, if you own a Tesla or a Chevy Volt, don't ever tell someone with a car that gets 45 mpg about how "green" you are, because that other guy is "greener" than you are!
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        • Posted by $ 7 years ago
          Your argument is the same one a lot of people have made, and falls on deaf ears, just as we see with the Media attacks on Trump, Obama did a huge pile of bad things, yet none was ever reported, if Trump farts, it is front page news and he is single fartedly killing us all and should be impeached. Same issue with electric cars, where there may be some advantages, but no where near as much as they like to say, because it does not fit their agenda.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 7 years ago
          Well stated, KS! And if the EPA would get out of the way the coal, diesel, heavy oil, and gas plants could become at least 20% more efficient for very little capital cost. (Same process is also viable for diesel truck engines.)
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        • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years ago
          " We still generate almost half of our electricity from coal,"
          I buy all mine from renewable sources. One counter-arguments to that is they could not handle peak demand if everyone used only renewable. Also the renewable energy my money buys is produced in sunny and windy areas and consumed by people nearby, not by me. It would be more expensive to get renewable energy from the source to my house.

          All that is true, but as nonrenewable mature, costs will come down and those problems will be solved. Trying not to have any negative impact on anyone in the world is an impossible goal. The point is to try to pay your way and make people whole for the damage you do, not to be morally pure like those people you describe arguing who's "greener". I definitely know what you're talking about with people irrationally showing off how "greener" they are than others.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 7 years ago
        Those electric vehicle stats in CA include hybrids which made up about half the CA electric vehicle sales in 2016. That puts pure electrics at only 1.5% of the total. The best selling electric in CA in 2016? Tesla model S. 43% of all Tesla S sold in the US in 2016 were in CA.
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        • Posted by $ 7 years ago
          Well, it also is "force them out of the gas cars into electrics" and save the whales. And Trees. And Fish. A blue belly mini finger trout. And whatever else you want. Who is to say their theft of all the last 20years of taxes was not specifically to create this situation?
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          • Posted by ewv 7 years ago
            Who uses whale oil in cars?
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            • Posted by $ 7 years ago
              Uh, my point was Kalifornia mixes any situation with saving everything in the known universe, except people. I also suspect they are not above stealing 20 years worth of road taxes (and they as much as admit that), and then hammering everyone with a huge "makeup" tax, and just say "oops". All the while blowing money on everything but what they are legally and morally required to do because democrats have no moral sense of right and wrong that matches our norm, they believe you can do anything, if it is "for a good cause".
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  • Posted by ChestyPuller 7 years ago
    It is hilarious to me that the 'gimme' crowd residing in Kali is upset that the gimmie's cost EVERYONE! I guess if Kali demorats didn't tax the Gasoline and automobiles the 'gimme' class enjoy they would still be ignorant and silent riding the luge to communism, heck they even rewrote the previous laws to allow the Commies to take leadership roles in Kali government! Conservatives get out while you still can! We all thought it would be an earthquake that removed Kali from America; it will be illegals and socialists!
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years ago
    I guess that Californians are not aware that whatever benefits they get from proposing more and more laws those more and more need to be paid for, and who should pay for them? Somehow, no one in California seems to be able to put together the fact that every proposal when it becomes a law needs to be funded. Not only that, but something as commonly used like gasoline has to be greatly funded. The result of this is circular thinking of we need this, this, and this, but it will cost this, this, and this. Then some bright jerk might say, "Let's forget the cost, we'll go forward and worry about the cost later. Once again I refer you to a quote from the past, "Wishing won't make so."
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    • Posted by $ 7 years ago
      Heinlein saw this coming 20 years or so ago in "Friday". The Republic of California had a money unit called an "Ursis" or something, had elections every other week, and a head of state called the "Chief" who wore an Indian headdress. I guess he is right up there with Ayn Rand as a prophet...
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  • Posted by $ blarman 7 years ago
    Laws will never make people honest. Laws establish ground rules and that is all. Only personal choice to abide by those laws give them any force whatsoever. I think this was observed by John Adams when he said "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
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    • Posted by $ 7 years ago
      And that is very true, so look at how for the last 50 years or so the establishment progressives have infiltrated the schools and the colleges, so that today that is the exact situation, and they have gotten to the judges so that such behavior is "lawful" and actual adherence to the law is "illegal".
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  • Posted by Dobrien 7 years ago
    “For years, the state has been diverting gas tax revenue away from roads, only now, with this massive 43 percent tax increase, are they promising to fix them,” Mr. Coupal said in a statement. “We have heard this before, but the only thing Californians can count on is higher taxes.”
    No new roads no new lanes nothing to alleviate traffic . Many middle class are leaving due to high living expenses this can't help. Those exiting might have rejected this tax. Gov Brown bragged up the jobs and economic benefit the state will get from this looting.. Huh
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    • Posted by $ 7 years ago
      It kinda lays bare the whole fallacy of the last 20 years or so in Kalifornia. They have been jiggering the books and stealing money from all kinds of sources to hide the real issue, CALPERS.The implosion is happening, and the people still do not see how it is hapeening because the politicos set it up the same way just as the Fed ones do, divide and conquer on silly little issues that get people all emotionally involved and leaves their brains in neutral. That is what the Russia thing is all about, the Health Care thing and the whole Trump circus.
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  • Posted by bsmith51 7 years ago
    True story: Years ago at work in California a young woman was crying because a guy had jilted her. An older woman among a small group tried to console her, and offered to introduce her to a more upstanding fellow when she felt ready to date again. The young woman considered this a minute as she wiped her tears, then asked: "What kind of car does he drive?" And that is about all one needs know about California.
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    • Posted by bsmith51 7 years ago
      Don't know, but I remember another person I worked with in SoCal who was informed (or should I say, read the riot act) by his almost 16 year old daughter that she would only be seen in and therefore would only accept a NEW Porsche, Mercedes or BMW for her birthday.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 7 years ago
    Go east producers, take your IP with you, and leave your slimy lawyers behind to fight over the scraps.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years ago
      East isn't always a good option, Colorado has it's own brand of idiots, Wyoming may be all that is still semi normal and respects the individual right to freedom and privacy and not have it all legislated. Not sure where Idaho is today....
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      • Posted by BeenThere 7 years ago
        Idaho is still fairly rational...........some moves have been attempted, but were thwarted..........however, the attempts to "convert" continue by "infiltraitors" (spelling intentional)........... BT
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 7 years ago
        Idaho is experiencing little infiltrations from the left, as is Nevada. I'm starting to just put it all under the umbrella of globalism...
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        • Posted by wiggys 7 years ago
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          • Posted by $ Abaco 7 years ago
            Altruism as voluntary acts of kindness or charity seem ok to me. Globalism isn't that. It's compulsory. Therein is the rub. People should be able to help others. Globalism forces sacrifice on people - it moves into an area that isn't completely screwed up and destroys.
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            • Posted by ewv 7 years ago
              Altruism is the ethics of living for others as the standard of morality, not voluntary acts of kindness or occasional charity. The collectivist demands for global statism is based on the ethics of sacrifice of the individual. "Globalism" is also often used to mean simply free trade without national protectionism.
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