Republican Party the most dangerous organization in human history

Posted by Dobrien 7 years ago to Philosophy
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What does the Elsworth Toohey of today have to say.

The republicans are dangerous because they are filled with RINOS. Not because of the capitalist charade.
SOURCE URL: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/may/11/noam-chomsky-republican-party-the-most-dangerous-o/

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  • Posted by GaryL 7 years ago
    I have to agree with it on at least one point. The republicans are very good at cannibalism and eating their own. In the 2018 elections it could very well be a blood bath for them they will instinctively blame on Trump but they only really have themselves to blame. We handed them full control on a silver platter and they are squandering every bit of it by not supporting their own President.
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years ago
      That is indeed very true, and almost reminds me of the lecture Barney the attorney gives the crew of the Caine after the trial of Captain Queeg. He clearly points oput that none of them tried to support him, because they all assumed he was a loon and thus not worthy of their respect or support. All I see id 2 groups of politicos, who are identical in their moral and emotional turpitude, and the fact Trump took away their "entitled leader" pissed one off so much they will stop at nothing, and the fact he is not one of the "special few" makes the others want to help. Thus he is doomed unless he grows up, and gets serious, and stops the tweeting war (it is no longer a useful weapon and does not distract) and calls out the Republicrats for what they are. He keeps compromising and giving away his political capital to the Republicrats and gets crap legislation in return.
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      • Posted by GaryL 7 years ago
        Now they got their Special Prosecutor and want to see Comey's notes that Trump ordered him to stand down on the Flynn investigation. If Comey is the big note taker then lets see all the notes on Hillary regarding Benghazi, regarding Uranium sales to Russia, regarding Susan Rice and Vallerie Jarrett. How about the notes on the tarmac plane visit by Bill and all the times BHO commented on how there was no wrong doing. I hope their special investigation uncovers so much more than any BS collusion by Trump for which there is zero proof of so far. I hope the investigation comes up and bites them in their own ass.
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        • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years ago
          One would think it will, but for the last 25 years or so even undeniable evidence of wrongdoing for a democrat has been ignored by everyone, and any hint of a Republican issue is instant jail time. I liked Trey Gowdys interview on Fox Tues night where he basically absolved Comey of any wrongdoing in regards to Hillary in that he thought he was doing the right thing, as he stated the Justice Dept was tainted. Gowdy then let on that they have uncovered some other issues though that do go back to Hillary and Obama, but declined to say anything as it is still under investigation, but the Fox person stated "Issues where Hillary and Obama colluded to cover things up" and he said "Well, that seems obvious". This will all end up like a game of Stratego with lots of casualties and everyone hoping to impart more on the other side. That is what is wrong with the whole system, everyone just wants power, and will trash the country to get it.
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          • Posted by GaryL 7 years ago
            What will irk us most in all of this is the two sets of laws. One reserved for us subjects and the other reserved for those in high positions who can afford the legal representation, usually paid for by us, to drag out the legal penalties for many years to come. I have always maintained the lawyers in these cases are the ones who get very rich on our dimes and if you know anything about lawyers you know that the vast majority are liberal and democrat.
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      • Posted by ewv 7 years ago
        The deeper problem is that he doesn't have the knowledge or attention span to say something longer than his 140 character emotional tweetbursts. He can't even read a teleprompter convincingly when someone else writes it for him (often followed by his tangents contradicting himself). He isn't going to grow up, intellectually or otherwise; it's too late for that -- for the same reason that you can't explain to a ten year old that he is immature and what to do about it. There is no base of knowledge or experience to build on. At least the 10 year old can grow up over time, while Trump has ossified his neural paths into emotional, range of the moment Pragmatism as the psychology of his thinking.
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        • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years ago
          That is a hard statement to contradict, in that there is nothing to really prove otherwise. One would just have to hope that he will wake up to the fact this is not a TV show he can just walk away from, or rewrite to his content.....
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          • Posted by ewv 7 years ago
            That requires a level of objectivity he doesn't seem to have.
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            • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years ago
              That may very well be true. I see 2 types of people in politics, those who objectively analyze an issue and may or may not use it for their own advantage (Obama comes to mind) or the emotional, knee jerk type who use grandstanding and outrageous statements (Trump, Maxine Waters, Charlie Rangle come to mind) to generate the emotional responses they feel give them leverage. Trump is clearly an emotional politician, and he does not seem to have any knack for handling people. I see his election as a result of bad vs really bad, and really bad is coming for him in force now for revenge. Never mind if it trashes the country.
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    • Posted by $ Suzanne43 7 years ago
      Couldn't agree with you more. They belong to the establishment, the elites, the ruling class...call it what you will. Their own power is more important than what's good for the country. Then you have the ones like John McCain who are out for revenge. Guess that you can't beat City Hall.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 7 years ago
    Hypocritical old fart.
    You bought the GOP bullshit about Lincoln because it's convenient to your failed beliefs, Hitlery's bullshit about everything she can't recall because it's convenient to your failed beliefs, and you conclude today's GOP is worse than Mao's 30 million murders and Stalin's 20 million murders. You need remedial math and a big dose of astaxanthin.
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    • Posted by 7 years ago
      Thanks Freedomforall,
      Mao and Stalin are the prototypes. They will determine what is the greater good. Like Warren and Pelosi or Schummer and Castro or Chavez now Madura.
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  • Posted by wmiranda 7 years ago
    That's funny. I think the same thing about this new democrat party, Soros, and their new KKK, antifa. But I'm a term limits guy and believe there are swamps in both parties. People like Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, McCain, Graham, Nelson and so many others that should have been gone after a couple of terms.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years ago
    Chomskey hasn't been in the news much of late, so he waited until he was in a well covered forum in order to make an outrageous statement. It got him back in. It cleared up his constipation of attention. I'm sure he fells much better now. that he's gotten rid of so much fecal matter.
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  • Posted by Joseph23006 7 years ago
    I have never found Noam Chomsky very insightful and this latest statement is just way out. If any party is dangerous it is the Democrats because instead of working to find solutions to problems they are sidetracking the process of government with their vendetta against The President and in doing so they may bring about irreparable harm to the office and not just the man!
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    • Posted by Storo 7 years ago
      Republican RINOs are very dangerous to be sure for reasons stated. But what one has to realize and awaken to is that it is the goal of Democrats to bring about one-party rule, and the goal of Chomsky, Bill Ayres, George Soros, Saul Alynski, Barak Obama and many others not just to bring harm to Trump and the presidency, but to do irrepairable harm to the United States Constitution as a whole and destroy the greatest form of government the world has ever seen - yes, even with its flaws.
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  • Posted by $ Your_Name_Goes_Here 7 years ago
    Yes, there are RINOs in the party, but I would classify the party as "inept" before "dangerous". Reminds me of the dog that finally catches the car it has been chasing for months or years, and has no idea what to do next. LEAD, damn it, LEAD!
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  • Posted by Rocky012 7 years ago
    Back when we were still a Representative Republic the Federalists party was thought to be working to turn America into a plantation where most people worked to support a small elite class. The Federalist party split into two parties and became the Republican and the Democratic parties. Looks like to me they are still working toward the same goal.
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  • Posted by unitedlc 7 years ago
    I'm not religious, just pointing out a fact. If we are defining most dangerous as "number of deaths", then the Pro-Abortion movement would be the most dangerous "organization" in human history. There have been more than 60 million performed since Roe v Wade in the U.S. alone.
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    • Posted by ewv 7 years ago
      We do not define the most dangerous as meaning "number of deaths" of anything that happens to be living. The number of abortions is irrelevant.

      Chomsky thinks we are more dangerous than the Republican Party given the criteria he used. He is opposed to industrialization and a refusal to engage in collectivist sacrifice. He has now added refusal to submit to climate hysteria.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 7 years ago
      You might say that Nature or God is the greatest aborter since far more human like embryos and fetuses (nearly all alive), let alone all those spent living sperm who didn't make it, are aborted due to having bad development in the womb.
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      • Posted by unitedlc 7 years ago
        Haha! If I believed in god I would agree with you...

        So if we are going down that road, perhaps FIRE is the deadliest thing as far as killing life, or perhaps drought. Kind of goes off of the subject of "dangerous organization" however.
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        • Posted by lrshultis 7 years ago
          Just depends on what is considered life. Pro Lifers seem to believe that life extends from human conception to birth. Otherwise life is expendable depending upon the laws one accepts. Seems like the Right prefers having as much life behind bars as possible, while the Left just has a slightly different idea of who should lose liberty.
          Who wants to be ruled anyway? So that leaves out the Democrats and their majority rules belief. Who likes DEA, EPA, Patriot Act, etc. leaving out a lot of desire for the Republicans. But who gives much credence to what Chomsky says anyway?
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years ago
    It's hard to listen to 22 min of someone I disagree with so much, but the interviewer did a good job questioning him and letting viewers decide.

    Chomsky is wrong IMHO on two premises.
    1. Politicians have a huge impact on macro trends in labor rates and return on equity..
    2.The trends in recent decades have been unusually bad compared to other mutli-decade periods in history.
    I call them premises because he used them as the basis for his arguments without explaining why.

    I like that he brought up the global warming and nuclear weapons represent a grave threat to humankind that we often ignore. But he talks as if there is a set of policies that solidly addresses them.

    I found his claim about wage insecurity offensive, completely taking Greenspan out of context. He must know it.

    What I came away with is how do we knock out those statist principles. He starts out with this claim the economy has gotten worse for many works over the past 30 years and immediately goes to which type of politician can solve that problem. I wish we could get away from that.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 7 years ago
      " the economy has gotten worse for many works over the past 30 years and immediately goes to which type of politician can solve that problem"
      Agree that his conclusions are completely wrong, CG. Politicians created the problems that led to poor economic performance (along with the banking cartel created by corrupt politicians.) Literally, the problem will be solved by no politicians.
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  • Posted by Madanthonywayne 7 years ago
    The Democrats are far worse. The Republicans often talk a good talk during the election season, then fail to deliver once elected. The Democrats, on the other hand, don't even pretend to have any respect for traditional American values, capitalism, or individual freedom. They are all about group rights and left wing economics.
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 7 years ago
    While I disagree with his argument I do support his conclusion.

    I have long felt this way. Republican (RINOS) are only slightly less Liberal than the Democrats. Marching onward towards Socialism if anything only marginally slower than the Democrats full fledged stampede towards it.

    While so far there have been FAR less killed in the name of Republicanism than say Mao, Stalin or a whole list of other dictators names. Modern Republicans and Democrats are leading America in the direction that could potentially have similar numbers, and this is why I believe that the Republican party is the most dangerous political party in the world today.
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    • Posted by ewv 7 years ago
      The Republican Party is not leading us to Mao and Stalin. They aren't leading anything. They are echoing the same premises as Democrats and other more extreme collectivists. Their default as an opposition is certainly dangerous, but the ideas are the real danger. In that sense they may be more dangerous than Democrats because their default in the name of capitalism serves to misrepresent it. But it doesn't make Republicans a more dangerous organization than anything in the history of the world.
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      • Posted by Eyecu2 7 years ago
        The Republican party is both leading and following. They are leading those who actually believe in what they purpose to stand for, while following the Democrats straight to Hell. Republicans at the politicians level suffer from a fatal flaw. I forget who said it but I love this quote and Republican politicians really need to take it to heart, "You can't compromise with someone who wants to kill you. What you gonna let them kill you just a little bit?" They keep compromising their positions in order to get their agenda advanced but then the Democrats make another run at the issue and the Republicans compromise again and again. It is NEVER ending, they are fighting a full fledged retreat on their convictions. This is why the American people get behind them and then are so disappointed, and this is why Republicans are so dangerous. As to more dangerous than anything in the history of the world? Well that remains to be evaluated after the fact. Obviously at the moment it doesn't look that bad but 100 years down the road...well time will tell. I will stand by the statement that it is the most dangerous currently going on as it enables nearly all of the other negative things going on today, with ISIS as just 1 example.
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        • Posted by ewv 7 years ago
          Most Republicans don't have convictions to retreat from. Following the more consistent Democrats in more slowly implementing their premises is not a kind of leadership, intellectually or otherwise. Compromise now means the statists taking what they can and coming back for the rest later. Those still naive enough to be disappointed in Republicans had false expectations. It illustrates why education for better ideas is so important and still may have a chance.
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          • Posted by Eyecu2 7 years ago
            I would agree that Republican politicians have no convictions,; however, I would argue that the Republican base has very definite convictions.

            I would also agree better education improves anyone's chances of making good choices.
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            • Posted by ewv 7 years ago
              The Republican Party has no intellectual base. A small minority of conservative activists, mostly religious conservatives, keep hoping that Republicans will support some vague notion of freedom along with their religion. Trump disingenuously and temporarily appealed to them in the campaign when he dusted off his old Bile and waved it in the air with "I love Evangelicals". Whatever their "convictions", they are no intellectual base either, of anything.
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              • Posted by Eyecu2 7 years ago
                Your statement that, "The Republican Party has no intellectual base." Tells me that you have bought into the Liberal media lies. The lie of portraying anyone (meaning Republicans) who disagree with them as nothing more than beer swilling, racist, inbreed rednecks, which is patently false. Oh you can find that guy at any gathering (and they always do and put him on the screen) just as you can find the screaming, uptight, self-righteous, lesbian at any of their gatherings. Anytime you accept the proposed stereotype about a group you are heading in the wrong direction.

                Republicans run the gambit on actions and education, just as other groups. In fact from my observation it seems that the least educated political party is the Democrats as the vast majority of their base are the minorities. With the Republicans most at least have a high school education and a little college and while neither high school nor college provide the education that they should. It is still far better than the average Democrat who is unable to do the math to figure out if they are being overcharged at the register.
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                • Posted by ewv 7 years ago
                  The Republican party is based on a mixture of statism and unprincipled Pragmatism. It cravenly concedes to the Democrats as 'me too but slower'. This has no intellectual base. Recognizing that does not mean "bought into Liberal media lies". An intellectual base for political policy requires far more than being able do math at a checkout register.
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  • Posted by wiggys 7 years ago
    what reason is there to separate the repubs from the dems or any other political group? they are all birds of a feather.
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    • Posted by ChestyPuller 7 years ago
      I wouldn't even try to debate on that, it's a fool's ploy. I myself do not see any real differences and knew that this [one party], would come about as fact when I studied the 17th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
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