On Fox News, Charles Krauthammer predicts America will have single-payer health care within 7 years

Posted by $ nickursis 7 years ago to Government
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Charles may very well be right, what could have been killed in the very beggining is now become yet another "benefit" for everyone, and yet no one, ever, ever mentions how it is paid for. Nor do they mention the inevitable quality that goes into the crapper. Even today, when you pay them with your own health plan, doctors take 3 or 4 visits spend thousands on tests, and then tell you you need a happy pill because it is all in your head, please move on... No quality, no real medical skill needed. Once single payer gets entrenched, you will have 2 classes of health care: One for the peasants (90% of us) and one for the wealthy (who will pay for exclusive access to "private" doctors. The issue is, the 90% end up dying while waiting 6 months to a year for an appointment. Funny thing is, you never hear a groundswell of complaint, as it becomes "the norm". Just like having corrupt politicians is the "norm"...O Brave New World...
SOURCE URL: http://theweek.com/speedreads/696859/fox-news-charles-krauthammer-predicts-america-have-singlepayer-health-care-within-7-years

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  • Posted by term2 7 years ago
    I agree. IF the populace wants medical care for everyone guaranteed, no matter what- the only way is for medicare for everyone, and ultimate bankruptcy of the country. The system as it is now gives essentially free medical care to people 65 and over, as well as low income people under 65. And the rest of us working folks are paying for that. Add in all the people under 65, and it would go instantly bankrupt and require a LOT more money- and right away. Not to mention that increasing the number of people with "free" medical care will raise the cost of medical care for everyone (supply and demand).
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    • Posted by $ 7 years ago
      Well, not free, exactly, that is why it is rigged so you need to have supplemental health insurance through monsters like AARP, and why they can single handedly de-nut the Republicans. That also cuts the cost to the gov, allowing them to repurpose money allocated under the table. A neat scheme, worthy of our oppressors...
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      • Posted by term2 7 years ago
        I pay $107 for medicare, and then $250 for "supplemental" from AARP, and then $35 for part "d". So thats $392 per month total. So you are right. That doesnt include the 2.9% medicare tax on payroll earnings either. On 3000 payroll per month, thats another $87 per month. So we are up to $479 per month
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  • Posted by freedomforall 7 years ago
    Health insurance is not health.
    Republican politicians are looting scum, little better than Democrats, but the people who vote are too brainwashed to understand the truth.
    The situation is revolting. Why aren't we?
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    • Posted by term2 7 years ago
      I want REPEAL of Obamacare, not replacement. Why would anyone think that government mandated health care would be better run by republican establishment than democratic establishment. The swamp is wide and deep all the way around. I voted for Trump because I thought he could slow down the inevitability of socialism here (maybe). He cant stop it with half the people in the country actually willing to vote for Hillary or Sanders (they are both socialists). Trump himself has some socialist leanings actually, albeit less than the democrats..

      This country is finished in the long haul. The destruction of the dollar will do it in at some point.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 7 years ago
        Repeal was the promise that the GOP gave to be elected. Unsurprisingly, they lied, just as they have about everything for the past 53 years.
        There is no lesser evil.
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        • Posted by term2 7 years ago
          TRUMP always said repeal and replace, which I never thought was a good idea.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 7 years ago
            Replace is fine if the replacement is the free market, but that would reduce government power, and that does not happen with the people in DC. Trump was vague about nearly everything during the campaign... a requirement to get elected, and a way to avoid responsibility after being elected for all politicians regardless of party. If Trump really can negotiate and get the best deal as he claimed then he should be letting the con-gress fight about the ACA and then after the public is completely disgusted with all of them, trump should release a free market solution. The problem is that the free market will not put up with unrealistic assumptions for very long. That means that under the free market there will never be an economically sound program that allows free or near free treatment of pre existing conditions. It cannot happen because it defies the basic economic principles of insurance.
            Socialist Government constantly makes mathematically, economically impossible promises. That will never change, but the liberal voters do not respond to reality. They respond to fairy tale unreality only and elect total failures like Obama, Clinton, Carter, Johnson, JFK, Truman, FDR. America might have been better off under dictatorship instead of that list of traitors.
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            • Posted by term2 7 years ago
              the free market would require time to develop the various insurance programs and premiums. that could take a couple of years, which would be too long in this political climate. I am thinking that if the senate rejects the house plan, and then the house rejects the revised senate plan, Trump might just throw up his hands and let Obamacare crash on its own. THEN, perhaps a free market solution would be more palatable, except for the democrats pushing for expanded medicare for everyone (which was their plan in the first place).
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          • Posted by $ jdg 7 years ago
            Rand Paul's bill (where replace meant you could buy insurance from any state) would be a great idea.

            I don't know the specifics of AHCA, but I do know it preserves the requirement that insurance companies ignore preexisting conditions, which means they will all have to go on being subsidized or go broke. That is what would lead to single-payer.
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        • Posted by $ 7 years ago
          Exactly, seperate by their lists of sponsors and patron, equal in their complete, utter disregard for the "peasants". This is the one thing all the Liberals, Progressives and minorities keep failing to see, as they are simple mindedly driven by single word hot buttons, and emotional BS spewed by the media. The latest stab is the "18 day" phenomena....
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      • Posted by $ 7 years ago
        You are correct in a lot here, and Trump was just the best guess of a very bad rotten group. He just seems so out of his league, almost as if he thought Ryan would actually support him and his agenda. I am thinking he and Ryan had a "come to Jesus" moment, where Trump was told he would be allowed to continue, as long as he does not interfere in their real objectives. Otherwise, Trump is out, Pence is in, and the Republicrats have 2 in the history books...
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        • Posted by term2 7 years ago
          Both the parties are in the establishment. Trump IS an outsider, and they are all telling him that he is essentially powerless to DO anything except veto what they pass.
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          • Posted by $ jdg 7 years ago
            This is why it is more important than ever to pay attention to vote tracking groups right now, especially the Club For Growth. With any luck they can replace the worst establishment Republicans, starting with Paul Ryan, with real budget cutters while Trump is still in office.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years ago
      That is true, and it is not an auto policy either. There is a way to provide basic preventative care, and then integrate it with corrective care at a reasonable cost. However, to make something like that work, you need to eliminate all the insurance companies and assorted skimming tools. The reason the Republicrats have not gotten anything done, is their Star Chamber only meets so often to tell them what they will do, and how much they want skimmed off in return. Same thing with Dumbocraps, and people just refuse to think that nice guy in the add is a paid shill. And also, they met their Congressman, he really is a nice guy, and had cookies too...I really, really really do believe the CIA deployed the stupidity virus 20-30 years ago....
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  • Posted by freedomforall 7 years ago
    " How can you leave people out in the cold?"
    I say don't leave em in the cold, putt hem in the cold. Freeze them until a cure is found and stop wasting resources on keeping them "alive" for a few months until the insurance runs out,
    (sarcasm on)
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    • Posted by term2 7 years ago
      I remember health care in the 60's. My dad had blue cross and it paid major medical claims at a rate of 80%. It seemed to work just fine and was affordable. There was no government intrusion at that point. Now we have medicare for old people (if you can find good doctors who actually take medicare), 3 minute visits from doctors, lack of diagnosis so they dont have to treat, and death panels. We need to return to NO government involvement. Chaos for a few years, but then it will be much better.
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      • Posted by $ 7 years ago
        Medical sucks. Period. Doctors are as incompetent as having a plumber do the work. We blew through our 5K deductable in 2 months of ER visits and dumb ass doctors who can't find root cause and say that my wife is "panic attacking". The only attack was the one I stopped her from around dumbass doctors neck... Finally went to a Naturopath who had some idea of the fact when you have a gall bladder removed, things get very weird and you have to play a "what can I eat" game. Also, you become allergic to specific foods that will make you very sick. The Gastropod morons never mentioned any of this, and when asked, said "that can't be". Facts beat fiction, but we treat ourselves before we go to the loony bin rip off house...
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        • Posted by term2 7 years ago
          I think that emergency rooms are only there to "stabilize" you so that they can release you to go home. They dont want to really determine whats wrong- thats for the specialists. Plus the fact that ER's HAVE TO ACCEPT YOU regardless of whether you will pay. That means "stabilize" and get rid of the patient ASAP without liability.

          Diagnosis means the requirement for treatment, so dont diagnose.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 7 years ago
        Agree completely with your suggestion, term. The way to get that is to move to central america (or another place with medical tourism like Thailand) and pay for your care as needed.
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        • Posted by term2 7 years ago
          I wonder how one finds out about where there is good medical care around the world, and the costs of it.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 7 years ago
            Search on medical tourism.
            Here is one resource:
            I can personally vouch for medical and dental in Thailand, and dental in Panama. I have heard that some cities in Mexico offer good quality care, too. There are 2 good hospitals that I know of in Bangkok. One caters to western tourists and is more expensive. The other caters to Thais and has a very good reputation among tourists who have had procedures there. I can't attest to any specifics.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years ago
      That is a reasonable option if it could be proven to work..The problem is the definition of health and care.Should you spend 3 million to treat someone for cancer and only have it come back 6 months later and also make a crappy 6 months? They do not have the ethical structure to incorporate all of that into a single system. Also, Remember :
      The 20th century's industrialization led to overcrowding, pollution and global warming due to "the greenhouse effect". In 2022, 40 million people live in New York City; housing is dilapidated; homeless people fill the streets; many are unemployed; those few with jobs are only barely scraping by and food and working technology are scarce with most of the population surviving on rations produced by the Soylent Corporation. Their latest product is Soylent Green; a green wafer advertised to contain "high-energy plankton" from the World Ocean, more nutritious and palatable than its predecessors "Red" and "Yellow" but in short supply.

      Soylent green is People!
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      • Posted by freedomforall 7 years ago
        Even if it failed it would work better than the oncologists definition of success: "responds to treatment." Besides no one who knew them would still be breathing, they'd be in cold sleep, too! So there would be no one to file the lawsuit. Oops, that wouldn't be good for the lawyers, so forget it.
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  • Posted by rbunce 7 years ago
    By then maybe we will be full on MMT so taxes will not be needed to fund government... just to maintain the viability of the currency, regulate the macro economy (which Congress will never do), and to redistribute income (which the Democratic Party majority Congress will love to do.)
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  • Posted by NealS 7 years ago
    It really funny how once it gets started, something like healthcare being run and managed by the government becomes the norm, a mandatory legal action, even though the government should have no involvement in it at all. But then again, actually its really not funny at all.

    What's next, what else can we get the government to take control of and mange for us, and at what cost? All it takes is to just get it started, it doesn't have to be right or perfect, and "they" will jump on the bandwagon. It will never again revert back to free enterprise. It gives whole new meaning to letting the cat out of the bag.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years ago
      Anything they can control, and thus milk. If only we had some nano bot spies in all the back rooms and phones. I bet the NSA funnels millions of calls to each party for blackmail purposes, in order to prevent mutual destruction.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years ago
    I'm not so sure about the 7 year part, but at present it appears as if single payer is inevitable. Because government mandated health care insurance is founded on a faulty premise, the only way it can keep it from collapsing upon itself is for the government to continuously shore it up.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years ago
      Right, Herb, you are. Once Felony Pelosi let the dragon in, we were doomed, which was what a bunch of politicians were saying, until it was done, and they got paid off or something. Now, they are all on board in one way or another. A new third party that can sweep both away would be needed, and someone strong enough, with enough knowledge of all the buried bodies to keep the back room boys in check, until they could be eliminated. Without that, Orwell was right...
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  • Posted by DeanStriker 7 years ago
    Must be that Krauthammer believes that this GOVERNment will somehow survive the 7 years and avoid the Great Collapse. LOL

    It's bad enough that the Medicare most everyone has been forced to pay for (like forever) That's bad enough but of course then they piled on Zerocare which will pretty well tip over the applecart.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years ago
    They should pass a radically individualist plan, maybe with some kind of expanded Medicaid backstop for the poor and sick and tax credits for the poor and healthy, effectively separating the question of should gov't help the poor pay for medical care and should the gov't run a system. It might fail. In 7 years they might unfortunately decide they could save money with single-payer. But maybe people get a taste if being left alone and like it. Right now the issues are tangled. You want not to help the poor, you have to deal with dismantling the "system".
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    • Posted by freedomforall 7 years ago
      " a radically individualist plan"
      That existed before the AMA was given control and wrecked the supply of practitioners. Prior to that, it was called the free market. Government will never bring back such a plan. The only way the free market returns is to starve the federal government to death. The double evils of the GOP and the Dems will not do anything to reduce their power. The replacement of ACA is a perfect example of how they betray the people every single time.
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