On Fox News, Charles Krauthammer predicts America will have single-payer health care within 7 years

Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 1 month ago to Government
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Charles may very well be right, what could have been killed in the very beggining is now become yet another "benefit" for everyone, and yet no one, ever, ever mentions how it is paid for. Nor do they mention the inevitable quality that goes into the crapper. Even today, when you pay them with your own health plan, doctors take 3 or 4 visits spend thousands on tests, and then tell you you need a happy pill because it is all in your head, please move on... No quality, no real medical skill needed. Once single payer gets entrenched, you will have 2 classes of health care: One for the peasants (90% of us) and one for the wealthy (who will pay for exclusive access to "private" doctors. The issue is, the 90% end up dying while waiting 6 months to a year for an appointment. Funny thing is, you never hear a groundswell of complaint, as it becomes "the norm". Just like having corrupt politicians is the "norm"...O Brave New World...
SOURCE URL: http://theweek.com/speedreads/696859/fox-news-charles-krauthammer-predicts-america-have-singlepayer-health-care-within-7-years

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