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  • Posted by $ jdg 7 years ago
    I'd remove government entirely from the health business. Let it be up to the individual consumer to check doctors' credentials if he cares about them; let medical schools graduate as many doctors as they like; let it be up to doctors to perform whatever services people agree to; and above all, let insurers cover only the persons and conditions they agree to cover.

    And get government's prying eyes out of people's health decisions, which also means legalizing all drugs and treatments.

    But I'd continue to have government regulate insurance to the extent of making sure insurers will be capable of paying the claims they commit to pay, and that they pay in a timely manner and don't commit fraud.

    And I'd privatize both the provision and administration of Medicare and all the government-worker and government-retiree health care systems (and split them into competing parts), so that the market can reduce the bureaucracy they impose on doctors and hospitals to be comparable to what private insurers impose.

    Finally, I'd enact loser-pays for all courts. That would do away with the malpractice racket that caused most of the high cost of health care before ObamaCare.
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  • Posted by CTYankee 7 years ago
    Easy! I'd write clear and complete legislation that covers 'Insurance Fraud' and how it applies to Insurers, Providers, Consumers, and Agents. Then I would require that all insurance contracts provide 'a la cart' provisions where the Consumer can accept or reject ANY insurable condition and the Insurer must disclose the actuarial cost on every line item.

    The insurance companies would be free to sell to any buyer anywhere. Agents would be able to combine coverage from any insurer or provider. And no policy would ever be locked to an employer, although group discounts might be.

    Simply put, in this day of information, transparency would rule. The government's only involvement would be to prosecute criminality.
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  • Posted by GaryL 7 years ago
    Fix malpractice tort reform! Get government out of the insurance business and let the free market prevail.Let the states decide how to deal with the poor and medicaid by limiting what they are Entitled to as far as free health care. Too bad if you were born a boy and want to be a girl, not my problem sweetie! If my employer provided plan says a procedure is not covered then I have to pay the bill myself, WTF?
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