The Income Tax Implies that Government Owns You

Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 1 month ago to Government
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"The income tax is enshrined into law but it is an idea that stands in total contradiction to the driving force behind the American Revolution and the idea of freedom itself. We desperately need a serious national movement to get rid of it – not reform it, not replace it, not flatten it or refocus its sting from this group to that. It just needs to go.

The great essayist Frank Chodorov once described the income tax as the root of all evil. His target was not the tax itself, but the principle behind it. Since its implementation in 1913, he wrote, “The government says to the citizen: ‘Your earnings are not exclusively your own; we have a claim on them, and our claim precedes yours; we will allow you to keep some of it, because we recognize your need, not your right; but whatever we grant you for yourself is for us to decide.”"

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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 1 month ago
    No matter how hard you work, how much you produce, you must pay a graduated percentage of the fruit of your ambition to your silent partner, the government. Please note, I didn't say "your government" for the simple reason that all the governments, federal, state, county and city are not yours. You have no direct claim on them, but they have a direct claim on you. Along with that, if you fail to honor that claim, you will be punished. Excessively punished at that.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 7 years, 1 month ago
    “The government says to the citizen: ‘Your earnings are not exclusively your own; we have a claim on them, and our claim precedes yours; we will allow you to keep some of it, because we recognize your need, not your right; but whatever we grant you for yourself is for us to decide.”

    Great thought and spot on! I would be that this is one of the reasons the Founding Fathers rejected the notion of an income tax - it is antithetical to freedom.
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  • Posted by chad 7 years, 1 month ago
    A succinct way to put it. Every tax is a claim upon your life. If you buy food to stay alive you pay the government for the right to buy food. Your property, real and personal, is all taxed as you purchased it. If you use your tools to provide an income the income is taxed, the tools are taxed when you purchase them and if they are part of your business equity they are taxed again. If you think you own your property quit paying taxes, you will find out who owns it and they have indebted it without your permission (they got your neighbors permission when they voted to bond [indebt] your property). You own or control nothing without its continual consent. The government will license (tax) your right to work. All of this is done in the name of protecting and providing for the public. If you don't pay your taxes you will be punished by those who are providing the protection. Reminds me of my brother in law who was in the mafia. He said the government didn't like the mafia because they were competition in the protection racket.
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  • Posted by Rocky012 7 years, 1 month ago
    My study indicates that a lot of this conservation is mistaken in one of more statements. The IRS has no laws to enforce it's will, only Codes. A code is the transmission of information in a form the casual observer will not understand. If you have ever tried to read IRS code you know it was not meant to be understood. LOL Codes are not laws. They only apply to United States citizens. Even though many think we are US citizens because we accepted some benefit from the gov. we are not. Look up the status of Sui Juris, the Clearfield doctrine and the six requirements of a contract. Traffic court and the IRS are helpless against these concepts. The gov. will presume you are a slave, but you can establish they have no jurisdiction over you without your permission.
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  • Posted by Mygood 7 years, 1 month ago
    Why is that we don`t have our original birth certificate, but only a copy. When we are born, hospital files for certificate as well as for SSN. It is not mandatory. Why? They even get paid for it. I've found a movement that grows day by day. Instead of becoming Federal Citizens by birth we can be citizens of several states. Can we get our birth certificate back and exit this system. People do it. Here is how...
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 1 month ago
    Way back before Wesley Snipes went to the pen for not paying income taxes, I was having a conversation about unconstitutional income tax with someone who I began to suspect was a lib. At a later date he fully revealed that he was.
    He told me I needed to be a leader and to openly refuse to pay my income tax to inspire others to do the same.
    "Are you a leader or are you a follower?" he'd stress.
    Finally I told him I wasn't stupid. I'm not some charismatic leader of people anyway.
    Later it dawned on me that the slimy snake only hoped to dupe an open conservative into going to prison.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 1 month ago
      The Snipes affair proved to me that the feds would stop at nothing including corrupting foreign local police to arrest enemies of the income tax system.
      I investigated Panama as an alternative home base years ago and while there I met Snipes' tax "mentor", Eddie Kahn. It wasn't a business setting and I have no info regarding the Snipes or Kahn trials or arrests. Kahn may have violated some obscure IRS rules with the advice he sold to Snipes and many others. I also met people in NZ who were in tax trouble with the NZ version of the IRS due to Kahn's advice. However, according to people on the scene in Panama City, Panama, Kahn was illegally taken into custody there and effectively kidnapped by Treasury agents to "extradite" him for tax prosecution in the US.
      Legalities mean very little to the Treasury Department when they want to make an example to the serfs. If they can't find something in the maze of laws to prosecute you, they will create "evidence" from your internet habits to support arrest.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 1 month ago
        When I thought of what happened to Snipes, I had know idea you had a connection to his tax advisor.
        Now I'm reminded how Dinesh D'Souza, who after making a film critical of King Barry, got nailed with some obscure campaign contribution law to be made an example of also.
        He got off easier than Snipes, though.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 1 month ago
    The philosophical issues of the structure of taxes (e.g. income, property, sales, etc) seem academic next to the issue of gov't spending a quarter of what its citizens produce.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 1 month ago
      I agree with your objection to the level of spending.
      The income tax is unique in that it directly discourages productivity and encourages more government spending when someone subject to the income tax is productive. As a result it is a more heinous tax than the others (although I can find objections to all non-voluntary taxes.)
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 1 month ago
        Yes. I don't think it's the gov'ts business, but generally I think of work as a good thing and something like alcohol or Taco Bell as bad things. All things being equal I'd rather tax the bad the stuff. My bigger issue is the amount though.
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        • Posted by 7 years, 1 month ago
          Each individual decides for himself what is bad for him and voluntarily pays. Otherwise it's the same old manipulative bullshit that the statists do today.
          I recall a lot of instances where the state decided something was bad and then oops! that wasn't bad after all.
          This is not the government's job and they have no constitutional power to do so. They should NEVER be allowed to wield such power and any public servant who does should be punished severely for violating his constitutional oath.
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 1 month ago
            "Each individual decides for himself what is bad for him and voluntarily pays."
            Then you're saying you're against all mandatory taxes. That's related to my point. If govt takes 30% income taxes vs 30% in sales taxes, they are different but not very different compared to if they could cut spending it and make it 10% or if they could somehow make it voluntary.
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            • Posted by 7 years, 1 month ago
              I am against all taxes. I favor a system of voluntary services in a free market. Government does a poor job of everything it does supposedly on our behalf.
              However, I do agree that a tax on consumption is less harmful than a tax on production as long as it is tax only on things that I can choose not to consume and still survive. That would exclude for example basic food, water, shelter, etc, and anything that I am forced by law to consume (e.g., vehicle insurance.)
              As previously alluded to, I also agree that government is at least 10 times the size allowed under constitutional authority and it should cut spending by 90%. Eliminate social security retirement and medicare for everyone under 50 and fund a fixed amount based on donations made to date for everyone under 50 into a free market retirement and aged medical care system with all future additions to be made voluntarily by each person. Lease or sell federal assets to fund it including all the buildings in the swamp except the Washington and Jefferson monuments (since 90% of them will no longer be needed for government functions.).
              End all pensions and other retirement benefits to retired elected officials who have assets exceeding $1 million USD and put active and future public servants in the same free market system as everyone else. Let the damned retired traitorous presidents pay for their own security. Looters!
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