The Freedom Caucus’s new health care demand: let insurers charge sick people more

Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 2 months ago to Government
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So, it is sort of hard to figure out a good answer here. I don't want to have to pay for the cancer treatment of someone who smoked 2 packs a day for 40 years, or for some womans pregnancy issues. I think their real issue is Obamacare is just looting a bunch of people to pay for a few, and the Republican plan is "screw them, it's their issue" (and I lean more in that direction). The real problem is that they BOTH miss the mark. It apprars there needsto be some catastrophic program that kicks in at a certain level, and fund it off some current tax rate, with a consequent cut in spending to compensate. At least that way the issue is addressed (somewhat), the looting is sort ofg restricted, and people would still get the health care. You also have to factor in the wild costs and just willy nilly "it's expensive and goes up 20% a year" stories from the whole medical world, and require some proof of costs going up before you can raise your rates. But neither side is going to have something that either works, or is reasonable, both plans do some major screwing of someone...seems to be the new political standard....I would love to see Copngress actually have to go buy their own plans themselves and then I bet they would have a much better idea of fixing it...

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    Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 2 months ago
    It is not the federal government's job to take care of individuals who have health issues that are not contagious.
    Defund all federal programs that do things not covered in the constitution and let the local govt and states deal with it just as the constitution intended. Since the states cannot print fiat and indebt the people forever, its likely that at least some of the state and local governments will devise a better free market solution that stops the ever skyrocketing cost of medical services.
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    • Posted by scojohnson 7 years, 2 months ago
      Actually, the Constitution does have the "Promote the General Welfare Clause" - although I read that as being "encouraging" or "facilitating", but we do need a basic safety net. Unfortunately, the libs lift the height of the safety net every election to get a few more votes until now we basically have more people "in the cart" than are "pulling the cart".
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      • Posted by mccannon01 7 years, 2 months ago
        The problem is through semantic slippage, deliberate or otherwise, too many are of the belief "promote" and "provide" are the same thing, which is why, to avoid that dilemma, it is important to have SCOTUS judges who are of the mind that the Constitution and its' amendments always mean what they were meant to mean on their day of ratification.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 2 months ago
          It would be even nicer if the SCOTUS would decide to restrict their own powers. It was never intended for the SCOTUS to do the job that they claim to have. The Hamiltonian statists will grab for every power they can regardless of the constitution. The Bill of Rights was written to establish that the peoples' rights exist before the government and unless specifically and overtly written the power belongs to the states and the people, no broad federal power exists anywhere in the constitution except when the power is detailed, while the 9th and 10th amendments make it clear that no powers may be assumed by the federal government unless there are amendments passed and approved by the people. The general welfare clause is hogwash.
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          • Posted by mccannon01 7 years, 2 months ago
            " The general welfare clause is hogwash." Agreed, freedomforall, but it seems that semantic genie is now out of the bottle and the great welfare state is upon us, supported by the now disastrous (IMHO) 16th amendment. Now the pressure is on the 2nd amendment by those pushing to re-interpret "the people's right to keep and bear arms" to actually refer to the States formation of the militia and not an individual right at all. If "they" succeed, then (regardless of the wording), that portion of the 2nd amendment will be interpreted to mean "the state's right to keep and bear arms". THEN, once that's accomplished, the "We the people" in the preamble can be re-interpreted to mean "We of the state" and there's no doubt of the havoc that will cause. [Side note: Don't have the Constitution in front of me and too lazy to search it, but I believe after the Civil War there is an amendment to end the State militias and create the National Guard, making the militia part of the 2nd amendment a moot point in any case. - I could be wrong on that as I sit here waiting for an oil change on my vehicle.]
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            • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 2 months ago
              No such amendment exists. All federal laws restricting gun ownership are unconstitutional.
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              • Posted by mccannon01 7 years, 2 months ago
                Yes, thanks freedomforall. The notion was nagging me so when I got home I did a quick search and found I must have been thinking of something else, like the militia act of 1903, and confused it with something Constitutional. I know the states militias got more "federalized" over time and somehow thought it was a post Civil War amendment. As you point out: It wasn't. Hey, don't get old - sometimes those neurons just don't fire the way they should!
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 2 months ago
      Freedom, I agree on an instinctive level, however, I think you run into a social problem, in that Western Christian civilization has a basic fundamental position on charity and care for the sick. Letting them take care of themselves, being responsible for their own destiny, is not going to make it in that framework.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 2 months ago
        I agree, but it must not be done on a national government level because it concentrates power where it doesn't belong and where it creates a bigger threat than non-contagious disease: slavery.
        The constitution does not allow this and the people at the local and state level can contractually agree to provide this if they wish. The result will be a testing process that will create multiple solutions that will better serve the people that create them, and since the states cannot create money tokens from nothing.they will also create solutions that are more economically sound or the programs won't survive.
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        • Posted by scojohnson 7 years, 2 months ago
          Interesting, I've always seen taxes as the same way - enslaving the working/successful to redistribute wealth to the old, lazy, or sick. (More lazy than sick these days).
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        • Posted by $ 7 years, 2 months ago
          Well, unfortunately the states are little minature versions of our national politics, except they prove the fallacy of our electoral system. Oregon is gripped by 2 counties, and historically votes Republicrat, except those 2 and Eugen, and the Dumbocraps have ruled for 40 years or so. So they continue to produce expensive boondoogles that have no way to fund, then put the state in crisis, and jack up every tax and fee to pay for it, rinse and repeat. Kalifornia is another example. The system overall is unbalanced, and the programs will all be made for the peasants gathered in the population centers and paid for by everyone else.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 2 months ago
            Exactly! Let the idiot coastal states bankrupt themselves while the fly over states solve the problem a dozen different ways.
            If socialist people decide to remain in a state where they are looted then they deserve to be looted. Since they haven't yet learned the lesson of economics from the soviets and Venezuela, they must learn it the hard way.
            Propaganda can't overcome economic reality forever. Instead there will be a breakup of those states along socialist vs free market lines with the wise producers choosing free markets.
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            • Posted by NealS 7 years, 2 months ago
              Washington is a Coastal State (for some of you on the East Coast. Actually probably not for anyone in the Gulch). Solution: Make Eastern Washington a new state, the State of Liberty. I know exactly how the politics will split, we will be opposite the west. The City of Spokane will be our only problem as it's seems to be going liberal, but at least the outlying areas still have more population. At least we might get some representation that actually represents us for a change.

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              • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 2 months ago
                I bet there are at least a couple hundred thousand more people who would move to the state of Liberty if it is created. (Hopefully, not CA liberals;^)
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                • Posted by NealS 7 years, 2 months ago
                  A couple hundred thousand would probably ruin my little paradise, making the biggest city (Spokane) even bigger. I love it out here where I'm at, about 30 minutes out of Spokane, in a different county, up a narrow and winding road, out in the sticks. We've got one new modern market with gas station, pizza place, sandwich shop, wine house, kind of western bar & grill, Mexican restaurant, a library, hair stylist (men and woman), dog groomer, small pharmacy, and our own gun shop that really caters to the ladies (run by ladies). And there is a permit on a door next to the wine shop saying that a Pot Shop will soon be moving in. I wonder if that will survive. I still hope we break away from Washington State West but doubt it will ever happen.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 7 years, 2 months ago
        But that is also part of the misunderstanding: Christians don't support taxation or governmental programs to achieve this end. Hospitals were private charitable enterprises long before they became businesses and even longer before government started controlling them and forcing them out of their purpose.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 7 years, 2 months ago
    The freedom caucus should be pressing for a full and compete repeal, the removal of crippling regulations, and a full return to the free market without restrictions to where insurance company's can sell their service anywhere in the US.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 2 months ago
      I agree completely, and then they will need a some sort of catastrophic health care program, of some kind, and then allow insurance companies to market low cost programs for low income people.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 2 months ago
    There are two programs here in Oklahoma that ought to be held up as a model for reducing the cost of health care. In Tulsa there's a doctors' cooperative that offers complete care for $50/month for adults and $10/month for children. They've also used their collective horsepower to provide low cost catastrophic insurance for those who want it, and get rock bottom prices for prescriptions. The other program, in Oklahoma City, is the Surgery Center, which posts the price of all the surgeries online. They accept only direct payment or corporate/religious/associate self funded programs, not dealing with insurance companies or the government. This program has put pressure on the local hospitals to lower the prices they charge. The best thing the government could do is to incentivize these type of operations and step back.

    Some people do abuse themselves, but others just have the luck of the draw, with genetic disorders, weak immune systems, and exposure to harmful working environments. How to deal fairly with the ill and elderly without telling them to expect bankruptcy as a natural course of events is a challenge. There are doctors and nurses who contribute time to free clinics, and religious organizations like the Salvation Army that help people with addiction and mental disorders, but their capacity is limited. The trick is to prevent the government-insurers cabal from leveraging taxpayer empathy to extort more money supposedly on behalf of the ill and elderly.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 2 months ago
      Doc, there you go, there are options, there are things that exist that have proven successful. However, the one they do not do: Pander to the people that support the politicians. The whole reason it would take so long to craft a bill is they have to check with their masters first. I don't think Trump fundamentally recognizes the rot in DC to the level he can effectively deal with it. He talks about it, but he does not understand it.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 2 months ago
        One other important way to force competition is to require hospitals post their charges for all services online. That is a suggestion from a former hospital administrator who was frustrated with the juggling of charges to make ends meet, charging some ten times what others pay. It's supposedly an attempt to make treatment affordable for all, but it's collusion between insurers and hospital board members aimed at profitability. As long as these practices are kept secret, competition won't enter the medical care marketplace.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 2 months ago
    Prior to Obamacare when the insurance business was run mostly by insurance companies, weren't we always bragging about having the best health care system in the world? Wasn't government run healthcare regarded by most sane persons as fantasy stupidity and proving it by illustrating the examples of European countries? So along comes Obama with Democrat majority and we suddenly have the ACA alias Obamacare and as in other places it is a mess, and an impossibility to do what it's supposed to do. Now the "sane" Repubs have tasked themselves to cure the foolishness by substituting their own foolishness. Listen Up Insanitors and congressnuts! The Is No Way You Can Satisfy Everyone with government run or mandated health care. Not only that, it's very likely that you probably, in the long run, cannot satisfy ANYONE with with a government run or mandated health plan. There are too many variable and too much scientific progress to make it profitable or http://viable.No one will ever or can ever make it work. Why has anyone on the right -- or for that matter anyone at all, blandly accept the premise that there is such a thing as a workable solution? Socialized medicine (let's face it, that's what we're talking about) has no place in even a semi free country with a mixed economy (which is what we are) let alone moving toward a truly capitalistic society.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 2 months ago
      Herb, again, you have to understand this is all about money, and buying influence and special setups to make money. The Republicrats just took the reins off the CEOs, and moved who would make the money off health care, not fix it. Even a lot of the peasants could figure that out, and were pissed off at them. The 2018 elections are either going to have a lot of 3rd party people or become a Dumbocrap rout of the Republicrats. Ryan is just so out of touch and loyal to his masters this cannot have a good end....
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      • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 2 months ago
        Regardless of motive, my point is that you cannot repair an incorrect premise, anymore than you can alter the power of gravity so that it will suit whatever needs you might have. The only time any one size fits all health plan will work is when everyone has access to a machine that cures everything. Not on the horizon at present.
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  • Posted by chad 7 years, 2 months ago
    I am surprised that 'fixing' socialism continues to be debated here. There is no fix. If the people are enslaved they are enslaved, you can't enslave someone a little bit. Although my free thinking friends wife suggested that just a little socialism is good. Your health issue is not mine! My health issue is not yours. There is not limit that needs to be set where the government steps into the lives of others and does something. Any limit that is attempted to be set upon it will always fail, once it has permission to interfere with your life it will then it is a matter of gradation that will continue until it is complete. Quit trying to control the free market, let it be free and the best and cheapest methods will be found. Any other attempt will increase costs and decrease availability.
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  • Posted by $ CBJ 7 years, 2 months ago
    The "Freedom Caucus" is totally missing the boat by concentrating on health insurance when they should be promoting fundamental reforms that will bring health costs down for everyone. As I noted on another thread, the biggest problem is that U.S. health care is too expensive, and the cure is radical deregulation and introduction of competition in all health-related goods and services, not just insurance. This includes ending state and federal licensing of medical schools, hospitals, doctors and pharmacists; removing most of the power of the Food and Drug Administration; and enabling doctors and patients to freely contract on issues such as malpractice limits. Reallocating existing costs and benefits is a zero-sum game that plays into the hands of the Democrats, since they will never run out of “victims” to parade throughout the mainstream media. If the Republican Party is serious about fundamentally reforming health care, now is the time to show it.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 7 years, 2 months ago
      Actually, if you listen to Jim Jordan's interview on CNN, that is precisely what the Freedom Caucus was advocating for. see
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      • Posted by $ CBJ 7 years, 2 months ago
        I watched the interview, it was all about process rather than substance and did not address any of the proposals I made above.
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        • Posted by $ blarman 7 years, 2 months ago
          While I agree that this particular interview was more a defense of the Caucus, I noted several things:
          1. He refused to blame anyone. What he pointed out repeatedly was that the bill was unpopular and didn't do what he (and many others of the Caucus) had been elected to do: repeal Obamacare.
          2. That he was still open to working with people on a patient-centered bill. Though the specifics weren't mentioned in this interview, I have heard other Freedom Caucus members as well as Jordan offer up specifics in line with what you mention above. That he was not asked about specific alternatives in this interview does not mean they were not discussed, however.
          3. Yes, he did blame the process. He blamed the lack of debate, the refusal to accept amendments, the lack of testimony, and the rush all as contributing factors.

          This is not to take away from your proposals, only to rebut the first point you attempted to make: that the Freedom Caucus was not promoting fundamental reform. Their first priority is repeal - which must happen before anything else is considered.
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          • Posted by $ CBJ 7 years, 2 months ago
            Plenty of other reforms can be considered and implemented without first repealing Obamacare. These include the ones I suggested: ending state and federal licensing of medical schools, hospitals, doctors and pharmacists; removing most of the power of the Food and Drug Administration; and enabling doctors and patients to freely contract on issues such as malpractice limits.
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            • Posted by $ blarman 7 years, 2 months ago
              I agree with the proposals you present here.


              As the ACA is currently written, it delegates effective lawmaking power to the Director of Health and Human Services. We saw that with Sibelius (and Obama himself with the waivers). That being the case, any reforms are subject to override and veto by the Director of HHS as he/she sees fit. That authority MUST be revoked for any other measure to stand with certainty. IMO, repeal is not negotiable.
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              • Posted by $ CBJ 7 years, 2 months ago
                For at least the next four years, we can assume that the Director of HHS would implement Trump's policies. So for the foreseeable future, Congress could implement many health care reforms without immediate repeal of Obamacare and without worrying about being undermined by executive action.
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          • Posted by $ 7 years, 2 months ago
            That would seem to be true, the repeal would be needed, since it has so many tentacles spread out, it is impossible to kill off except in one shot. Consider it a modern Hydra....
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 2 months ago
      That is also true, it is a complete package issue, you cannot pick one thing thinking it will fix it. The issue is that the Dumbocraps have never looked at it as a complete system, they pick and choose each issue and program and thus have created a monster. The Republicrats come along and add their 2 cents which just makes it worse.
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  • Posted by starznbarz 7 years, 2 months ago
    You always used to be able to purchase catastrophic policies - until the communist light version of healthcare made that freedom of choice illegal. Its quite simple, the free market will provide the best policy at the best cost, as long as govt. stays the hell out of it. "pre-existing conditions will be priced at a higher level, same as auto insurance and bank loan interest rates, if you have issues you pay more. Cant pay? there are a myriad of govt. and community programs that will care for you - there ALWAYS has been. For those that just won`t pay for their problems...they used to be called paupers cemeteries. Health care control and gun control have one base governmental desire.
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  • Posted by mia767ca 7 years, 2 months ago
    all taxation is the tax rate for everyone...corporations are responsible for yourself and those you choose...period
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  • Posted by Temlakos 7 years, 2 months ago
    What needs to happen is that everyone figure out how not to get sick. How not to get cancer. Do you really think a forty-pack-year history of tobacco smoking (or however one can take tobacco) is the only thing a person can do to himself to make cancer more likely to strike? Let's talk about diet, lifestyle, the industrial monoculture model, and everything else you care to name. If people knew a diagnosis of cancer could wipe them out, and how to avoid cancer, of course they'd educate themselves.

    Alan Grayson was half right. The proper plan is, "Don't get sick." Because you don't have to get sick.
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  • Posted by mgarbizo1 7 years, 2 months ago
    If you make more money, you pay more taxes. If you get really sick, you should pay more money for treatment, that's reality. Government rationale: you get really sick, make everyone else pay more...
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  • Posted by scojohnson 7 years, 2 months ago
    It already exists... it's called Medicaid. Presumably, if you are catastrophically ill, you wouldn't be able to work and would generally run out of money and qualify.

    This is all about snobby sick liberals that want a private insurance card (for cheap) rather than have to go to the public clinics that take Medicaid. It's the same as the "EBT Cards" for food stamps that have a VISA symbol to kind of look like the beneficiary is actually paying for their groceries, until you are stuck in line watching the clerk fill out the miles of paperwork on every item they are buying. IMHO, that's the real reason Amazon is going to dominate groceries now... people are sick of watching the baby-mommas picking up 6 bags of Cheetos and a 12-pack of Mountain Dew from the convenience store with a 600% markup using other people's tax dollars.

    Even if you are old and in a care home, after self-paying in private care for 30 months, Medicaid will pick up the cost, regardless of the person's assets - although their income (retirement/disability/investment) needs to be contributed.

    Call it something else if we want, but the mechanism is already there, and always has been there. This is just whining and crying.

    I have a brother-in-law that I have been friends with for 20 years that is dying of liver & esophageal cancer at 40 years old. Love the guy, and my heart goes out to him, but he's on Medicare and Permanent Social Security + Disability and got an early (full) retirement from his construction union. He's doing fine, he has a catastrophic illness and California State Disability Income (SDI) kicked-in on day-one when he was diagnosed and couldn't work to be on chemo, and the case worker at the hospital worked his file through Social Security and Medicare's "Compassionate Claims" process - he's going to die anyway, the reality is, he's eligible for a crummy couple of years of retirement while trying to stay alive a little longer.

    These programs have always been there, but does take a little bit of reading & writing ability and some basic understanding of government to navigate and get a claim approved.

    We don't need to fix "stupid" by having 20 different programs that do the same thing.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 2 months ago
    Why don't we each pay our own way, take care of ourselves preemptively and those with abundance and a will to help chip in for those that end up between a rock and a hard place. Give Doctors a tax break if they offer free or discounted services.
    Also, I think that the allopathic, AMA cabal should take the hit when they screw up...which is just about everything they do to you.

    The whole system needs to be Honest, integrated and Ethical.

    I will not hold my breath though...
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  • Posted by Joseph23006 7 years, 2 months ago
    Insurance companies dealt with risk management, and their premiums reflected that. Then came the (Un)Affordable Care Act which no one could afford. The healthy were penalized for being healthy, the sick for being sick; everybody suffered. The Freedom Caucus does not put forth a viable solution to resolve all of the problems. Government drove up the cost of health care so a $20.00 doctor's office visit years ago is now a $20.00 copay for the $365.00 covered by years of payroll deductions to retirement health benefits.
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  • Posted by $ HarmonKaslow 7 years, 2 months ago
    Mark Levin described a "voucher" program where vouchers would be made available to the "poor" solely for the purpose of purchasing insurance. On its face, this seems like a good idea ... and would result in a market developing to cater to the "voucher" holders ... and a market for the balance of society.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 2 months ago
      Harmon, a good option if needed. If they repealed the whole mess, and let things like what Doc illustrates take over, it would probably work. I fear the looter mentality is too strong in DC though, to actually let go of such a goose....
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  • Posted by hvance 7 years, 2 months ago
    Repeal obamacare. Fund Health Savings Accounts with the money that was going to obamacare. Pay cash for medical services and drugs. Buy a catastrophic policy with the HSA money. In time you should make a profit on your Health Savings Account since you are eliminating the overhead of the insurance company. The doctor also doesn't have the hassle of getting paid by the insurance company and can charge less since he/she now has a cash business. it is simple but there is no graft in it so the Thieves in DC won't even look at it.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 2 months ago
      I had to switch to an HSA when Intel killed their Cadillac plan after ObamaCare, and the first year is the worst if something happens (which of course it did). Once you get enough in it to pay your deductable, it works ok, and you can fill it up for use in retirement. They are useful, but as I told Intel, they needed some way to cover the first year to make the transition. The three HR ladies I was being interviewed by were amazed at such a notion, and gave me a cash recognition...amazing...
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  • Posted by Storo 7 years, 2 months ago
    The whole purpose of insurance pools is to spread the risk to make the premiums as low as possible. Those who are sick can get treated. Those who are not sick (right now) are covered.
    As we age, we all need more medical treatment. Seniors already pay higher premiums. If we are all to pay for insurance based purely on our own healthcare needs, there would be no need for insurance at all.
    The bottom line is that spreading the risk and cost over the whole pool makes the cost of health insurance less expensive for everyone.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 2 months ago
      Not always, that is a common thought and is what people accept as gospel, as Doc pointed out above, there are other things that can cut costs, and increase efficiencies. Insurance is a shell game, they want you to pay and not collect, and if you collect you get penalized, so as to increase their profits. It is always about profits, and there is never enough...that screws the whole thing up.
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      • Posted by Storo 7 years, 2 months ago
        I agree with many of the things you say. There are things that can cut costs. At one time it was thought that non-profit hospitals could cut costs, but having worked for one for 10 years I can tell you that they operate on nearly the same basis as other hospitals.
        Tort Reform would be a big step, eliminating huge judgements against providers, and allowing doctors to stop practicing defensive medicine by ordering every test and procedure under the sun, lest something be missed and they get sued for malpractice. But tell that to the trial lawyers.
        The reality is that man does very little that does not involve making a profit. Medicine hasn't been a philanthropic enterprise since doctors made house calls, and accepted chickens for payment.
        Even though I have worked in the field I don't know what the answer is. And yet I believe that an attitude adjustment on everyone's part is needed. Docs who spend up to 12 years or more to get their credentials need to get over the idea that being a doctor entitles them to Country Club living, a Mercedes Benz, a summer home, and private schools for the kids. Patients need to understand that not all outcomes are good, or work, that doctors are human beings and not perfect, and that a bad outcome doesn't mean that they just hit the lottery. Providers need to be able to stop overcharging some patients to pay for others, and that their new building doesn't have to be a Ritz hotel. And government needs to fully fund programs AT COST rather than passing mandates requiring services to be provided, and then reimbursing providers at 30 cents on the dollar.
        However I am afraid I will never see any of these things in my lifetime. As my grandmother used to say, "Life isn't fair. You need to get used to it, and take your lumps."
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