The FairTax Book: Saying Goodbye to the Income Tax and the IRS

Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 11 months ago to Books
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The FairTax Book: Saying Goodbye to the Income Tax and the IRS

Authors, Neal Boortz & Congressman John Linder
196 pages. ISBN 978-0-06-087549-7

This short book detailing the FairTax was a #1 New York Times Bestseller.

I looked through my library in search of and intending to write a review of a book that offered some solutions to our present problems. I believe this book fits the bill. If we wish to reform our government and reclaim our liberty there can be no more effective way than to remove the easily abused funding method. I have heard many suggestions and objections regarding this option. This book explores and answers them all.

The many seemingly insurmountable financial problems facing us make this option very attractive. From addressing the “Social Security tax, the Medicare tax, corporate income taxes, the death tax, the self-employment tax, the alternative minimum tax, the gift tax, capital gains taxes, tax audits, and some major headaches every April 15” this is the most fair, possible and workable solution. It is not the be all, end all, to all of our problems but it is likely the most effective first step we could take.

What would be the best way to fund our federal government? My preference has little probability of occurring, but this option has some chance of passing and is thus, I believe, the best option considering our present political climate. The proposal is fair; it treats all taxpayers equally and the benefits are manifold. The poor would not pay any more than they do now. The middle class and even the rich would benefit. The only losers are the grafters, special interests and lobbyists who care not that their efforts push the burdens of their successes on the backs of others.

Mr. Boortz and Congressman Linder have written a very important short read for anyone interested in learning about and promoting something that could really help. Mr. Boortz has retired from the radio and Congressman Linder retired from congress in 2011, but their book continues in the effort to promote the proposal.

Do you want to turbo charge our economy? Take back your liberty? Constrain the tyrants? Please read this book and investigate www.FairTax.org for detailed information about the proposal and how you can help. If you find it acceptable, then please urge your representatives in government to support the effort.


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  • -2
    Posted by BambiB 9 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Because groups win elections. And elections determine policies. You could go door-to-door for the rest of your life and never have a significant impact. I want to point out and make clear that the upcoming collapse is the direct and proximate result of the way women have voted. In a very real sense, women ELECTED the upcoming disaster.

    Show me a successful campaign of any kind that dealt with over 100 million people and was accomplished one person at a time. The closest you can probably get is some religion - and yet, for example, do you think christianity would exist today without its (mass communication) device - the book?

    I don't think it will make a difference in the short term. Women have set us too securely on the road to disaster. But perhaps when Americans finally dig themselves out of the rubble, they'll remember: "Women did this to us." It's a little like the Nazis leading Germany to "greatness", only to be bombed into submission. Today, Nazis are looked upon with scorn - as women will be if it becomes widely understood that they created the collapse.

    That's when a repeal of the 19th Amendment becomes a possibility.
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  • Posted by BambiB 9 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    "Females are smaller in size and weaker than males, so, in prehistoric times, women and their offspring were prone to being victims of predators and violence. They needed the protection and support of men either because of their brute force or because of their social status in the group, which came about either through their physical strength or their personality. That’s why women still look for a male of higher social standing. If a woman had a relationship with a socially dominant male she would immediately get greater access to resources because her social standing is elevated too.
    Modern surveys consistently show that women today ape those inherent characteristics by looking for partners who are socially dominant and have the respect of those around them.
    Women’s needs were much more pressing. They were unable to survive on their own and depended on the males around them to protect them. A woman isolated with a child would have died because she didn’t have the resources to find food.
    Women may have equal earning power but in most cases they still seek high earning husbands they can depend on. IT’S SO INSTINCTIVE THEY DON’T EVEN REALISE IT." [caps mine]

    Source: http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/vie...

    To which I would add that the "man" with the most "brute force" is Uncle Sugar - and the women are lining up to jump in bed with him… hence all the female-approved welfare programs.
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  • Posted by BambiB 9 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    You are representing your gender in a way that makes my case.

    I point out that women vote for socialism, and steal from others. I provide actual facts and figures. You produce no facts, no figures - and descend into emotional name-calling. I don't even have to make the case that women are too mentally unstable to be allowed to vote - you do it for me!

    This is what it means to try to reason with a woman. If she doesn't like the facts, she screams and cries and calls you names.

    Well done! And thanks for helping me prove my point.
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  • Posted by BambiB 9 years, 10 months ago
    You're basically correct, but where does that leave us? Isn't "taking something in the belief you can 'get away with it' " pretty much the definition of "thievery"? Are you saying women choose to be thieves?

    Men certainly don't hold a monopoly on virtue, but if you eliminate the female vote, you solve the problem. If you eliminate the male vote, the problem just gets worse.

    So which conclusion do you prefer?

    1) Women are driven by natural selection to steal from others?
    2) Women know they are stealing from others, but don't care?
    3) Women are too ignorant/stupid to realize they're stealing from others?

    Note that #1 does not preclude 2 or 3. A woman can be driven by biology to steal and be too stupid to know it. Or driven by biology to steal and not care.

    As for the female/male ratio in this: It keeps coming up 2:1 female for use of stolen resources, except where it's higher (as in the WIC program). Note too that statistics point to disproprotionate use of stolen resources by minorities. Together, the women and minorities (blacks and hispanics) make up the primary constituentcy of the Democrat party - The Party of Women (and minorities) which incessantly pushes for MORE socialism and more theft from the productive class.

    I'm certainly open to another explanation.

    Does anyone have one?
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    "This explains the greater emphasis on social bonds among women - and the scheming for a "safety net", even before there was such a thing as government.'
    Suppose for a moment this is true. Say 80% of women exhibit this phenomenon. I suspect survey data show it's much less, but we're assuming for this discussion it's some number >>50%. Wouldn't it be better to judge the individual than their group. Even if it's 80%, that means millions of women don't fall into this behavior and you're needlessly lumping them in and potentially alienating them. Your problem is the policy they advocate, right? Why not focus on the people (maybe me, a 39 y/o man) who actually advocate the policies you don't like? Why the extra step of working out which groups are correlated to the policy ideas?
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  • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    What happened in your life that it's such an important and pressing thing that you must, without fail, talk about how awful, evil, and undeserving anyone who has 2 X chromosomes? For Gods sake, Bambi, you sound like the product of a domineering evil bitch of a mother, a wife who complained about the size of your Johnson until you slit her throat and buried her in the local park, and then became a woman-hating gay man.

    Give it a fucking break.
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  • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    sigh...but if one understands freedom and all the principles there in, then they realize life is not risk free, nor should it be. Do you really think women, as a whole, are incapable of grasping this idea? I think they are the way they are because they can get away with it....they get that free meal, they get someone else to hold the risk bag for them, and they don't HAVE to think too hard about how or why they aren't holding up their own weight...... because no one in their life has demanded they think for themselves. Does this not begin in the home, at school, in college, in church? Sure, there's some female vs male behaviors that are genetic, but that doesn't mean kids can't be taught to value themselves and pull their own carts in life. And I'm pretty sure there are plenty of wussified males riding in the cart right up there with your stupid women. Who vote.
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    • BambiB replied 9 years, 10 months ago
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  • Posted by BambiB 9 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    None of which addresses the fact that women are more risk-averse than men. "Princess Syndrome" or not, even little girls and boys, largely unsocialized to any particular type of behavior, do in fact exhibit DIFFERENT behavior.

    Princess or not, I believe the need for a "safety net" is ubiquitous in females and relatively scarce among males.

    Incidentally, the reference to higher brain function was an allusion to the relative strength of various drives. Think in terms of Maslow's hierarchy… which are mostly physical needs. Once one delves into the realm of mental function, the primary/basic needs are dealt with first - then the higher mental aspects. For those who think women live in the rarefied air of "philosophy", I submit that the greater attention is paid to from whence their next meal is coming long before they become "philosophical". Women are more likely to worry about who is going to take care of them than they are to philosophize about whether forcing other people to pay for their lives is moral.
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  • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    So women are in capable of higher brain function? Here's a thought that just popped into my meager little mind... I wonder if there's a relationship between princess syndrome (growing up with a father, mother, grandparents etc who treat their precious little girl like she's a princess, she can do no wrong, no request is too big, she deserves anything and everything she squeals for because she's our precious little princess and a knight in shining armor is going to show up one day and swoop her off her feet and live happily ever after because her tiny gorgeous foot fit into that glass slipper...or some shit along those lines...) and being a riskless, safety net, nincompoop. I grew up in a family with 5 daughters and no brothers...none of us suffered from the princess syndrome, my parents wouldn't have it. Just sayin'. I'm might be on to something. (By the way, I plan on rewriting some fairy tales to be more realistic with an individualist lean to them....IF my pea brain can accomplish that before it burst into flames. **insert moronic princess giggle here***)
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  • Posted by BambiB 9 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I believe you are incorrect.

    Philosophy is a higher brain function. The need of women for a "safety net" is much more basic. It's why the women hanging out around the fire back at the cave while their mates were out hunting bonded so closely with each other. Each hunt was a lottery. If their mate didn't come back, a woman without any mean of support would perish. More importantly in this context, their children would perish, which would mean that the tendency towards socialist behavior was reinforced by weeding out the alternative. This explains the greater emphasis on social bonds among women - and the scheming for a "safety net", even before there was such a thing as government.

    Women are more risk averse. Men are more daring. There are literally MILLIONS of example of this. Women are compelled to try to use government to avoid risk. Men are more inclined to accept a challenge. I'd even go so far as to say that the female inclination to favor socialism is GENETIC.
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  • Posted by BambiB 9 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I had in mind specifically the misapplication of the Commerce Clause. Read "Wickard v. Filburn". Understand that the decision was rendered while under threat of court-packing by FDR (may he rot in hell forever). It's a short decision - but critical - because upwards of 75-80% of all the federal operations that involve the states are under the "commerce" clause. It's like waving a magic wand and chanting "commerce clause" and suddenly it's "constitutional".

    Wickard is a decision everyone should read. It will open your eyes to what a fraud is the Federal Government, including the Supreme Court. You'll read it and shake your head and clench your eyelids and ask yourself, "Did they REALLY just say that?" And then you'll read it again and sigh and say to yourself, "These people were fucking insane. No wonder everything is screwed up."

    Add in the military misuse in undeclared wars, and I think you're easily at 90%.
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  • Posted by BambiB 9 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Update: Just checked the stats for welfare use. Turns out 62% of welfare goes to blacks/hispanics who comprise less than 30% of the total population. Further, 85.2% of all TANF funds went to FEMALES.

    Denying the vote to those drawing welfare payments would eliminate about 1.6 million female voters and about 1.23 hispanics and blacks - all of which are disproportionately represented in the Party of Women (Demoncraps). And that's just TANF. Add in food stamps (SNAP), and you bag another 47 million people who think someone else should pay for them to live.

    Another 2.3 million women receive WIC, a program which, by its very name, excludes men.

    Women use SNAP (food stamps) at twice the rate of men. There are 47 million SNAP recipients. That's 31 million female votes that need to go "bye bye".

    Total them all up and you get upwards of 31 million females who would not be voting.

    Which would be a big improvement.

    A similar improvement would be the roughly 15 million men who could no longer vote to steal money from working people for their own benefit.

    In 2012, the popular vote split between Obozo and the Romulan was less than 5 million votes. Take out the votes of 31 million female and 15 million male welfare recipients (even at a participation rate of just 20%) and Obozo loses.
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  • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Like I said, it's a lack of a reasoned philosophy. It's altruism, do goodery, emotional b.s. that's the problem....not gender. (And I realize more women fall into that category than men, but it's still the lack of philosophy that's the problem, not their sex organs.)
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  • Posted by BambiB 9 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Both comments are noted. You might not like parts of the reply - so hang on tight!

    Women are the gender of consensus. They are constantly seeking and giving "approval" to each other. The herd mentality runs from the mundane (going to the bathroom in droves) to the spectacularly bad (voting for Obozo and the social welfare agenda). For women, thinking is part "hive mind" activity, and that hive mind cannot understand someone - me for example - who does not give a rat's ass whether you approve. I've read articles that suggest that this is an evolutionary difference between men and women. Women are more collaborative, social, and needful of approval and mutual support. Men are more likely to be loners, independent, self-sufficient and not requiring everyone to agree with them. Think of the activities that men and women engaged in during the first 98,000 years of homo sapiens.

    I'm not trying to persuade you, convince you, wheedle, beg or plead for you to see my viewpoint. If you turn your back on the facts, then you're a moron and not worth my time. If you engage on the facts, even to the point of disagreeing and presenting facts of your own - then you've earned the right to have an opinion. Else what you think does not matter.

    It's pretty common for women to term this "misogyny" because the lack of approval is scary to them, and they don't understand it - but it's something else - and perhaps much worse to most women: Indifference. I… don't… care… what… you… think… about… me. If you're too stupid to see truth when it's laid out in front of you - that's your problem, not mine.

    Regards the 19th Amendment - it's the gateway legislation that allowed women to undermine and destroy everything that men had built in America. You may not think that's a bad thing - but I can think of few precedents with a more disastrous result. We survived WWI, WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam, the cold war, the nuclear arms race, desegregation, Lincoln's War of Northern Aggression, the great depression - only to be destroyed by the women's vote.

    Misogyny implies hatred of women. But hatred isn't rational because women can't help themselves. One might as well "hate" your dog for crapping on the carpet. Until they're trained differently, they're just dumb animals who don't know any better. It's the same with women - except you can't hit women over the nose with a rolled up newspaper. (At least, not through the internet.) So it's harder to train them because they get all in a huff over perceived slights and their heads just explode.

    I agree that (unfortunately) repeal of the 19th Amendment is a non-starter - for now. If you read elsewhere on this page I HAVE suggested another possibility - that being denying the vote to anyone who accepts government aid. Of course, this will largely affect women who are dipping into the welfare pots that they've voted to create. Some bimbo will probably think THAT'S misogynistic too.

    All together now: I - DON'T - CARE !!!
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  • -1
    Posted by BambiB 9 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Sorry, but Obozo wasn't elected by men.

    In fact, but for the women's vote, the last Republican to lose the White House vote would have been Barry Goldwater.

    Which is the greater danger to America? Social welfare programs? Or corporate schmoozing?

    News flash - it's social welfare in a landslide!
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  • -1
    Posted by BambiB 9 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    It would have to be something really simple - else you'd eliminate most voters. Even something like, "Name three candidates for the office of president and what parties they're from" would stump most voters.

    It's sort of like women in the military. If we made them meet the same standards as the men, there wouldn't BE any women in the military. (Okay, okay. Maybe 90% less. Some could meet standards. But most currently on active duty could not.)
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  • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    You forgot the biometric chips and readers, as well as the "security" chip on most foreign debit and credit cards... that have the same biometric information on them.
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  • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    So,....put a stop to all mooching and looting then? (Paragraph 4 is probably done by 95% MEN.)
    Gender isn't the problem here...it's a lack of reasoned philosophy.

    "I swear by my life and my love it I will never live my life for the sake of another, nor ask another to live for mine."

    And keep your hands off my vote!
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  • Posted by eddieh 9 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Oh I forgot to say we need to have voter picture ID cards and while we're at it photos on EBT cards as well
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  • Posted by $ Mimi 9 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Spot on, Suzanne. I have defended BambiB several times because I think he is brilliant and I would like to read more. He just likes to stir the pot. Can you be that brilliant and at the same time be that dense?
    Repealing the right for a woman to vote is a non-starter. I think that ‘brilliant mind’ is stuck and can’t reason another solution that values women along side men, so we are stuck as well, suffering the rants every now and then.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    "About 90% of everything the Feral Govenrment does is unconstitutional."

    Or at least certainly not what the Founders had in mind, I agree. The Establishment Clause, the Commerce Clause, the Superiority Clause - all have been perverted in one way or another to usurp power.
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  • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    The only problem is, BambiB, you have so much brilliant to say - you really do - but always put some anti-woman thing in there. Great example - look at the post below (the solution). You open it with what we refer to as the "BambiB Women Hater remark" about the 19th amendment, but then go on to some absolutely brilliant observations below it.

    If it wasn't for your blatant misogyny, you'd have the respect and admiration of the women on here. Hell, you make it tough on me(and I know, we've had our rows) because it makes me schitzoid... you have a brilliant mind, then you go and stuff some "barefoot, pregnant, and subservient" remark in there.

    You remind me a little of my ex-... tho he wasn't quite as blatant as you are, sometimes... which is why he ended up my ex.

    Anyway, that's likely what generates the thumbs down. Generalizing most women as bimbi, and disparaging those who show they aren't. It's not for your other views, that's for damned sure.
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  • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Kind of like the old Civics class they used to teach in High School, before it was banned for being anti-socialist?
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  • Posted by eddieh 9 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    How about a politics exam to qualify to vote. At least people might understand for who and why they are voting
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