FEE: Ayn Rand Predicts its Intellectual Bankruptcy

Posted by dbhalling 7 years, 5 months ago to Economics
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FEE or the Foundation for Economic Education has proven to be intellectually bankrupt. For instance, their position against patents and Intellectual property shows that they do not understand property rights or rights generally. They also revere the work of the philosopher David Hume, who argued “cause and effect” does not exist, induction is just correlation, and that a rational ethics is not possible (the so-called is-ought problem). This means that Hume undermined reason, science and ethics. Despite this FEE thinks Hume is a great guy. FEE also promotes Matt Ridley who denigrates human achievement in science and engineering, calling Nobel Laurites in science and inventors frauds, for more click here.
SOURCE URL: https://hallingblog.com/2017/01/01/fee-ayn-rand-predicts-its-intellectual-bankruptcy/

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