Professors packing heat

Posted by $ jbrenner 7 years, 5 months ago to News
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I am not allowed to carry a gun on my campus, but our internal security force is so visible with its golf carts that they really aren't necessary. Response time is about two minutes.

My gun is the same shown at
I suppose I should get it registered. ;)
SOURCE URL: http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/florida-sheriff-training-faculty-carry-firearms-campus-44244332

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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 7 years, 5 months ago
    Hello jbrenner,
    How long will an assailant wait? I prefer to be the armed professor, not the one depending upon the deterrence of, or on time arrival of the golf cart security...
    Happy Holidays,
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 5 months ago
      I understand that I might not have two minutes, but I also recognize that I fumble around for my cell phone in my pocket. I wouldn't want to do that with a gun.
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      • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 7 years, 5 months ago
        That's what a safety is for. Open carry or concealed carry with a holster is what makes me comfortable and those with ill intent wary to start anything. I can't trust others with my safety or the safety of my family home or out.

        I do understand where you're coming from though.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 5 months ago
        Me dino trained shooter. I carry a semiautomatic pocket pistol with a round in the chamber and a safety that's on for thumbed up.
        Many will buy a semiauto pistol without a safety. I never have and I never will. Unlike a revolver, they touch off too easy.
        In an emergency that thankfully has never happened--so far--all I have to do is draw with my finger outside the trigger guard, thumb down the safety as I begin to align my sights on target, insert trigger finger, aim and shoot. The pistol is semiautomatically rechambered with a round to fire another shot unless you forgot to to insert a loaded clip.
        Never forgetting to insert a loaded clip is strongly advised. Ha! Ha! Me dino make a funny.
        I practice doing that technique at the range.
        I strongly advise against trying to be a speed demon doing that. Calm and steady is really very fast.
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        • Posted by MikeM35 7 years, 5 months ago
          The old western so-called gun fighters made marksmanship the priority and made their first rounds count. Being fast on the draw is all well and good but actually taking out your opponent is what makes a survivor instead of a statistic.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 5 months ago
    The unspoken goal is to make it obvious to any potential perpetrator that there are softer targets elsewhere. Leave this place and people alone or the consequences will be deadly to you and your cause, if any.
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  • Posted by strugatsky 7 years, 5 months ago
    You will attain certain benefits when you carry a gun yourself. They are not available if you rely on other people, uniformed or not, to provide for your security.

    First, only you will ever be 100% concerned for your well being. There were hundreds of cops within seconds of the Pulse night club, but it took them hours to eliminate the killer. Why? Because their well being is much more important than yours.

    Second, the killers almost always do their homework and attack those that are vulnerable. When you carry a gun, your demeanor changes and the potential attacker recognizes it and moves on to an easier target. It makes no difference if you carry openly or concealed - you know that you are armed and the potential killer can sense that from your body language. Just like when a woman wears real jewelry vs costume jewelry, the body language speaks clearly.

    Third, and related to the above, when you are armed you gain confidence. It doesn't matter that you may be a very respected professional - we are always aware of our limitations. We do not think of it all the time, but in the sub conscience we know that a 20-year old guy with a good physique has an undeniable physical superiority over us. A gun instantly equalizes us, and that feeds back to reason number two above.

    It is important to remember that a gun is only a tool. If one does not learn how to use it, it is no more than a calculator in hands of a Neanderthal. But, I'm sure that you wouldn't present a lecture unprepared, either.
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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 7 years, 5 months ago
    The value of armed instructors is that the Preps cant tell who is armed and who isn't. So instead of posting a no guns sign ...which actually means "Victim zone" You post a sign saying...."Armed staff members" This will cause the potential perpetrator to seek a target rich environment elsewhere. Remember....the Colorado "Batman" movie shooter passed up 2 larger theaters that were closer to his house. Why??? Because they did not have the "No gun zone" signs. Even "Crazy" people think about these sorts of things.
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  • Posted by edweaver 7 years, 5 months ago
    Something to keep in mind is the increased response time if there are multiple shooters in different areas of the campus? It could quickly turn in to hours if there were more than one. Just saying.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 5 months ago
    Just read about a very good idea, especially the part about background checks and psychological evaluations. Old dino can recall some flaky professors in my past.
    Background checks were all that were required to at least be trained at the Alabama Department of Corrections and later as a semi-retired security guard for four different contracting companies.
    Background checks only does not weed out the whack jobs and potential crooks. During my 21 years as a corrections officer, a coworker was placed in handcuffs and transported to the county jail for criminal court processing I'd say on an average of one every two years.
    Security guard jobs has its share of characters. One was caught spinning his loaded revolver to amuse some gathered children.
    I once drove past an armored truck to see its money handler on the other side poised in a squat to draw his sidearm while grinning at me with the craziest looking face
    he could make up..
    That stupid put-on did not scare me a bit. I drove on recalling up to three goofy guys in Corrections like that. One got fired when a supervisor caught him having same-sex relations with an inmate.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 5 months ago
      Most of our security staff are either cops who are looking for a little extra cash beyond their pensions, or are looking for the tuition discount for their kids. All the security staff know me on a first-name basis.
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  • Posted by chad 7 years, 5 months ago
    In other words if you pass the states inspection you can be granted permission by the state (which could revoke permission) to have a weapon. A response time of 2 minutes is a bit exaggerated, it would assume an armed guard is very near at all times, that they have not congregated somewhere for lunch or donuts :). No matter what the response time is it gives enough time to bad people to kill many as opposed to someone carrying a weapon at any time in any place. I used to carry a weapon on me all the time, in churches, schools, on the road. Stopped several crimes from happening with it, two were where there were armed individuals with criminal intent, one with the intent to take another's life, on another location several men were approaching a young lady in the park after dark, they did not appear to have good intentions, the fact that I was outnumbered wouldn't have mattered to them, the fact that I was armed with a .45 caliber did and the young lady was grateful for an armed escort out of the park to an area where she was safe. She didn't like weapons, but was very glad that I had one. No response time would have been quick enough compared to being there and being armed. Don't carry anymore. Fear the reaction of the police. They are very dangerous on themselves assuming someone with a weapon needs to be taken down until they can ascertain that the state has approved my having a weapon and then determining if I can have a weapon in the particular circumstance. Then there is the assumption that without proper training and certification my only accomplishment with a weapon would be to inflict injury on my self or innocent others nearby, again circling back to the need for the state to be involved in my having a weapon. No police officer has ever accidentally done that :(. Most who fear guns refer to the 'old west' as though people were actually going around finding the fastest shooter to challenge and challenging each other for any insignificant offense. Actually there were very few standoffs, gunfights and when you enter the numbers as in how many people in 100,000 were killed it was much safer than Chicago today. Where by the way if every time a shooter pulled his pistol he knew there would be a number of armed citizens ready to respond immediately without waiting for a response time they would be reluctant to idly shoot at any occasion. I like what my friend Rock used to say, "an armed society is a polite society."
    When I go into a gun free zone (usually advertised at the entry) I immediately feel less safe and know that criminals who intend to use weapons already know where the softest target is and I am in it! Reminds me of the dark ages that were ruled by tyrants who plundered the citizens at will. In those states it was against the law to own a sword! Unless you worked for the tyrant. Interesting?
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  • Posted by scojohnson 7 years, 5 months ago
    I really don't think it's a bad idea. It counters the hilarious liberal viewpoint that a wanna-be mass murderer would give pause before carrying a gun into a 'gun free zone' or might be deterred by a gun control charge.
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  • Posted by rtpetrick 7 years, 5 months ago
    Prof. Jbrenner...
    Security response time about 2 minutes, eh?
    That should be enough time to complete the seizures from the gunshot wound to your head.....or, perhaps you will be 3/4 of the way through the exsanguination (aka bleed out) from a knife wound to your femoral artery. You need to understand that you have two choices when you are faced with a violent confrontation: armed defendeer....or......unarmed victim. I carry a firearm because a member of an "internal security force" (is that the same as police) is too heavy for me to carry.
    Prospero ano y felicidad!
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 5 months ago
    "faculty to carry guns on campus" sounds weird, but it's just the juxtaposition of an unrelated set of job function, action, and location.
    It's like "waitress goes to the bathroom at the restaurant." If it were a story, saying those things together might be foreshadowing. But in real life it's just people being people.

    I don't like their being "special deputies". I think all citizens who are so inclined should act as "deputies" like this, i.e. look out for the friends, colleagues, neighbors.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 5 months ago
    I have read that all adults in Switzerland are required to own a gun and have annual safety certifications. They also have amongst the lowest murder rates in the world . I am not even a novice about guns. But this makes sense to me.
    But a sign that says "all staff may be armed, trained and prepared to shoot", the threatening individuals could think twice and it might be a strong deterrent.
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    • Posted by scojohnson 7 years, 5 months ago
      I have a Swiss K-31 rifle that has the name of the original recipient of it stamped underneath the butt plate and is easily viewed when it is removed. Membership in the Swiss reserves is compulsory for men until about age 50 or so. They are issued a rifle and all of their gear after attending basic training and have to attend some kind of monthly drill/exercises much like our national guard. The only difference is there is not a 'choice', all are conscripted. They also have one of the better-equipped armies in the world for a non-superpower and some of their elite troops are very well-known (the Swiss Guard at the Vatican). My collection started as WW2 rifles, but became somewhat more specialized into weapons the Swiss Guard has used.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 7 years, 5 months ago
    Give me a break a Gene Gun! Get yourself a Concealed Carry Permit and purchase a Keltec or similar slim semi-auto handgun for pocket carry. Practice diligently at a local range. Practice draw from a deceit pocket holster. So long as the University doesn't have metal detectors no one will know you're carrying.
    I carry a Keltec P32 every day, everywhere, it's not visible through pants or shorts.
    Since I live in the State of Gun, o/s carry is becoming more accepted.
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  • Posted by Donald-Brian-Lehoux 7 years, 5 months ago
    two minutes is plenty of time for any knife weirder to stab you to death. What kind of hardware is campus security carrying ? It is to bad your university violates your right to self protection.
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  • Posted by GaryL 7 years, 5 months ago
    Your security guys get there in around 2 minutes while mine get there at around 1700 feet per second.
    Although I do agree that a good guy with a gun is the best and most rapid response I am not so sure that Professors can all be labeled as Good Guys. Some of the ones I know are just smart enough to shoot their own feet off because they lack the Survivor Gene.
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  • Posted by NealS 7 years, 5 months ago
    You mean that even liberal professors (there are a few out there) could be carrying a gun? How dangerous is that? How would they get training if they had gotten their way and disbanded the NRA? Where would they get a gun to carry if there were no more gun sales in the US?
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    • Posted by strugatsky 7 years, 5 months ago
      Liberal professors are more likely to carry a gun illegally than their non-liberal co-workers. Liberals, especially in academia, are convinced that they are smarter, better and more worthy than the plebeians and they are much more likely to break the law. Their attitude is that the end justifies the means; laws are made to control the means; therefore, laws do not apply to them when they are doing something for the "common good." A very similar rationalization or justification process that religious terrorists use.
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      • Posted by LibertyBelle 7 years, 5 months ago
        I think I remember reading about such an attitude
        on the part of a politician in D.C., some years ago,
        in the newspaper. He shot an intruder in the house;
        and still stated his belief in gun control; but, ap-
        parently, it was not supposed to apply to him.
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        • Posted by strugatsky 7 years, 5 months ago
          You will also recall that all mass murders in the US, except for OK City, have been perpetrated by liberals or children whose parents are liberals. Part of the culture of no responsibility and conviction of their superiority. There has been much talk lately of restricting guns of mentally ill people. Of course, recognizing mental illness is often difficult, but one of the basic definitions of mental illness is a disconnect from reality. Membership in the Democratic Party needs to be viewed as a strong indication of a mental illness, at least sufficient to restrict gun ownership.
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